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More Salival on Ebay

Another one of the 33 Signed Salivals made available last year is now up for auction on Ebay.  Bidding starts at US$0.01 and continues for another 10 days.  Good luck for those chasing one of these rarities!

Salival on Ebay, Trujillo Loves Tool

Another copy of the Signed Salival DVD has worked it’s way onto Ebay.  Current bidding puts it at US$102.50, and I’d expect this to go up a reasonable amount over the next 9 days. According to current Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo loves Tool: “My four-year-old boy loves TOOL!” Trujillo told “When I take him to school, we’re playing TOOL all the time, so I definitely connect with them.… Read More »Salival on Ebay, Trujillo Loves Tool

Salival on Ebay, Maynard Twitters

On of the signed copies of Salival is now available on Ebay.  Bidding starts at the original sale price of US$200. Turns out Maynard has another Twitter account, this one more Puscifer related than Caduceus.  Last post was: Just got the master of a new track I did with Renholder and Milla Jovovich. Listening 4 any flaws in the recording process. So far so good.

More Salival, Other Bits…

I’ve got another couple of the Signed Salival shots for you all to enjoy, this time from Will and Korax.  Since I’ve got quite a few now I’ve started a new page where you can admire all of them.  Thanks to all the contributor so far and I welcome further submissions. Dan emailed me this link the other day that suggests that a version of the King Crimson classic  Schizoid… Read More »More Salival, Other Bits…

Salival DVD’s

Blair posted an update for Toolarmy members desperate for the signed Salival DVD‘s today, mentioning that it’s unlikely to go on the market until after 3:00PM LA time, and that “MERCH” loves Italian, and will probably take the budget right down to the last penny. I take that to mean that he’s not planning to take our budgets to their last penny, more that it’ll be similar to the original… Read More »Salival DVD’s