Danny updates us on the next Tool album

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Post by MOG »

hellboy1975 said
It'd be great if they were doing a film, if they are though, my guess would be it would be hand in hand with the next album.  It already appears based on Adam's comments at the VIP sessions that the Pot video (if it was ever really that) is now going to be used on the next album. 

If Tool want to top their current live show (and I have no doubt they do) a fantastic way to go about doing that is to come up with a complete movie/multimedia type performance ala The Wall.  Imagine the first part of the show being the new album/movie as one piece, and then a short hits set following that.

We can dream anyway...

Tool does the Wall v2.0?  bwahahahahahaha  you silly TTF

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Post by joeypants »

inequitude said


Am I the only one that raised an eyebrow at that little 'adamation' snippet posted a while back? I've seen the other things he has on instagram that seem to follow the same suit, so he's probably just mucking around with some app on his phone... but maybe not. 


I'm sure that was just him messing around, but I liked the David Lynch/Tool style stuttered animation to it. Made me kind of wonder what a really surreally edited/"arty" live Tool DVD could be like. I want to see that. 

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Post by MOG »

You silly bunch of TTFs.  Not sure if I should pity you or laugh at you.  Keeping that blind faith that your vuuury favorite band will not let you down.  Speculating on movies and Salival-type releases and double albums when the band isn't anywhere close to actually recording and likely won't even touch the studio until 2014 for a possible late 2014 release if you are lucky.  You are not going to get anything special.  Just another 10,000 Days type release, one single album, probably a shiny neat looking album cover.

Should I start a slow clap now?
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Post by BlindnCynical »





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Post by MOG »

Umadbrah? said





New Material Blind.  You really need new material.  I know you don't listen to much music outside of Tool, but I promise there is an entire world worth of great music out there if you dig around a little.  Bands that still give a shit about making music.  Bands that don't take 8 years between albums, and when there is a delay between albums, the excuse is never simply...."Because we Can"...
Good luck tho waiting for that new album in 201????
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Post by BlindnCynical »

Bro my material is just as new as yours.  I just dont feel the need to re-package like you do day in and day out.   I think it's obvious you have/had one of the biggest Tool complex's on this fan site.  Be it positive or negative, post counts don't lie. Why you always seem so mad bro?  don't be mad.


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Post by snazzlefrass »

Mog of the Architect said
You silly bunch of TTFs.  Not sure if I should pity you or laugh at you.  Keeping that blind faith that your vuuury favorite band will not let you down.  Speculating on movies and Salival-type releases and double albums when the band isn't anywhere close to actually recording and likely won't even touch the studio until 2014 for a possible late 2014 release if you are lucky.  You are not going to get anything special.  Just another 10,000 Days type release, one single album, probably a shiny neat looking album cover.

Should I start a slow clap now?

Brother moggles, what are TTFs?

Titty Tool Fans?

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Post by MOG »

Umadbrah? said
Bro my material is just as new as yours.  I just dont feel the need to re-package like you do day in and day out.   I think it's obvious you have/had one of the biggest Tool complex's on this fan site.  Be it positive or negative, post counts don't lie. Why you always seem so mad bro?  don't be mad.


Look at my horse, my horse is amazing.

I'm not bad BRO.  Just call it like I see it.  Plus I like fucking with you TTFs.  You just make it so damn easy.  Tickles my douche bag nerve.  I know you bitches love you some Tool.  I get it.  There are worse vices to have certainly.  See I just don't think much of Tool anymore and well it's just damn near impossible not to take the occasional shot at the more delusional folk in your ranks.  I still love you though.  We can jerk each other off sometime.  As long as Tool isn't what is playing in the background


@Snaz - Typical Tool Fan
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Post by not tyson »

Mog of the Architect said
See I just don't think much of Tool anymore

Bull fucking shit, you're here day in day out discussing Tool, fuck you're delusional, oh wait, that's right, you only pretend to be retarded.


"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegut



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Post by hellboy »

Mog of the Architect said
You silly bunch of TTFs.  

Ah Mog, can't tell the difference between expectations and speculation.  Typical Tool Troll...

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Post by MOG »

Tyson said

Mog of the Architect said

See I just don't think much of Tool anymore

Bull fucking shit, you're here day in day out discussing Tool, fuck you're delusional, oh wait, that's right, you only pretend to be retarded.


"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegut




^ Stick with re-posting lame shit from other forums.  Vonnegut is WAY out of your league. ^

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Post by sublime5446 »

True Tool Fans maybe? Lol.  mog I agree with you 90% of the time but trying to look down on people or pity people for speculation on a bands fan site is pretty retarded.  What do you think this site is? A general music forum undercover as a tool fan site ?  Expect people to be speculating. Especially given how little info has been given regarding progress, anything could happen.  Salival 2.0 (I highly doubt) too easily for them to make to say tht it's impossible. Double album  very likely. Adam has said they have ten songs done. If that doesn't include segues then the album is done and then some. obviously there still writing so there's a chance.  But does anybody on this site actually give a shit if there wrong? No.  But I do pity you for spending sooooo much time on a fan website of a band you like to say you care nothing about. Lol, you're in denial and nobody buys the " I come here for the general music discussion" defense. 
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Post by not tyson »

Mog of the Architect said

Tyson said

Mog of the Architect said

See I just don't think much of Tool anymore

Bull fucking shit, you're here day in day out discussing Tool, fuck you're delusional, oh wait, that's right, you only pretend to be retarded.


"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegut




^ Stick with re-posting lame shit from other forums.  Vonnegut is WAY out of your league. ^


Like most women for you I guess, I was reading Vonnegut at 4 years old while learning how to play the cello. 

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Post by MOG »

sublime5446 said
True Tool Fans maybe? Lol.  mog I agree with you 90% of the time but trying to look down on people or pity people for speculation on a bands fan site is pretty retarded.  What do you think this site is? A general music forum undercover as a tool fan site ?  Expect people to be speculating. Especially given how little info has been given regarding progress, anything could happen.  Salival 2.0 (I highly doubt) too easily for them to make to say tht it's impossible. Double album  very likely. Adam has said they have ten songs done. If that doesn't include segues then the album is done and then some. obviously there still writing so there's a chance.  But does anybody on this site actually give a shit if there wrong? No.  But I do pity you for spending sooooo much time on a fan website of a band you like to say you care nothing about. Lol, you're in denial and nobody buys the " I come here for the general music discussion" defense. 

After almost two years you seem to have missed something fundamental to my personality.  I genuinely, and I want to emphasize this so as to make it crystal clear, don't give a FUCK about what anyone thinks about me.  I don't care what you choose to believe or buy.  I hope that clears up any confusion.

I am not looking down at anyone.  I am here because this IS the best general music forum around at the moment.  Taking the occasional shot at you Toolios is just good clean fun.  The only truly sad thing about Fourtheye is that it could be so much more than a "Tool fan site".  Limiting this to a fan site is stunting it's growth.  I would love to see Hellboy expand this into something.  There are enough intelligent members with a diverse enough musical background who could cover quite a bit of ground in terms of reviewing and recommending new music.

@ Tyson - Vonnegut and Cello by 4 and internet forum Troll by 24?  Man something seriously fucked must have happened to you in between.
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Post by not tyson »

Calling me a troll when all you do is troll 'tool fanbois'?


wtf is wrong with you, oh I forgot, you're only pretending to be retarded.
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Post by MOG »

Tyson said
Calling me a troll when all you do is troll 'tool fanbois'?


wtf is wrong with you, oh I forgot, you're only pretending to be retarded.

I love when you get bitter.  Should we start posting those old Toolnavy transcripts again?  You really have been at this a long time.

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Post by not tyson »

You've posted them before?


Why would I care, most of those are hilarious.
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Post by MOG »

Tyson said
You've posted them before?


Why would I care, most of those are hilarious.

Oh you have certainly had an illustrious career.  What 8, 9 years of "calling people out" on the Internet?  And you have certainly expanded your brand over the years.  4Chan, Facebook, Reddit, and now Twitter.  Linking to another person's account.  Par for the course.  Always copying someone else's shit.

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Post by not tyson »

Don't use facebook, twitter or reddit, why do you care so much about my internet use?


I'm having a blast.


While you're so angry all the time I'm laughing my ass of to you and your ilk, you'll always be the butt of the jokes on the internet while you take yourself so seriously.


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Post by MOG »

Tyson said
Don't use facebook, twitter or reddit, why do you care so much about my internet use?


I'm having a blast.


While you're so angry all the time I'm laughing my ass of to you and your ilk, you'll always be the butt of the jokes on the internet while you take yourself so seriously.



Quiet please.  Tool are on the cusp of a double album!  Stop junking up the thread.

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Post by snazzlefrass »


Fuck yeah, TOOL!

*fanboi freakout*


Fucking stat.
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Post by Casey Tatum »

What is the real issue here, Mog? There really should not be so much hatred towards TOOL. What have they honestly done to deserve such criticism?

Is it from the 8 years it is taking between albums. First of all, that would not be a good enough reason. TOOL have always taken their time with their music and have increased that time exponentially over the years. What's the big deal if they want to take as much time as necessary for what could be their last record? If TOOL didn't have the freedom to take their time between albums we never would've received Lateralus and that, as we all know, is TOOL's magnum opus. So why do you complain when they take advantage of that privilege. Would you seriously prefer that they didn't have free reign over their albums. THAT IS FUCKING LUDICROUS!

Is it because you think 10,000 Days sucks, TOOL have gone off the deep-end artistically, and their is no hope for redemption? Well, that is a matter of opinion and one that i personally don't agree with. 10,000 Days is stunningly amazing in its own way, in spite of it being the follow-up to Lateralus, which is a fucking hell of an album to beat.

If it isn't either of those reasons, then what is it? Seriously, i can't think of another one...
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Post by snazzlefrass »

Casey Tatum said
What is the real issue here, Mog? There really should not be so much hatred towards TOOL. What have they honestly done to deserve such criticism?

Is it from the 8 years it is taking between albums. First of all, that would not be a good enough reason. TOOL have always taken their time with their music and have increased that time exponentially over the years. What's the big deal if they want to take as much time as necessary for what could be their last record? If TOOL didn't have the freedom to take their time between albums we never would've received Lateralus and that, as we all know, is TOOL's magnum opus. So why do you fuckers complain when they take advantage of that privilege. Would you seriously prefer that they didn't have free reign over their albums. THAT IS FUCKING LUDICROUS!

Is it because you think 10,000 Days sucks, TOOL have gone off the deep-end artistically, and their is no hope for redemption? Well, that is a matter of opinion and one that i personally don't agree with. 10,000 Days is stunningly amazing in its own way, in spite of it being the follow-up to Lateralus, which is a fucking hell of an album to beat.

If it isn't either of those reasons, then what is it? Seriously, i can't think of another one...

We've all seen this many times. Let it go bro. People have opinions. If it upsets you so much, maybe you shouldn't be on this forum. Then again, maybe I could fuck off.


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Post by UndKeineZwEier »

snazzlefrass said

Casey Tatum said
What is the real issue here, Mog? There really should not be so much hatred towards TOOL. What have they honestly done to deserve such criticism?

Is it from the 8 years it is taking between albums. First of all, that would not be a good enough reason. TOOL have always taken their time with their music and have increased that time exponentially over the years. What's the big deal if they want to take as much time as necessary for what could be their last record? If TOOL didn't have the freedom to take their time between albums we never would've received Lateralus and that, as we all know, is TOOL's magnum opus. So why do you fuckers complain when they take advantage of that privilege. Would you seriously prefer that they didn't have free reign over their albums. THAT IS FUCKING LUDICROUS!

Is it because you think 10,000 Days sucks, TOOL have gone off the deep-end artistically, and their is no hope for redemption? Well, that is a matter of opinion and one that i personally don't agree with. 10,000 Days is stunningly amazing in its own way, in spite of it being the follow-up to Lateralus, which is a fucking hell of an album to beat.

If it isn't either of those reasons, then what is it? Seriously, i can't think of another one...

We've all seen this many times. Let it go bro. People have opinions. If it upsets you so much, maybe you shouldn't be on this forum. Then again, maybe I could fuck off.



Can't we all just fuck off?

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Post by ilikecheese »

For the lovebirds, the two of them...


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