Exercising your demons!

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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by ms2r »

Closest to sport these days is watching my son play soccer.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by basejumper »

Kittaan wrote:I've put in (at the least) a combined 40 hours since my last post in this thread (Sept 22nd). Yoga (every day), aerobic/strength/crossfit (2/3 x week), biking and hiking (mostly weekends).
I thought posting what I did everyday would get boring to read but I thought once in a while I would try to post one that didn't require much or any equipment so maybe you guys would try it out too. I also do crossfit, mainly 4-5 days per week. Cindy is a favorite...
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
20 minute AMRAP(as many rounds as possible)
My best = 19+15
Which equates to
100 pull ups
200 push ups
285 squats
in 20 minutes

C'mon... it's the FourthEye fitness challenge!
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by hellboy »

I'd struggle to do just the 5 pull ups in 20 minutes :oops:
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by basejumper »

basejumper wrote: Cindy is a favorite...
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
20 minute AMRAP(as many rounds as possible)
My best = 19+15
Which equates to
100 pull ups
200 push ups
285 squats
in 20 minutes

C'mon... it's the FourthEye fitness challenge!
I broke through the elusive 20 round barrier on this workout the other day.
103 pullups
200 push ups
300 squats
in 20 minutes.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by markuspoop »

Big exercise guy here. For me there's something peaceful/relaxing about getting in the gym or going for a jog, throwing in the headphones, rocking some tunes, and getting in some work.

Typically my workouts consist of 2 week "cycles" of both cardio and weights before I switch things up. Week 1 is M-F, with a 3.5 mile jog on Saturday and a little weight-work encompassing both upper and lower body (Sunday off for rest) and Week 2 is just M-F (both Saturday and Sunday off for rest before the next 2 week "cycle" begins). Cardio all days, upper body weights on MWF, lower body weights T/TH, and core work on all days.

Cardio is usually 5-5.5 mile run/jog then some cooldown on both the elliptical and bike. Gotta say that I prefer the more stand-up and/or spin bike over the bike where you're like sitting/leaning back.

For upperbody I usually do kinda modified circuit routine and do 2 exercises for back, chest, arms, shoulders and usually 5 core/ab exercises.

Lower body is the same modified circuit routine with exercises for quads, glutes, hams, calfs, plus some wrist work and the 5 core/ab exercises.

Again, every 2 weeks I'll switch things all up (different setting/levels on the treadmill/bike/elliptical, different exercises, reps, sets, etc.) to keep things fresh and the muscles confused.

So right now I'm on Week 1 of my 2-week cycle and it's been:

Cardio: 5 min warm up on treadmill at 4.0 incline and 7.8 mph. Then, on 4.0 incline, 5 minutes at 11 mph, 5 minutes at 8.0 mph. Repeat that cycle for duration of run. 10 mins on elliptical on level 17. 10 mins on spin bike at various intensity levels.

Upper Body, this cycle I'm going low rep, high weight but I don't wanna call it a "bulk cycle" even though it kinda is (with dumbbells, where applied):

Lat-pull downs,on the machine but with the row handle instead of pulldown bar (5 sets, 15 reps with 140 pds)
Bent over rows (5 sets, 15 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Bench (5 sets, 15 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Flyes (5 sets, 15 reps with 40 pd dumbbells each hand)
Bicep curls (5 sets, 15 reps with 40 pd dumbbells each hand)
Tricep pushdowns, on machine with rope attachment (5 sets, 15 reps with 60 pds)
Shoulder shrugs (5 sets, 50 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Upright rows (5 sets, 15 reps with 40 pd dumbbells each hand)
Sit ups (5 sets, 50 reps with 50 pd dumbbell)
Oblique side bends (5 sets each side, 50 reps with 50 pd dumbbell)
Leg lifts (5 sets of 50)
Bicycle kicks (5 sets of 50)
Flutter kicks (5 sets of 50)

Lower Body:

Squats (5 sets, 15 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Lunges (5 sets each leg, 30 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Calf raises (5 sets each calf, 50 reps with 50 pd dumbbell)
Step-ups (5 sets each leg, 15 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Box jumps (5 sets of 25)
Wrist curls (5 sets, 30 reps with 30 pound dumbbell each hand/wrist)
Same 5 ab exercises as upper body days

Then after each 2 week cycle I'll use that weekend (so for example next weekend) to research and come up with new exercises/reps/weights for the following 2 weeks. Throw in all the dog walking, random indoor soccer play, random pick-up bball play, hiking.

For my every-other-week 3.5 mile, Saturday runs I've been getting those in around 23:20ish for the most part, give or take depending on how much I've drank the night before. So far my best time is 23:05 and it could've been better but I had to deal with some borderline crippling cramps midway through (see previous comment about drinking the night before and also nothing but coffee for breakfast before going on the run).

Also started running in the occasional 5K (one coming up next Saturday), which is fun. What I like about that is it's fun to push yourself against others and see someone infront of you, reel them in, pass them (and think to oneself "so long jerk."), and keep repeating that cycle. Plus you usually get a tshirt and bag and medal and other goodies. Ran 2 last winter. 1st one ever I put up a disappointing time of 22:38, good for like 38th over all and like 8th in my age group. 2nd one I put up a time of 21:42, good for around 30th overall and 4th in my age group. At some point I'll probably bump up to 10K's from 5k's but I have no desire to run a full marathon. The only way I see myself doing that is if, waaaaaaaaaaaaay down the road, I do the Ironman Triathalon. But damn if that doesn't take a fair amount of cash-money.

Also for the past couple of months I've been using the myfitnesspal app. It's basically a food journal (which is nothing new for me and I've mentioned doing it before) but again it helps get you in that mindset of "Do I really want to eat/drink that and have to log it?" It does a really good job of taking your cardio-workout (it doesn't account for any calories burned lifting weights) and adjusting your needed caloric intake to account for whatever your goal weight is. Pretty much any/all food is accounted for and all you have to do is search for it and it will enter in all the necessary info. Would definitely recommend. Since I started using it, weight's down a little, but more importantly body fat % is down to 12%, and body muscle (especially lean muscle) is up.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by markuspoop »

Oh, and just for fun

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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by basejumper »

markuspoop wrote:Big exercise guy here. For me there's something peaceful/relaxing about getting in the gym or going for a jog, throwing in the headphones, rocking some tunes, and getting in some work.

Typically my workouts consist of 2 week "cycles" of both cardio and weights before I switch things up. Week 1 is M-F, with a 3.5 mile jog on Saturday and a little weight-work encompassing both upper and lower body (Sunday off for rest) and Week 2 is just M-F (both Saturday and Sunday off for rest before the next 2 week "cycle" begins). Cardio all days, upper body weights on MWF, lower body weights T/TH, and core work on all days.

Cardio is usually 5-5.5 mile run/jog then some cooldown on both the elliptical and bike. Gotta say that I prefer the more stand-up and/or spin bike over the bike where you're like sitting/leaning back.

For upperbody I usually do kinda modified circuit routine and do 2 exercises for back, chest, arms, shoulders and usually 5 core/ab exercises.

Lower body is the same modified circuit routine with exercises for quads, glutes, hams, calfs, plus some wrist work and the 5 core/ab exercises.

Again, every 2 weeks I'll switch things all up (different setting/levels on the treadmill/bike/elliptical, different exercises, reps, sets, etc.) to keep things fresh and the muscles confused.

So right now I'm on Week 1 of my 2-week cycle and it's been:

Cardio: 5 min warm up on treadmill at 4.0 incline and 7.8 mph. Then, on 4.0 incline, 5 minutes at 11 mph, 5 minutes at 8.0 mph. Repeat that cycle for duration of run. 10 mins on elliptical on level 17. 10 mins on spin bike at various intensity levels.

Upper Body, this cycle I'm going low rep, high weight but I don't wanna call it a "bulk cycle" even though it kinda is (with dumbbells, where applied):

Lat-pull downs,on the machine but with the row handle instead of pulldown bar (5 sets, 15 reps with 140 pds)
Bent over rows (5 sets, 15 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Bench (5 sets, 15 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Flyes (5 sets, 15 reps with 40 pd dumbbells each hand)
Bicep curls (5 sets, 15 reps with 40 pd dumbbells each hand)
Tricep pushdowns, on machine with rope attachment (5 sets, 15 reps with 60 pds)
Shoulder shrugs (5 sets, 50 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Upright rows (5 sets, 15 reps with 40 pd dumbbells each hand)
Sit ups (5 sets, 50 reps with 50 pd dumbbell)
Oblique side bends (5 sets each side, 50 reps with 50 pd dumbbell)
Leg lifts (5 sets of 50)
Bicycle kicks (5 sets of 50)
Flutter kicks (5 sets of 50)

Lower Body:

Squats (5 sets, 15 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Lunges (5 sets each leg, 30 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Calf raises (5 sets each calf, 50 reps with 50 pd dumbbell)
Step-ups (5 sets each leg, 15 reps with 50 pd dumbbells each hand)
Box jumps (5 sets of 25)
Wrist curls (5 sets, 30 reps with 30 pound dumbbell each hand/wrist)
Same 5 ab exercises as upper body days

Then after each 2 week cycle I'll use that weekend (so for example next weekend) to research and come up with new exercises/reps/weights for the following 2 weeks. Throw in all the dog walking, random indoor soccer play, random pick-up bball play, hiking.

For my every-other-week 3.5 mile, Saturday runs I've been getting those in around 23:20ish for the most part, give or take depending on how much I've drank the night before. So far my best time is 23:05 and it could've been better but I had to deal with some borderline crippling cramps midway through (see previous comment about drinking the night before and also nothing but coffee for breakfast before going on the run).

Also started running in the occasional 5K (one coming up next Saturday), which is fun. What I like about that is it's fun to push yourself against others and see someone infront of you, reel them in, pass them (and think to oneself "so long jerk."), and keep repeating that cycle. Plus you usually get a tshirt and bag and medal and other goodies. Ran 2 last winter. 1st one ever I put up a disappointing time of 22:38, good for like 38th over all and like 8th in my age group. 2nd one I put up a time of 21:42, good for around 30th overall and 4th in my age group. At some point I'll probably bump up to 10K's from 5k's but I have no desire to run a full marathon. The only way I see myself doing that is if, waaaaaaaaaaaaay down the road, I do the Ironman Triathalon. But damn if that doesn't take a fair amount of cash-money.

Also for the past couple of months I've been using the myfitnesspal app. It's basically a food journal (which is nothing new for me and I've mentioned doing it before) but again it helps get you in that mindset of "Do I really want to eat/drink that and have to log it?" It does a really good job of taking your cardio-workout (it doesn't account for any calories burned lifting weights) and adjusting your needed caloric intake to account for whatever your goal weight is. Pretty much any/all food is accounted for and all you have to do is search for it and it will enter in all the necessary info. Would definitely recommend. Since I started using it, weight's down a little, but more importantly body fat % is down to 12%, and body muscle (especially lean muscle) is up.
Nice man, sounds like you got a good routine working for you. I have had a few people recommend that 'myfitnesspal' app. I'll have to check it out even though I'm not really into the tracking of my calories too much. My body fat is not an issue. Mainly what I need is better cardio fitness and a little more muscle although most people say my cardio is good. I just feel like I can't get enough oxygen in my system half the time.

ps - I know haters gotta hate so I expected someone to throw in some negativity about crossfit. Even so, I have to say you are looking ripped! :lol:
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by hellboy »

basejumper wrote: Nice man, sounds like you got a good routine working for you. I have had a few people recommend that 'myfitnesspal' app. I'll have to check it out even though I'm not really into the tracking of my calories too much. My body fat is not an issue. Mainly what I need is better cardio fitness and a little more muscle although most people say my cardio is good. I just feel like I can't get enough oxygen in my system half the time.
I've used MyFitnessPal - it was good for calorie tracking, but not so great for fitness tracking (this may have changed since I used it last of course). These days I tend to use Runkeeper primarily, though I do like MapMyRun/Ride/Etc as well, since that site has excellent mapping tools.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by markuspoop »

Ran in a 5K last weekend.


Good enough for 28th (out of 450+) and 4th for my age group.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by hellboy »

That's a good run. I'm lucky to do 2km in 15 minutes.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by markuspoop »

Beat my previous best by 37 seconds too.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by basejumper »

markuspoop wrote:Ran in a 5K last weekend.


Good enough for 28th (out of 450+) and 4th for my age group.
I have no idea 70 year olds were so fit :o

I don't know if I have ever put a time to a 5k... I'm not much of a runner.
I did row a 5k a couple of weeks ago. I think my time was around 22-23 minutes. I'll check my log tomorrow.

Today we did
30 wall balls (20lbs)
30 Double unders (jump rope)
30 Hand release push ups
30 Double unders
30 Toes to bar
30 Double unders

My time = 6:56. I was slow on the push ups because my shoulders were a bit sore from yesterdays snatch work. Oh, I also ran 800meters, did 30 strict pull ups with a 15lb weight and some handstand work.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by markuspoop »

basejumper wrote:I was slow on the push ups because my shoulders were a bit sore from yesterdays snatch work.
Uh, are you sure you're doing it right?
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by basejumper »

markuspoop wrote:
basejumper wrote:I was slow on the push ups because my shoulders were a bit sore from yesterdays snatch work.
Uh, are you sure you're doing it right?
I was doing more overhead squats than snatch. I know with the snatch the power comes from the hips and legs, it's just I have had problems with my shoulders from 15 years ago and anything overhead seems to irritate it. Catching the weight from the snatch sometimes get it hurting.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by markuspoop »

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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by Kittaan »

Fucking LOULz!
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by UndKeineZwEier »

I'm not entirely sure BJ is the one missing the joke.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by petemasterpete »

markuspoop wrote:Lower body is the same routine with some wrist work
hmmm ... sounds like you're taking a lot of showers
hellboy wrote:That's a good run. I'm lucky to do 2km in 15 minutes.
you've got to be exaggerating ... I walk 2km to the train station from my doorstep in 16-18 minutes on avg.

typically my exercise routine includes frequent bedroom aerobics (replaced by wrist work in times of true desperation), 12-40 oz curls (reps determined by date and time), and chasing a couple kids around and a fair amount of walking in between all that ... otherwise I'm either allergic or immune to strenuous activity
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by hellboy »

petemasterpete wrote:
hellboy wrote:That's a good run. I'm lucky to do 2km in 15 minutes.
you've got to be exaggerating ... I walk 2km to the train station from my doorstep in 16-18 minutes on avg.
If you can "walk" 2km in 16 minutes then I take my hat off to you kind sir!
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by Kittaan »

hellboy wrote:If you can "walk" 2km in 16 minutes then I take my hat off to you kind sir!
Yeah, I think that wannabe wallaby is getting confused by metrics or some shit.

Try this calculator Petey: http://www.runningfreeonline.com/Tools/ ... Calculator
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by UndKeineZwEier »

Yeah, it would probably take me 15 minutes just to walk half a kilometer. Though I am a notoriously slow walker so maybe I'm not the best comparison.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by petemasterpete »

Naattik wrote:
hellboy wrote:If you can "walk" 2km in 16 minutes then I take my hat off to you kind sir!
Yeah, I think that wannabe wallaby is getting confused by metrics or some shit.

Try this calculator Petey: http://www.runningfreeonline.com/Tools/ ... Calculator
google maps just estimated the walk as 23 minutes ... I don't think 18 minutes is really much of an underestimation considering I'm usually hoofing it a touch in an effort to make up for an extra couple minutes sleep or trying to get home asap ... also, my coffee shop stop which is essentially what I time is only 1.8 km ... it's another two minutes to the station ... either way, it's never taken me more than 20 minutes to go from door to train

I'd suggest that Naattik, if that's her real name, consider some additional studies related to the metric system

FWIW: I'm officially not a wannabe wallaby, just a wallaby now ... officially a legal resident of Oz now
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by Kittaan »

Don't getcha panties in a bunch mate, I was just taking the piss.
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by lo7us »

Up to my balls in snow over here. No walks for the next 2 months or so. Movie watching time of season...
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Re: Exercising your demons!

Post by hellboy »

Went out for a 35km bike ride today - the first ride of more than about 45 minutes I've had the chance to do in months. All went pretty well all things considered, though my pace is well down. Need to get more rides in as I'd like to enter a race in a couple of months time.

As an aside, does anyone have a FitBit, Vivoactive or some other activity tracker bracelet thingy, and have anything good/bad to say about them?
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