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Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:02 pm
So owning and shooting guns makes you "republican"?

Fuck you.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:03 pm
by doors

children said
If Bryan Adams can charge just under 400 dollars for a 'meet and greet', then it is perfectly acceptable for TOOL to charge 500. If any jackass could afford it then it would not be an intimate experience. Oh, and it does not matter how many albums you put out: shit is shit.


I guess by 'some peoples' standards it would be okay if Lil' Wayne charged 500 dollars for the same deal. He has put out like three times as many albums TOOL has, so it is unacceptable for TOOL because they only have 4 albums (even though a single song off any of those albums is 10,000 times better than the entire Lil' Wayne collection, and the same goes for Bryan fucking Adams, no matter how nice of a guy he is).


TOOL is probably in the top five of the greatest bands alive today (and maybe ever) and will go down as legends in music history. If you had a chance to have a 'meet and greet' with Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd or The Beatles during that time, wouldn't you expect it to be expensive as fuck. TOOL is a rare breed of band; the price for this package does not surprise me one bit.

Musical taste is subjective.

While you might think Bryan Adams or Lil' Wayne might be shit - millions of others might disagree with you.

So your opinion is like an arsehole - everybody has one.


TOOL is not even close to the top five greatest bands alive or of all time. See what I'm doing here? I'm stating my opinion which is different to yours.

How can you compare Tool to Led Zeppelin?

Led Zeppelin in its heyday was putting out quality albums out almost every year and touring like crazy behind them. They have a strong legacy.

Tool still have a long way to go. I don't think they care that much.

At this moment they're on about the same level as 'Joy Division'  popular, yet obscure and dying a slow death (no disrespect meant to Ian Curtis-RIP). Insert <rudimentary Tool is lazy comment here>.




Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:14 pm
@Salty Balls

Typical mindless drone you are. Who still brings up Rush Limbaugh and Fox News? That is so fucking 90's. AS IF CNN, MSNBC and NPR aren't all propaganda as well. You left/right paradigm zombies are a fucking disgrace to the human race.

You actually think you're on some "winning" side, but you are just as blind as the assholes you point the finger at.

I own a shotgun, and yes, i SHOOT it. That doesn't make me a douchebag republican, and I sure as hell wouldn't identify as a democrat. Only a fucking mind dead retard would vote for politicians to rule over them.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:16 pm

I would LOVE to fucking read some of your poetry. Would be the funniest shit i read all year.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:34 pm

you state that music is subjective and then say there is no way Tool is top 5 bands. way to understand your own words and what they actually MEAN.

Led Zeppelin....pffft. fuck those guys. Another overrated tightjeans band with the worst vocals in rock history.

Subjective, so you can't refute it. Idiot.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:00 pm
by smithersSOCAL

please stop the false equivalencies at once. and NPR isn't propaganda.

also bragging about your shotgun makes you a republican in my book. but it's not the issue here. lets get back to bitching about t00l!!

hellboy. you've got a fine site here. in full disclosure I'm a toolnavy guy and firmly in the kabir camp (I always support Americans first). but it's been a lot of fun coming here and reading the constant bitching regarding the laziest rock band on the planet.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:06 pm
by Casey Tatum

doors said

children said
If Bryan Adams can charge just under 400 dollars for a 'meet and greet', then it is perfectly acceptable for TOOL to charge 500. If any jackass could afford it then it would not be an intimate experience. Oh, and it does not matter how many albums you put out: shit is shit.


I guess by 'some peoples' standards it would be okay if Lil' Wayne charged 500 dollars for the same deal. He has put out like three times as many albums TOOL has, so it is unacceptable for TOOL because they only have 4 albums (even though a single song off any of those albums is 10,000 times better than the entire Lil' Wayne collection, and the same goes for Bryan fucking Adams, no matter how nice of a guy he is).


TOOL is probably in the top five of the greatest bands alive today (and maybe ever) and will go down as legends in music history. If you had a chance to have a 'meet and greet' with Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd or The Beatles during that time, wouldn't you expect it to be expensive as fuck. TOOL is a rare breed of band; the price for this package does not surprise me one bit.

Musical taste is subjective.

While you might think Bryan Adams or Lil' Wayne might be shit - millions of others might disagree with you.

So your opinion is like an arsehole - everybody has one.


TOOL is not even close to the top five greatest bands alive or of all time. See what I'm doing here? I'm stating my opinion which is different to yours.

How can you compare Tool to Led Zeppelin?

Led Zeppelin in its heyday was putting out quality albums out almost every year and touring like crazy behind them. They have a strong legacy.

Tool still have a long way to go. I don't think they care that much.

At this moment they're on about the same level as 'Joy Division'  popular, yet obscure and dying a slow death (no disrespect meant to Ian Curtis-RIP). Insert <rudimentary Tool is lazy comment here>.




Okay, first of all, those millions of people you speak of are mindless drones (like Drury said in the post above) so their "opinions" don't hold much water...


Secondly, you can most definitely compare TOOL with Led Zeppelin; many have done it. Here are a few quick comparisons:

- They are both genre transcendent rock bands who have heavily influenced the musical culture of their time

- Led Zeppelin helped mold the metal genre, and TOOL expanded it

- They both have prog and psychedelic elements in their music


...and i don't think TOOL would have covered "No Quarter" if they didn't feel like that they had something in common with them.


Led Zeppelin was forced by their record company to release an album every year, as well as touring behind it. It's not like they had any choice in the matter. I guarantee they would have preferred to take their time with their records, instead of being put under pressure to complete them as quickly as possible. Sure, those albums are legendary masterpieces, but imagine how it could have been if they were given absolute freedom in the studio.


TOOL fought for that freedom and can do with it as they please, and it's because of that freedom that we have received albums like your beloved Lateralus, you oppressive fucks...


Oh, and is popularity equivalent to quality? No, I didn't think so... 



Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:09 pm
by doors

DRURY said

you state that music is subjective and then say there is no way Tool is top 5 bands. way to understand your own words and what they actually MEAN.

Led Zeppelin....pffft. fuck those guys. Another overrated tightjeans band with the worst vocals in rock history.

Subjective, so you can't refute it. Idiot.

Did you read the part where I said it was my opinion?!

Fucking tard.

Shit avatar - did your little nephew draw that?


Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:13 pm
by doors
Children and Drury sound like self righteous twats. Go fuck yourselves cuntz!

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:48 pm
by MOG
Everybody chill.  HB is just gonna delete or move this shit to Grudge or Bicker.


I just can't imagine a 30 minute Q & A session with Adam being worth it.  I mean what exactly are you going to talk about?  How many dead animals he has stuffed on his wall?  What was it like working on the Predator movie?  When exactly is the new fucking album going to be finished?  Coke or Pepsi? 

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:59 pm
by sublime5446
^ I agree. drury is an asshole. There opinions on just about everything are stupid and fill me with rage. ... Same goes for that zwerewolf  fella, retard to the fullest.  Lol. 

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:45 pm
by The Boss
DRURY said

I would LOVE to fucking read some of your poetry. Would be the funniest shit i read all year.

And why is that?

No, seriously: write me a fucking essay on why you think that would be funny.

You come in here with your self-righteous attitude, pissing on everyone, with absolutely nothing to contribute to the conversation - and now you're insulting something you haven't even experienced. Why, exactly, would reading my work be funny?

You're a special kind of fucking moron, aren't you.


Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:01 pm
by cesaro
I think most people here won't complain about the $600 price tag for the VIP package if it included a floor ticket. I also agree that there is not enough value for this VIP package for the price being charged.

But, milking whatever 'mainstream' audience is willing to pay this price is fair game in my book considering some of the VIP packages going about for other bands. 

Bon Jovi - ... 0512BO1001

Bieber and Jay Z - ... the-summer

Maroon 5 - ... 34VwLjBGHv

 TOOL knows what the current market is willing to pay ( be it hardcore fans, mainstream, in between or whatever ) for 'VIP' experience. They are doing this for the first time as far as I know and I don't blame them. They still have my respect for being one of the best bands ever and this VIP hoopla doesn't taint their legacy for me one bit. They have every right to be greedy as fuck.

Anyways, if I had $600 to spend on anything at the moment, it would be following in order:

Fucking a hot female escort for an hour - $300  

Studio Monitor speakers - $250

An hour long massage - $50


*cue the MasterCard priceless jokes*










Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:11 pm
by The Boss
$600 to me would be a good chunk paid for for any air ticket to literally anywhere in the world. At the right time, that would BE an air ticket to some countries.

That, to me, is much more substantial value than jerking off some self-indulgent wanker.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:12 pm
by snazzlefrass
The Boss said
$600 to me would be a good chunk paid for for any air ticket to literally anywhere in the world. At the right time, that would BE an air ticket to some countries.

That, to me, is much more substantial value than jerking off some self-indulgent wanker.


Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:08 am

i don't piss on everyone. i piss on the few self appointed "bosses" of Tool that think that what is in their minds as "how things should be" applies to all of us here and to Tool themselves. I merely point out the flaw in your way of thinking, and it pisses you off because you largely go unchallenged by people around here.

Like i said, i would love to read your poetry....please share with the group.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:16 am
To all the crybabies that come to this website to spread negative shit about the band they love so dearly that its turned to hate, keep it's pure entertainment to dismantle your ridiculous statements about music, Tool, and how much things "should" cost....

You guys complain at the lowest common denominator level, which is easy to do on the internet. At this point i would like to request you come up with something other than :


the little cult followers of Crow Boss are the most pitiful, as they follow his lead, sniff his ass to see which way the arguments going to go, and then like a pack of wolves rip the entire band to shreds, over and over again.

Boring. Predictable. Waste of time....but admittedly, yeah, keep it up. give me more material to play with. It's so goddamned easy.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:23 am
@ crowboss

you put value in airliner tickets. some bloke will put a life changing value on meeting adam jones.

humans are all different, with different value sets. get to know this, you'll be more at peace with life.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:26 am

well, then you are a brain dead idiot. if you can't comprehend how NPR ispropaganda, you are in a world of fucking illusion, buddy. you are so behind the curve in understanding the world that it is no wonder you equate gun ownership with "republican", because well, NPR delivered that message and you bought it, hook, line and sinker.

You may want to try drawing outside the lines and stumble upon some original thoughts. You're mind is filled with absolute lies and bullshit, and its ugly as fuck to think how limited your perception of reality must be.

Holy fuck you scare me.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:40 pm
by doors

DRURY said

well, then you are a brain dead idiot. if you can't comprehend how NPR ispropaganda, you are in a world of fucking illusion, buddy. you are so behind the curve in understanding the world that it is no wonder you equate gun ownership with "republican", because well, NPR delivered that message and you bought it, hook, line and sinker.

You may want to try drawing outside the lines and stumble upon some original thoughts. You're mind is filled with absolute lies and bullshit, and its ugly as fuck to think how limited your perception of reality must be.

Holy fuck you scare me.


Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:32 pm
by Gwarden
DRURY please have my babies

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:17 pm
by oooblondieooo
Hi! New here, been following for quite some time but just recently joined. I agree with Children 110%. (Hopefully I've clicked the right reply) Anyone who resorts to name calling to try to get a point across loses all credibility in my books.

My musical tastes ranges from Metal to Opera. Absolutely music is subjective. I know quite a few people that don't like Tool. Doesn't mean their talent doesn't outweigh 99.9% of most bands out there. Look at Lateralus. Fibonacci order. Who does that?
Ever watch MTV or MuchMusic? (Canadian here)
It's all absolute GARBAGE. Mindless drivel. Talentless CRAP. It actually makes me angry to think about it. (grew up in the 90's) You dont think ALL of the talentless GARBAGE isnt a money grab yet $500 is a lot of money for extreme talent? A band that has never produced shit just to make money? Adam doesn't even have to do the Q&A at all. Sure, $500 is a lot of money. Cant afford it? dont do it. I've paid over $200 for floor through stubhub during their last tour through Toronto. (Jan 2012) Only because they sell out too fast on Ticketmaster and its near impossible to get one. I dont make a lot of money (cook here) but I make some sacrifices. And you know what? It was worth every penny. And I've been to a lot of shows. Everything from slipknot, Dallas Green, to Foo Fighters.
Sure, music is subjective but if you can honestly compare Tool on any level with ANY of the shit that is chronicly pumped out in the last 10 years or so, then you shouldn't be here. Period. I'm sure there is a Nickelcrap site for you.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:01 pm
by MOG

oooblondieooo said

And I've been to a lot of shows. Everything from slipknot, Dallas Green, to Foo Fighters.

Sure, music is subjective but if you can honestly compare Tool on any level with ANY of the shit that is chronicly pumped out in the last 10 years or so, then you shouldn't be here. Period. I'm sure there is a Nickelcrap site for you.


That alone makes it difficult for me to take you seriously.
Not sure where anyone has said or inferred that Tool is inferior to any other band that has released music in the last ten years. However, there ARE bands that are just as good, and some would argue, even better than Tool. Tool is certainly A measure in rock music, but by no means are they the ONLY measure.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:06 pm
by bob

 holy spammed thread since a few days ago on this thread!! a small tip! when you go on and on no one really bothers reading all that. how much ya bet?  i looked at some but it was just too much B.S to read thru. just sayin'



Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:24 pm
by snazzlefrass
Got my Very Important Pussy package. Must be some good pussy for 500. Looking forward to seeing lazy bones Jones getting pissy over my questions.