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Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:35 am
by trilobite
MOG wrote:Ah fuck it

10. Eulogy
9. The Grudge
8. Jambi
7. The Patient
6. Lost Keys / Rosetta Stoned
5. Pushit - Salival
4. Third Eye
3. Lateralus
2. Wings for Marie / 10,000 Days
1. Disposition / Reflection / Triad =========> Fuck off it IS one song you motherfuckers
Also- 1, 3, 5, & possibly #9... Gd'dAMNit Moogle, I KNEW we were soul-mates..

TOOL-mates, anyway. Fruity shit

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:06 am
by hellboy
trilobite wrote:
hellboy wrote:
children wrote:Well those three songs literally take up over half the time on the album. Check it yourself...
It's not the size that matters, its how you use it
Yeah, you're burn's completely fucking off. I get what you're saying, but the list is in # of tracks, not album length. Oh, and you're failed attempt was obvious 'battle my adversary!', soon as I saw 'Children' quoting 'Mog'...

I thought you died or something?
What the fuck are you talking about?

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:12 am
by not tyson
Can we keep the childishness to a minimum, this isn't infinity.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:15 am
by petemasterpete
Not Tyson wrote:Can we keep the childishness to a minimum, this isn't infinity.
or the APC DVD thread for that matter, dammit!

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:49 am
by children
Umm... what?

I was only pointing out a simple fact, Trilobite. No need to get all defensive for your sweet lover Mog...

...and 10,000 Days is THE BEST TOOL ALBUM, by the way. Opinions are a bitch, aren't they?

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:16 am
by Ettan
children wrote:Umm... what?

I was only pointing out a simple fact, Trilobite. No need to get all defensive for your sweet lover Mog...

...and 10,000 Days is THE BEST TOOL ALBUM, by the way. Opinions are a bitch, aren't they?

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:22 am
by not tyson
10,000 days is the only time Tool have taken a slight step backwards and I think they themselves realise this with the time taken with the next album.

Now if they choose evil Joe again as producer, egh.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:02 pm
by trilobite
Not Tyson wrote:Now if they choose evil Joe again as producer, egh.
HB, I was trying to respond to Children & include the funnies you made.

Also- I say something in agreement with Mud, & I get flamed back! Crap!! Don't you get all high&mighty on me now Tyson!

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:33 pm
by MOG
ilikecheese wrote:
MOG wrote:
the chill wrote:^suprised to see some 10,000 Day's songs on there. Agree with your list though.
10,000 Days is a great album. Not as good as Lateralus or Aenima but still has some excellent songs. Could easily put Wings at the top that song is brilliant. Hate leaving Flood and No Quarter off the list but top 10 is top 10.

Oh and Tool still sucks
You're not fooling anyone you little scamp.
Not trying to. I rarely listen to Tool at this point and have lost a tremendous amount of respect for them. I would have imagined I had made that perfectly clear by now. Just figured I would chime in with my top 10 for shits and giggles. Of course you are certainly entitled to your opinion, and as such, free to believe whatever you so choose. Good Day sir. Peace be with you. Happy Friday. Eat a dick. Whatever works.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:33 pm
by children
Not Tyson wrote:10,000 days is the only time Tool have taken a slight step backwards and I think they themselves realise this with the time taken with the next album.

Now if they choose evil Joe again as producer, egh.
I guess what you think of as a step backwards, i think of as a step in a new or different direction...

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:39 pm
by children
You all do realize that CHANGE IS NECESSARY and it is in fact unavoidable? It's called evolution...

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:34 am
by MOG
Children is one dumb fucking cunt. I haven't seen anyone bash 10,000 Days in this thread. Most of us have said that it isn't as good as Lateralus or Aenima. The worst that was said was that it was a step back, and in terms of things Tyson could have said given his disposition towards the album that was remarkably tame. There is seriously something wrong with this motherfucker.

Futhermore, to assume that the reason that many of us think 10,000 Days a weaker album than Lateralus or Aenima has something to do with an inability to change or to embrace change is both ignorant and absurd. 10,000 Days is a great album but it has it's flaws. Hearing or seeing that typed out on a fucking forum isn't exactly hackle raising material.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:11 am
by children
You sure are sensitive, Mog. A person can't express an opinion that blatantly contradicts yours without being called a fucking cunt. It is rather amusing to see you react this way though; so, please, keep it up.

I know that nobody was bashing 10,000 Days in this thread but that is besides the point. I was responding to what Tyson had said, which was that 10,000 Days is a step backward for TOOL. I think that 10,000 Days is a STEP FORWARD for TOOL and was merely expressing my opinion on the subject. I am not on some mission to change your mind because i know that is virtually impossible.

I cannot fathom how a person that opens themselves up to 10,000 Days could possibly say that it is a "step backward." That is just not true. Even if it is minimal, there is at least some evolution. You can't deny it. Maybe it wasn't the change you were expecting or hoping from TOOL, but it is change nonetheless.

Their craft has immensely improved since Lateralus, and they are more in touch with themselves than ever before. They have completely shed that anger from the early days and have moved on like healthy people should. 10,000 Days is a very mature record and it takes a mature mind to enjoy it, i guess. Something that you don't appear to have.

...and i know, i know, Mog. You know A LOT of things and you are a big tough man. You don't have to prove it to anybody anymore. We all know and still no one cares...

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:22 am
by children
I would also like to apologize for the condescending attitude on my earlier post about the whole "change" thing. I just couldn't help myself...

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:55 am
by '][' [[]] [[]] ][,
While the quality of the music on 10,000 Days is subjective there's no denying that the production value was lacking on that record.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:28 am
by children
How exactly is the production value lacking on 10,000 Days? I've heard this criticism a lot before and i genuinely don't understand it. If anything, to me, the record is more raw and less polished up as Lateralus was, yet still maintains a sonic and textural sound.

Maybe you prefer a more artificial atmosphere in your music, and that's perfectly fine. If not, please explain what you are talking about... seriously...

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:03 am
by not tyson
It's too loud with Adam way too far up in the mix.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:35 am
by children
Thank you, Tyson.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:02 am
by not tyson
Go fuck yourself, you fucking faggot ass piece of shit, I'm here to kick gum and chew ass and I'm all out of gum

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:10 am
by children
You're such a nice guy, Tyson. Once again, thank you so much.

...and please keep it up. I need to read more of your insightful posts.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:16 am
by children
But of course i can live in comfort knowing that you will always be there for me since you obviously have nothing better to do with your life.

Until you die alone from cancer that is...

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:53 am
by '][' [[]] [[]] ][,
children wrote:How exactly is the production value lacking on 10,000 Days? I've heard this criticism a lot before and i genuinely don't understand it. If anything, to me, the record is more raw and less polished up as Lateralus was, yet still maintains a sonic and textural sound.

Maybe you prefer a more artificial atmosphere in your music, and that's perfectly fine. If not, please explain what you are talking about... seriously...
Well, I'll try and ignore the fact that you can't even ask a simple question without talking shit, but for starters, there's lots of clipping (a tough thing to fuck up considering they record in analog) and the mastering lacked a lot of the dynamics that the other albums had. It sounds way over compressed, lacks punch and the mix was all over the place. Basically a sloppy job from an engineering, mixing and mastering standpoint.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:58 pm
by ilikecheese
They rushed it.
5 years only between releases is
far too little time.

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:15 pm
by children
Well i guess i will have to take your word for it since it's obvious you are some type of professional sound engineer and there's no way that you don't know what you're talking about. Am i right? But anyway, to the "amateur's ear," i honestly prefer the sound of 10,000 Days to Lateralus. 10,000 Days sounds kinda dirty; unlike Lateralus, which is practically flawless. I believe that 10,000 Days was a far more difficult album to record, and those "imperfections" are merely a result of them trying to capture the music properly. There is so much more going on in 10,000 Days than on any of their other albums. The complexity is ridiculous.

Also, how the fuck was i talking shit? The only people that started talking shit were Mog and Tyson, which is an ABSOLUTE SHOCKER! I am only poking fun; there is a big difference. If you are referring to when i asked you if you prefer a more artificial sound, that was a legitimate question because to me Lateralus sounds more fake than 10,000 Days. I know i am in the minority on this, but since when does that fucking matter. The majority is wrong. Always have been and always will be...

Re: My Tool Top 10

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:27 pm
by children
...and furthermore, do you honestly believe that those very same technical criticisms you hold for 10,000 Days don't exist in Lateralus on some level. Most of you just have such a raging boner for Lateralus that you can't even let yourself see the imperfections. I admit that 10,000 Days has its faults but so does every single other album in the history of recorded music.

It seems to me that some of you think of music as more of a science or a fucking business than an art form...