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Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:04 pm
by MarryHanback
Disappointing last night. Nothing we didn't already know. Gov wants to kill Rick & co... Rick wants to kill Gov and co. Surprise.

I get suspense building / character development etc, but for a series set in a world full of zombies, it's become awfully slow.


Just kill the Governor already. 

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:31 pm
by markuspoop
Yeah, definitely felt like a lets-build-up-to-future-episodes episode.

But there was one classic sequence in that episode:


Daryl: Look what he's got. [offers Martinez a cigarette]

Martinez:  Nah. I prefer menthols.

Daryl:  Douchebag.



Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:13 pm
by UndKeineZwEier
I wished they had waited a little bit longer before revealing that the Governor was just going to kill them if they brought in Michonne.  I figured that was what he was going to do that anyways, but they could've kept it a mystery a little longer.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:48 pm
by MarryHanback
Yeh, I've been consistenetly calling people around the office douchebags ever since...


I get the value of suspense building & creating mystery... But there's too much of it in TWD. No matter how good the mystery and suspense is, it's nothing without a strong & developing plot. Just ask anyone who watched Lost right to it's 'conclusion'.


The formula for each episode tends to be 45 mins of suspense & mystery followed by 5 mins of actual action / plot development at the end.


In this latest season, the intereaction with the dead is almost matter-of-fact tokenism, just thrown it to the mix to satisfy the gore element & break up the slowness of the rest of the episode.


For such a good setting / premise for a series, there's so much they could & should do with it, as opposed to just drawing out what should be 5 minute developments into whole episodes. /2cents


...That said though, it's still way better than 99% of the rest of the crap on tv.


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:14 am
by snazzlefrass
MarryHanback said
Yeh, I've been consistenetly calling people around the office douchebags ever since...


I get the value of suspense building & creating mystery... But there's too much of it in TWD. No matter how good the mystery and suspense is, it's nothing without a strong & developing plot. Just ask anyone who watched Lost right to it's 'conclusion'.


The formula for each episode tends to be 45 mins of suspense & mystery followed by 5 mins of actual action / plot development at the end.


In this latest season, the intereaction with the dead is almost matter-of-fact tokenism, just thrown it to the mix to satisfy the gore element & break up the slowness of the rest of the episode.


For such a good setting / premise for a series, there's so much they could & should do with it, as opposed to just drawing out what should be 5 minute developments into whole episodes. /2cents


...That said though, it's still way better than 99% of the rest of the crap on tv.


Agreed. Though I am getting sick of Andrea's acting. Does she really have to shake her head that way when she talks? Fuck.

I hope she gets Aids and dies. All that whoring around.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:26 am
by markuspoop
My theory is that some how Andrea, in stopping (and killing) the Governor from carrying out some heinous plot against the prison, also dies herself.  That way she dies, but dies a hero, helps her old friends in the prison, looks like some sort of martyr to the people of Woodbury, but more importantly, she dies.  Fuck if she hasn't gotten to a Lori-level of annoying.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:29 am
by snazzlefrass
markuspoop said
My theory is that some how Andrea, in stopping (and killing) the Governor from carrying out some heinous plot against the prison, also dies herself.  That way she dies, but dies a hero, helps her old friends in the prison, looks like some sort of martyr to the people of Woodbury, but more importantly, she dies.  Fuck if she hasn't gotten to a Lori-level of annoying.

Fuck yeah. Lori wasn't really as annoying, at least she was a better actress imho. The only thing with Lori was she needed to eat something. Fuck was she skinny. That's annoying.


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:13 am
by badkittygothgirl
Shut your pie hole!!!  Couldn't stand Lori.  So happy when Carl shot her.  That being said, Andrea is quickly wearing out her welcome.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:48 am
by InFlamesOfBirchmen
I read an article about TWD panel at Paley Fest last week, and the actress who plays Andrea flat out said that she knows everyone hates her. So far Walking Dead's track record with likable women isn't looking too good. I really like the theory about Andrea ending the inevitable war by killing The Governor and dying a hero. If even the cast and writers know how hated Andrea is, I can't see her staying around a whole lot longer unless they do a massive character shift, and that seems a bit unlikely. 


I'm still trying to bribe my friend who works in the costume department for spoilers. Usually she's pretty forthcoming with stuff (no hesitation to tell me the actress playing Lori was a horrible bitch) but so far no luck.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:22 pm
by UndKeineZwEier

InFlamesOfBirchmen said
I read an article about TWD panel at Paley Fest last week, and the actress who plays Andrea flat out said that she knows everyone hates her. So far Walking Dead's track record with likable women isn't looking too good. I really like the theory about Andrea ending the inevitable war by killing The Governor and dying a hero. If even the cast and writers know how hated Andrea is, I can't see her staying around a whole lot longer unless they do a massive character shift, and that seems a bit unlikely. 


I'm still trying to bribe my friend who works in the costume department for spoilers. Usually she's pretty forthcoming with stuff (no hesitation to tell me the actress playing Lori was a horrible bitch) but so far no luck.

To be honest, this show really doesn't have the best track record with anybody who's not a White Male.  Except for Glenn maybe.  Twice this season they've killed off their only black character just to introduce a new one in the same fucking episode.


Oh and I agree with the whole Andra kills The Governor and dies a hero. 

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:55 pm
by snazzlefrass
InFlamesOfBirchmen said
I read an article about TWD panel at Paley Fest last week, and the actress who plays Andrea flat out said that she knows everyone hates her. So far Walking Dead's track record with likable women isn't looking too good. I really like the theory about Andrea ending the inevitable war by killing The Governor and dying a hero. If even the cast and writers know how hated Andrea is, I can't see her staying around a whole lot longer unless they do a massive character shift, and that seems a bit unlikely. 


I'm still trying to bribe my friend who works in the costume department for spoilers. Usually she's pretty forthcoming with stuff (no hesitation to tell me the actress playing Lori was a horrible bitch) but so far no luck.

It's not that I hate her as a person, just how she acts. She's a terrible actor imo. Whenever she's on the screen I feel like I'm watching a fucking soap opera.

I like that brunette Glen shacks up with. Also that blonde who shot off the gun like a bad ass and sings n shit.


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:35 pm
by UndKeineZwEier
I hate how she acts, and her character in general.  It's just awful. 

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:44 pm
by markuspoop
Yeah, if Andrea was topless a little more I could probably live with her character.  But she isn't, so it's time to say bye-bye.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:14 pm
by N.Y.H.C.
she was much hotter in "The Mist"

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:03 am
by N.Y.H.C.
first she leaves her 9 year old home to watch her 2 year old in "the Mist" when there are demons from another dimension running around in blood-thirsty herds then she doesn't keep her daughter close enough in "The Walking Dead" and the kid turns into a zombie. I mean, seriously lady. Can someone report this chick to child protective services immediately? Mother of the year!!!!


Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:25 am
by markuspoop
^ Uh I think you're confusing Carol for Andrea, or vice versa.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:29 am
by N.Y.H.C.
no I just jumped from one to the other. didn't distinguish, sorry about that. last night was how hot Andre used to be, the one this morning was how horrendous a parent Carol is. if she was in "2012" she would've left her kids on the mountain top with the monks, then cried about it.


Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:24 pm
by MarryHanback
snazzlefrass said

I like that brunette Glen shacks up with. Also that blonde who shot off the gun like a bad ass and sings n shit.



I'd gladly live in a world overrun by zombies for a shot at that chick.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:34 pm
by InFlamesOfBirchmen
Alright east coasters, just another half hour until the new episode. Any predictions?

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:11 pm
by badkittygothgirl
The restaurant we go to has started the Governor Death Pool for a 50/50 pot to support our local food bank.  A twisted version of Clue....who, with what weapon and wear.  Looking forward to see who wins.  


Tonight's episode was awesome!!!  Only two episodes left!


side note: The restaurant is tiny and the whole place is packed including the patio.  It was such a nice night that the plastic that keeps the patio less cold, was up so in an effort to thwart the drunk amateurs that walk by and shout snarky things while the whole place is quiet watching the show, we were armed with water balloons.  OMG....some guy walks by and opened his fat trap.  A bunch of people on the patio jumped up and a barrage of water balloons flew threw the air.   Of course, they missed, and he taunted us, but my honeh, CJ29, jumped up, scaled the little wooden patio fence and nailed both the guy AND his girl!  HA!  It was brilliant!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:17 am
by N.Y.H.C.
great episode, only two left. the Governor is a full blown super villain!!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:45 am
by fortysixand2
A lot better than last week's snoozefest!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:52 pm
by snazzlefrass
Bout damn time Andrea gets what's coming to her. The bitch.


Anyone notice how the govnah was favoring his right arm? Wonder if he got bit...

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:07 am
by Bogart
This season has been pretty dull-just a big buildup to a showdown between the prison and Woodbury. 


The actors are actually coming to Cincinnati to a convention center (Daryl, Merle, and some others). $45 for a pic

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:38 am
by ilikecheese
only two weeks left?

will it be all gone by then?

please tell me there's not another season....please?....