The Grudge (WARNING: 26 years to #6?)

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Post by not tyson »

Tool fans are fucking retarded and Tool themselves are a bunch of fucking cunts. We were PROMISED a fucking album 2 years ago and now all of a fucking sudden this fucking cunts tell us they haven't even finished writing half the fucking songs? Get fucked. 7 fucking years has passed, Tool are barely even relevant anymore, for fucks sake, get in the studio, record something and sell it to us NOW you bunch of cunting fucks. Pillows? Fucking pillows? Danny might be able to drum but what the fuck does he know about pillows? Cunt. Maynard and his fucking wine? Have you tasted that shit? I've has cask wine better than that fucking swill and then he gets Blair to try and get us to vote for his piss fucking water to win a competition? Isn't that fucking cheating? What a cunt. Also his shitty side projects, A Perfect Cunt playing covers? Puscficunt playing hour long videos to fans who came to see Maynard sing horrible music he dreamed up in his head? No wonder Adam kicked him out of the studio for Lateralus and 10,000 days while they were writing, the fucking gnome was probably coming up with the most fucktared ideas, I mean what fucking idiot thinks it's a good idea to take the sound of your cat meowing, slow it down and call it Mantra? Pure fucking retardation on his part, fuck me. Speaking of Adam, the guy who ran out of ideas over 10 years ago, what the fuck does he do with his time? Watch men play grab ass with each other? The only reason he pretend engaged to that whore who has the audacity to call herself an artist is because he's so far in the closet he's in fucking Narnia. In reality he wan'ts to be put on a pig spit by John Cena and CM Punk, that's his dream tag team. Now Justing, fucking Justin, he's probably too stoned to know what day of the week it is, let alone remember how to get to the loft or even play the bass. He probably thinks they already released the album, fucking druggy cunt, get a hair cut ya fucking hippy.


Fuck Tool.
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Post by not tyson »

hellboy1975 said

Tyson said
75% of those acts are for baby boomers, for a band of our generation to charge that much is steep.

I can go find some examples of other generation X bands if that would make you happy?

Weezer and Radiohead don't really count, they hadn't toured here in ages.


Sigur Ros would be more comparable.

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Post by hellboy »

There's not really much in the way of Gen X bands big enough to play the AEC in the last few years it seems.  Here's the best I could find:

Matchbox 20 (2012): $109 - 159
Kings of Leon (2011): $100 - 128

There were a few others, such as Mumford & Sons and Disturbed that were lower. Around the $90 mark.  Not sure either of those bands carry around the stage setup that Tool do.  I imagine if Tool played in front of nothing but a banner they could trim $20 off the show easily enough.

And besides, Gen X listeners are generally pretty well off these days.  Probably wealthier than most baby boomers were at their age.
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Post by hellboy »

Tyson said 
Weezer and Radiohead don't really count, they hadn't toured here in ages.


Sigur Ros would be more comparable.


I don't see why Weezer and Radiohead wouldn't count.  Arguing that demand dictates the price of a concert pretty much renders your argument invalid.  

Edit: For what it's worth Radiohead were $130 and Weezer $100-120.

Sigur Ros played at a smaller venue here in Adelaide (and I presume other states) so I'm not sure the price is comparable.
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Post by not tyson »

Ok, let me rephrase, $150 is steep for any band
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Post by hellboy »

Tyson said
Ok, let me rephrase, $150 is steep for any band

I agree.  Tool tickets were $135 though.
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Post by not tyson »

Plus fees
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Post by hellboy »

Tyson said
Plus fees

None of the other bands I quoted include fees either.
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Post by Calfium Jay »

Yeah. We were told back in MARCH 2012 that the writing sessions were almost good and done and that they hoped to be in the studio RECORDING the damn thing in July.

Where are we now? Fucking on the cusp of MARCH 2013 and all we get is:


<adopts Californian surfer drawl accent> Yeah I mean gosh *a-hyuick a-hyuick* I mean like we're still totally like working on it dudes *a-hyuick a-hyuick* and it's like so working out for us and all. We've got like six or seven, like, fraaaaameworks goin' on dude and we're so totally stoked at this new material. It's! Y'know. Hopefully like yeah soon we'll start recording. It's really amazing we're so, like, honoured to be in this position we're in y'know - being in a band and all. I mean yeah, it'll totally be out this year and it's gonna be great. Totally! I mean we're just bangin' away every day gettin' stuff done. *a-hyuick a-hyuick*


Seven song frameworks after more than three years of writing!?!? Seven frameworks! Genius. Yeah.


Absolute bullshit.
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Post by BlindnCynical »

They haven't EARNED the right to be a lazy suffer dude? 
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Post by hellboy »

It's funny how the ones who most often claim Tool are lazy are generally those ones that also claim to not give a fuck about what they do.
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Post by Casey Tatum »

I notice a similarity in the way sports fans get all angry and scream at a television when "their team" is losing or missed a point or score or whatever. They yell things like "God, they're lazy!" or "that is so unprofessional!", even though they have no control over the actions of the athletes or the outcome of the game, and really couldn't do any better than the person they are criticizing.
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Post by not tyson »

hellboy1975 said
I note with some interest that the Adelaide Entertainment Centre has a facility for those with hearing impairments to bring your own FM device to listen to the show.  Anyone with an "impairment" planning on going to the show with some kind of FM device?

Hearing Augmentation System – Patrons who require hearing assistance can purchase seats in any area of the Arena or Theatre and have access to an FM audio system. Simply bring your FM receiver, headset and tune into 88.3FM.

So this is basically for the Tool fans that thought 10,000 days was a good album?
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Post by hellboy »

Tyson said

hellboy1975 said
I note with some interest that the Adelaide Entertainment Centre has a facility for those with hearing impairments to bring your own FM device to listen to the show.  Anyone with an "impairment" planning on going to the show with some kind of FM device?

Hearing Augmentation System – Patrons who require hearing assistance can purchase seats in any area of the Arena or Theatre and have access to an FM audio system. Simply bring your FM receiver, headset and tune into 88.3FM.

So this is basically for the Tool fans that thought 10,000 days was a good album?

That really wasn't funny enough to bother posting it a second time.
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Post by not tyson »

It's hilarious
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Post by snazzlefrass »

children said
I notice a similarity in the way sports fans get all angry and scream at a television when "their team" is losing or missed a point or score or whatever. They yell things like "God, they're lazy!" or "that is so unprofessional!", even though they have no control over the actions of the athletes or the outcome of the game, and really couldn't do any better than the person they are criticizing.

This is getting ridiculous. Do you realize HB made this thread for people to bitch about Tool? Yet here you are, bitching about people bitching about Tool. Does HB need to make you your own thread?

Perhaps people think Tool is lazy because last year they were supposedly so close to recording. What could have happened?

(1.) A major accident. One of the band members is really ill. Writing stops immediately. As in, all together.

(2.) They're lazy as fuck.

(3.) They're out of ideas, and have secretly given up. Yet they keep hopes of a new album alive. Maybe that's why MJK won't speak of it?

(4.) They are taking their time. However, consider their skill set. These guys have accomplished so much through their 20+ year    career. Essentially, taking their time could be tied in with them just being lazy. Refer to (2.)

I could be wrong, but I think that when someone calls Tool lazy, it shouldn't be taken in the usual insulting tone. It is based off of what is happening, or lack thereof.

I'm done. (Thank god) You're welcome




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Post by '][' [[]] [[]] ][, »

^ He's the troll dude.  That's why he keeps posting his gay Maynard love all over these boards.  I gotta admit that he's pretty good at it since he's seemed to have gotten under the skin of most the members here.
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Post by markuspoop »

Whenever I read "complaint" posts/threads I think of this:


I like to poop naked.
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Post by MOG »

^ Look Turd this is the Fuck Tool thread.  If you don't like complaining, then go hang out with the Maynard cock suckers and the Spiral Out crew.  This is sacred ground bitch.  Only the finest hate will suffice.


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Post by Casey Tatum »

toolphishdhs said

mogeffingmog said
^ Look Turd this is the Fuck Tool thread.  If you don't like complaining, then go hang out with the Maynard cock suckers and the Spiral Out crew.  This is sacred ground bitch.  Only the finest hate will suffice.


Yeah, im not sure what the point of some of yalls posts. (children, markuspoop, etc)

Children, again, GFY, ESAD, and GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS THREAD, you are a giant pussy.

This is a Fuck Tool thread. i will continue to post in this thread until they decide to quit being lazy pieces of dog shit and finish the album. If you dont like me or my view, then you can kindly lick the sweat off my asshole while i fuck your mom. 

LOL i am not surprised...
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Post by markuspoop »

Mmmmmmm, today MJK's jizz tastes like jellybeans and unicorns.  Talk about being tasty delicious.  Plus it's chalk full of vitamins a, b and fish oil.
I like to poop naked.
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Post by ilikecheese »

markuspoop said
Mmmmmmm, today MJK's jizz tastes like jellybeans and unicorns.  Talk about being tasty delicious.  Plus it's chalk full of vitamins a, b and fish oil.

I'm not sure how to properly bash TOOL?

Do I rub their noses in it?
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Post by Casey Tatum »

markuspoop said
Mmmmmmm, today MJK's jizz tastes like jellybeans and unicorns.  Talk about being tasty delicious.  Plus it's chalk full of vitamins a, b and fish oil.

No fair, that's my job! But i guess i can't hog Maynard's dick all to myself...
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Post by badkittygothgirl »

If you are not here to bitch about TooL...


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