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Vicarious: I really like how they bring this song home, I’m sure most of you have heard it on the radio, and as suspected by me on another site, this is a transition song from the old to the new.. It simply states, get ready for this 🙂

Jambi: The first few seconds of this song will make you go…what thee… and then you sit back, close your eyes, and your journey begins.. The tension and excitement builds with you, then BAM.. Justin and Maynard stop you dead in your tracks, danny adds his 2 cents of brilliance in to build to what I would call a cross between pink floyd & the best of every tool album you have ever heard.. There is a great new surprize in this song as well… Frampton, eat your heart out.. 🙂

Wings For Marie (Part 01): After catching your breath from Jambi (ja-em-ba-eye), you are taken on a voyage.. An instrumental interlude that literally will spin your head. Maynard chanting mystical words of sadness to come with:

10,000 Days (Wings Part 02): I don’t know how to put this song into words.. it’s beautiful, sad. If you have any compassion in your heart, you will not leave this song without tears in your eyes. (Driving beat, Danny using new drums and some new thunder drum which sends shivers through every bone in my body) (Total length of “Wings” 17:23)

The Pot: Accapella begins this monster. Just what you need to cheer you up after the emotional rollercoaster you just rode.. This song rocks! Lyrics are just as you might expect them, to an extent.. Keep in mind, this is Tool, and if anyone wants to label this song as commercial, then I wish ALLLL “commercial” songs/bands were this fantastic.. I love it, I see this as single # 2.

Lipan Conjuring: Maynard gets in touch with his native roots… I actually love this short interlude (the only one on the whole album mind you)

Lost Keys (Blame Hoffman): WOW….hoooolllyy crap… I see that Conjuration has taken us to a NEW level of sounds.. This is a great track… Put it on, close your eyes, and prepare for …..

Rosetta Stoned: Get ready to have your ass handed to you on this track.. I’m leaving this as a surprize for everyone… I WANT to hear them do this live.. period… It will be hillarious to see what people come up with as lyrics to this.. It will take you months to sort through the intro of this… it’s a freight train that WILL NOT STOP…

Intension: Very slow, mood, enchanting, LOTS of drumming in this song.. (I’m a drummer) I have fallen in love with this song… Danny, you are fantastic on this track.. you really get to hear those new drums come out… it’s a mixture of electric pulse / acoustic drumming… very non-toolish track, but at the same time, VERY Tool… You will understand when you hear it… My jaw is still on the floor, I think this song with take a lot of people getting used to.. But, at the same time.. just remember, they have played a new series of music up to this point..

Right in Two: I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG… I think this track is one of the best on the album (which is really really hard to say honestly because every single track is a masterpiece, seriously) But this one, this one hits home.. All you Zepplin, Floyd, Hendrix, etc. etc. fans… If you don’t think Tool is the product of all these and more bands on this track, I don’t know how much more proof you can get… This song is like No Quarter (don’t assume so quickly) it’s “like” no quarter, in that, it’s arranged that well… The monkeys run wild on this one…. that’s all I’m giving away..

Viginti Tres: Another one of Tool’s wild mixtures… it’s quick and to the point, it messes with your head, instrumental, and then it’s gone…

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