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Cam De Leon

I came across this post on Toolarmy this morning (thanks Stingers) which comes from Cam’s Myspace site, and outlines some interesting facts regarding work Cam has done for Tool. Some interesting facts:

Hey there –

Sorry for the late reply (not the first nor the last). It’s crazy busy over here, so I can get a bit buried, but Renny (my son) is keeping an eye on the myspace stuff for me, and he just nudged me to respond.

I sure appreciate the interest in my work. Honestly, it means plenty to me.

Regarding the Latralus album, Tool has done a very nice (and appropriate) job of promoting the fact that all the art on that album was made by the amazing Alex Grey, with the exception of the truly beautiful graphic layout on the back of the slipcover, which was designed by the very talented Mackie Osborne. I had nothing to do with that particular package. My only contribution(s) to Lateralis was the design of the set’s, characters, color palette, and the body painting of the principle characters in the “Schism” video. Chet was resposible for the design of the head of the “male” character in that video, and had the impossibly daunting task of being in charge of all make-up and many phisical set peices as well. He had the worst of it, but both he and I nearly did ourselves in on that project. The body painting of the 2 Osseus Laberint dancers alone required 23 straight hours of very concentrated work (hardest on the dancers, Hanna and Mark) standing on a cement floor without a break. No, I don’t mean to appeal to your sypathies; just thought you might be interested to know a little of what goes into this stuff.

As for Salival; I designed and painted the figure for that package after a little brainstorming session with Adam and Chet. Then once that was done, Chet carefully modeled (in Lightwave) the 3-D figure that the painting was then “mapped” onto. That made it possible for the figure to be rotated, and various screenshots taken, for the interior illustrations of the booklet that came with the DVD. The version you see on my website (Salival Figure) is the original image I made without any 3-D elements.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to help clear some of that up. There has been a huge amount of confusion as to the work I’ve done that Tool has used over the 9 – 10 years I was contributing imagery to the art-rock party. So, it’s nice to be able to address some of that. Thanks.

Any other questions, lemme know. I’m sure Renny will rattle my cage, and I’ll reply ASAP.

– Cam

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18 years ago

I loved todays news. I was always wondering what exactly Cam’s contribution was to Tool. Since I’m not part of Toolarmy there is no other way for me to get this information.



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