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The Toolarmy sites getting smashed at the moment. I sure hope the Administrators were thinking when the let Blair announce that there’s records are on sale. Would be funny if the whole site went down and nothing even goes up for sale!

Anyway, surely there’s gotta be a better way, maybe they could have a lottery or some other way to help people secure the vinyl without bringing the whole machine down.

I’m giving up for now, no point hanging around, especially since I don’t think anythings going up today….

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19 years ago

….yeah i find it very unprofessional the way they have gone about this, not very good at all…. I would have expected better from a well respected band/website such as TOOL… lets hope their is some news very soon thats for sure, i am certainley not a very happy camper right now…

19 years ago

yes this blows.

19 years ago

its available when you finally get in on now just waiting to see where a notice on the toolarmy site for the autograph vinyl is

Aziraphale Jasra
19 years ago

I got my order through on (Unfortunately I’m not a Tool Army member, something I’ll be quite angry at myself over if the autographed vinyl isn’t too much more expensive then the regular one). It came out to $50.99 after shipping (I’m in the U.S.A., something I would normally say was unfortunate, but in this case it did give a bit of an advantage) and it is $44.99 before shipping. Here’s a copy of the picture that’s posted over at for those having trouble getting in; I must say it’s quite beautiful. and here’s a version without… Read more »

19 years ago

i dont see how this pre-sale for the vinyl was done unprofessional. i mean, it was pretty clear that there would be limited numbers of unsignged released on their sites, and a few more limited singed later on toolarmy. it was stated what time and where they would go on sale…so no one has room for comments like these. sorry.

19 years ago

Actually, I don’t think it was the announcements that were unprofessional, more the way the items wear sold and the way the website didn’t stand up to the amount of people trying to buy.

If it’s that bad for the normal release, what is it going to be like when the autographed copies are released.

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