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Vinyl Arrives, Toolarmy Updates.

There’s been many posts on Toolband and Toolarmy lately, mainly involving the Vinyl release. Those Americans who’ve ordered the vinyl (non-autographed) should have recieved it by now, or will recieve it shortly. Still no firm details on the Autographed vinyl though.

Word on the boards is the Toolarmy’s boards will be recieving and update sometime in the foreseeable future, and that pruning is currently underway. Seeing as there’s been many promises of things afoot on the TA site, and nothing delivered as yet, I’m not holing my breath, however I would expect there to be an update to the site, probably coinciding with much vaunted Joshua Davis collaboration.

Adam has been posting pics from the recording studio up on his Blog lately. Interestingly it indicates that they’re only up to day 6 in the studio, though I have no idea whether this is implying that the last post was on day six (Sunday the 14th of August), or more likely sometime earlier. It also definitely looks like Joe Barassi is taking part. Still, the idea of it being release in August seems pretty damn unlikely, unless of course this is a second CD they’re recording….

For those who can’t be bothered following links, or just don’t like Myspace, here’s some of the pics. Presumably they’ve been censored to protect the guilty parties.

Hi Justin, is that a dope plant?
Maynardo Grilling some Capsicum (I Think?)
Adam, I want your guitar
Apparently some dude from ISIS (oh, and Danny too)
And again, but with Adam
Lord Barassi, and what is that, a Jesus statue?
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18 years ago

Do you think it’s Aaron Turner from Isis ?

18 years ago

It seems it’s Aaron Harris, the drummer of Isis.

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