For peole who like arguing over top 100 lists, here’s a list of the Top 100 Greatest Rock Drum Performances by some guy I’ve never heard of. John Bonham’s performance in Moby Dick tops the list, but Danny has a respectable 6 appearances, with Ticks & Leeches take out position 3.
Reflection(28) would appear to be Danny’s second best drumming work according to this list, which personally I’d disagree with. The other songs are Aenema (35), The Grudge (46), 46&2 (66) and Lateralis (72).
Let the arguments begin!
in case you don’t know the original list is here:
personally, i don’t know what is his best drum perfomances as i’m not drummer myself, but i like his drimming so much that in my top 3 FAVOURITE drummers Danny is on the 1st place. Then – Mr. Tomas Haake and Brann Dailor. this is just my opinion…
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