Thanks to Ronny for spotting this on Amazon:
Edit: This really is fake, but I’m leaving it here, so don’t bother asking me to take it down, just don’t think about ordering from there (if you can)
Edit: Here’s a bigger version:
Thanks to the guys at for that one.
completely bullshit!
Who knows, looks kinda like and APC cover to me, I preferred the other one…fake or not!
looks like a 2nd rate photochop
I like this cover better…’s cool.
It’s very fake. Click on the song titles and Aenima comes up on the screen. Someone just had a lot of time on their hands. That is all.
thats also not really note how it says toolune there, which may be one of those spoofer sites. im not sure though, i was just told.
A flower?!?! I have been willing to at least to somewhat accept “10,000 days” and a song titled “The Pot”, but a cover that reminds me of Fiona Apple’s “Extraordinary Machine” just doesn’t fly with me.
It isn’t real. That font just sucks.
Most obviously a Photochop. Look at that font, uhg.
actually i like the cover. very simple, very cool.
and if the other cover today was real, then the album has from one to three slipcases on it, and this could be the base, bottom image. the color scheme is vaguely similar.
BTW, appears to be the address of an anti-tool site. Check it out, I cant believe no one else did.
i take back what i said about it being the base image, that doesnt make any sense.
The fact remains its a totally fake Amazon page designed to deceive niave tool fans into believing the artwork is real, which it is most certainly not.
Well I sure prefer the first one as opposed to the flowery one, maybe they’re going to release with multiple covers….
A D A M says it’s total BS (quite obviously). Don’t buy that, or else. It’s a scam.
It’s a fake cover, all of them so far have been (according to a blairmail).
I believe KillTool is actually a fansite.
Yes, I believe this, too. It’s a fansite. Take a look in the source code:
Might as well not put up or believe any artwork or covers, till it’s on the website officially. I doubt it’ll leak anywhere before then.
Your right, it says it is a fan site. Oddly, I had looked at the source code. I must have just missed that the first time. Although you cant really blame me, look at the lack of content!
“Kill Tool, the tool-fan-site for tool-fans who can read between the lines.”
Please take these Picture away!
It’s a fu….. fake from a german TOOL fan!
I get these Info from the german Fan-site.
and there go on ‘Tracklist 10000 Days’
This is just a german-Kraut-fun!
From a very stupid german.
Don’t belive it!
Nothing is this posting is True, but it’s exactly how things are. 😉
Wasn’t it funny? It was funny!
Yes, very funny.
Was this your joke AtomHeartMother?
(Please scroll down the amazon-fake-link)
No, he was just the spoil-sport.
BTW not that any of you would try anyway, but if you attempt to order the cd it will simply add aenima to your cart on the real
If I click to Buy the Album, there is now “joke” page as the final answer.
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