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So it looks like yesterday was a pretty busy day. Many hits on the website due to you know what. Many people questioning mine, and other members integrity over the fact we’ve downloaded early. In response to a couple of these things I’d like to say/clarify:

  • Yes, I have downloaded 10,000 Days.
  • Yes, I am aware it’s not entirely legal.
  • No, I don’t believe the band is unduly upset about fans downloading the album early.
  • Yes, I do think the band would be upset if early downloaders decided not to pay.
  • I care about the artwork, it means a lot to me and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. I don’t feel that it enhances the listening experience though.
  • Nor do I feel that waiting until the release date is going to somehow ‘enhance’ the experience.
  • I have never censored comments, nor will I ever censor them (spam excepted). Free speech does include the right to say what other people disagree with. It also includes the right to post links to whatever you wish.

It’s inevitable that the comments regarding should you, shouldn’t you download will continue, and it’s a healthy debate, but lets try and stick to the facts and not resort to shit slinging. Leave that for the monkeys….

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18 years ago

I already ordered AND payed for 3 copies of 10,000 days, so legally there is no problem for me, or other people that already payed in advance for a copy, to download every last minute op the new album

18 years ago


Jonas Lindgren
Jonas Lindgren
18 years ago

“lets try and stick to the facts”. screw you master yoda. we’ll sling all the crap we want to! it’s a god forsaken democracy aint it? (at least where i live it is… or it appears to be). OK fact 1. you suck. how about fact 2. this site sucks. fact 3. fact 1 and 2 are correct to their extremeties. ohhh and by the way. i just love the way people try to justify their underhand dealings with piracy by prompting at tandum “i’ve already ordered 10000 copies of the latest tool album” BULLSHIT. no one cares if you… Read more »

18 years ago


Thats my guess anyway.

Jonas Lindgren
Jonas Lindgren
18 years ago

oh nice real nice hellboy. i bet you were born 1975. can tell from the pathetic gay mail account you use. who’s got more time on their hands? me or the tool who actually posts “article” on this god forsaken site? thus cleverly entitled “fourth eye” (did you know that the third has a multitude of spiritual significance?). what is the significance behind a “fourth eye”??? what is it point to really? is it that the tool who made the site ran short of ideas? gee whiz. youre a good laugh. fact 5. I AM a nerd, if you proclaim… Read more »

18 years ago

i pre-ordered my copy weeks ago, i’d still feel like a thief. because that’s what piracy is. stealing..

i’m not saying i haven’t ever done it, i’m just ‘sticking to the facts’ at your request.

if i put a down payment on a house, does that give me the right to break in and start walking around naked in it before the previous owners move out?

18 years ago

I’m with you on censorship, I appreciate you wrote what you did and thats why I’ll keep visiting this site for updates. As for the debate on piracy, this is only occuring because the cd is losing its relevance as a product and the record companies struggle with the inevitable future of music over the internet. We are at the mercy of our circumstance, there is a better alternative for the artist but it has not yet been fully embranced. I downloaded so I guess I’m a thieving bastard too, I’ll not deny that. I always download to decide what… Read more »

18 years ago


regardless of dolf lindgren’s comments, i think your site is great. its never short of new info when i check in

im trying to think of the last CD i bought, that i hated, and then proceeded to post numerous stupid emails about how it sucked on a fan website. um, never.

dolf would do well to focus his energy on something positive. i suggest putt putt golf.

Jonas Lindgren
Jonas Lindgren
18 years ago

hey hey hey! why get me wrong? tool are a great band. but most of you lot over-estimate, over-rate, and over-appreciate their music. unlike you lot i aint a hooker with the penis. there’s nothing much to lose your pants or panties over. i’m kinda nauseated by all the “masterpiece, epochal, genuis, greatest” labels you lot are so quick to stick on this band. i saw a little article that wished MAYNARD a happy birthday. besides the fact that i hate trite formalities… do you actually think maynard will give a rat’s ass if you guys held a fucking eulogy… Read more »

18 years ago

it is a good site. its pretty much the only one i rely on besides toolband and toolshed.

18 years ago

Actually few are worshiping at the altar of Maynard. People are making some valid criticisms at this very early stage.
At least some people are attempting be constructive and express what the dislike/like about the album in the mini-review section.

‘ahem… the album can be compared to a leech, or a newborn baby. can be compared to a parasite. an octopus, a female porn star, a mollusk, mary magdelene the biblical whore… basically it SUCKS!’


I feelI need a little more time to digest the album before I review.

18 years ago

# Yes I am aware it’s not entirely legal.
# No I don’t believe the band is unduly upset about fans downloading the album early.

^^That’s all well and good, but unfortunately it’s entirely illegal and I’m sure the band is disappointed that it’s leaked and fans who should know better have downloaded it.

Richard Goesinya
Richard Goesinya
18 years ago

##there’s nothing much to lose your pants or panties over. i’m kinda nauseated by all the “masterpiece, epochal, genuis, greatest” labels you lot are so quick to stick on this band.##

For someone who thinks this site sucks why would you be affected by anything said on it? Are you projecting or merely insecure?

Think for yourself

18 years ago

excuse hellboy sir, is there any chance that you know a good tool/nin/apc t-shirt seller in australia. possibly the gold coast??

18 years ago

i downloaded it and listened to it and for that i feel like a filthy whore. So if u haven’t downloaded it and r thinking about it don’t, wait till the release date and buy it. PS the album kicks ass, have an open mind when listening to it.

jonas's twin sexy sister
jonas's twin sexy sister
18 years ago

you tools! why you wipe jonas’s posts! he’s the only clear headed person here!

18 years ago

Cut the crap ladies, if it were not for MP3s a lot of CDs you own would NEVER EVER leave the shelf of a store because you were confident to buy them only because you listened to MP3s for a month or so. General idea is – download MP3, listen to it, and if you like it – BUY A GODDAMN CD AND SUPPORT YOUR BAND. Because we are all sick and tired of bands (i am not pointing fingers at any particular) that make a CD with 2 good songs and rest is utter crap. If bands made an… Read more »

paul barron
18 years ago

i downloaded because i dont buy things just by the title alone which was a lousy one at that, before i had the net i had to go down and listen to them in a store or burrow it off a friend this is just convience i ve listened to this album only once, but thats all i need, the other tool recordings were instant classics, if they were’nt right away, there would be elements that would draw me back to them, good sound great for people who are just getting into progressive rock,but my suggestion would be wait another… Read more »

ballbag mother
ballbag mother
18 years ago

hey hellboy thanks, for blocking that douche jonas lindgren

18 years ago

I have pre-ordered and am encouraging it. I love the album. If you haven’t already given it a listen, please check my blog:

Thanks to TOOL for another masterpiece!

18 years ago

a band as much loved an respected as tool has tons of dedicated fans. after waiting 5 years to hear new material, of course i’m going to download it if it’s available 2 weeks early. i consider that being a fan. you know how many musicians would give their music away for that kind of attention? bottom line – tool isn’t going to lose money on this album.

18 years ago

I can’t believe this shit, how can you compare buying a house and walking naked inside of it with purchasing a CD and downloading it? I already payed 20$ on the US version and 53$ on the Japanese edition, If I want to, I can download 999,999 fucking copies of this CD and in my country nobody would ever care less.

boredom killed another
boredom killed another
18 years ago

well, i sat here yesterday with the downloaded tool album and had to bite my tongue at some of the comments coming in from some of you anal tool obsessed fuck wits.leaked albums are all part and parcel of the net…its the nature of the beast, tho unfortunate. they shouldnt have sent it out to radio stations as im led to believe they did, for a band like tool do not need to send promos out as they clearly (as we’ve seen on this site) have rabid fans at the ready. i downloaded it and im not buying it coz… Read more »

18 years ago

as i’ve said before i have no problem with anyone downloading the album as long as they plan on buying it. (is it illegal? yes. do i personally have a problem with it? no.) but you sound like i did when i was like 13 years old trying to justify all the cds i had downloaded. it doesnt matter what you say about it or how many reasons you give.. it’s illegal, any way you slice it. and no, i don’t think tool will go bankrupt from that, but yes, generally speaking i do think it hurts artists, and you… Read more »

18 years ago

1. In the September 2005 newsletter Blair wrote: “Okay, first there was the decoy record just to confound all those would-be bootleggers out there. This took, oh, about a year, just because the band members wanted it to sound pretty close to the real thing (so as to be believable), along with equally believable art design.” Read it for yourself 2. Here is a clip from a 2002 show that you can clearly hear the intro to Wings to Marie — from this it’s evident that at least one track has existed for quite a while. 3. Listen… Read more »

boredom killed another
boredom killed another
18 years ago

wow, i totally must have come accross the wrong way then. i wasnt tryna justify it. i know its illegal and i do it anyway and then go about my day…sorry if i sounded concerned. i dont have the money to go out and buy albums at will. one reason for my recent lack of funds is a purchase of a ticket for a festival they are playing in england…hardly the freeloader now eh?. i know its wrong and its illegal and it hurts bands (mainly the ones just starting out tho). u qouted me out of context too. i… Read more »

18 years ago

We have the lyrics for the entire album at:



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