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10000 Days Package, Insanity

The Tool Hotline has been posting some pictures of the 10000 Days packaging. It looks like it will include some special glasses to view the stereoscopic images. Here’s a pic to whet your appetite.

And just for the record, I think any of you out there who believe 10000 Days is some sort of hoax are insane. There I said it.

I think it’s a great recording, those who don’t – well that’s fine, but stop deluding yourself that it’s some kind of fake. On the other hand, I sure do look forward to being owned by the band if there is another CD coming out shorty…..

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18 years ago

Thank god, i could never figure those things out.

18 years ago

yeah, the sterioscopic images are hard to see unless they are really small, then you can get the fancy effect they have.

18 years ago

what is the effect? is it like 3d or what?

18 years ago

When you look at two images and see one which combines the two and includes some depth. So yes, 3d in a sense…but really most simply put – stereoscopic.

18 years ago

i can see them in 3D fine with out glasses…

The Local SItar Player
The Local SItar Player
18 years ago

Yeah, toolband have updated and the opening screen is now a flash animation.

18 years ago …. click on the news, there’s an image that seems to be the REAL packaging

i am the walrus
i am the walrus
18 years ago

i dont think that’s real, remember Blair said the picture on amazon only said “tool 10000 days” because it had too

18 years ago

The select population that still think its a hoax are like X-File Pedophiles that have nothing better to do than rile up trouble.

I think the song Rosetta Stoned was written about these freaks.

18 years ago

Well I hardly doubt I’m an x-file pedophile at all..but just someone who appreciates GOOD music not cock rock and that to me is basically what I get from the new shit if it IS real..I am crossing my fingers thats it’s NOTTTTTT even close to being what they have recorded..Maybe I am wrong or stupid..but FUCK if you love Tool as much as I can’t accept this shit

18 years ago

whatever!!!!!!! J.P.S.

18 years ago

i still believe the recording is a fake.
listen to songs like “right in two” and “rosetta stoned”. there are riffs in there from schism, pushit, jimmy and H.

for a band that takes long breaks in order not to sound like a cover band of themselves – it’s unlikely this is real. happy to be proven wrong

i am the walrus
i am the walrus
18 years ago

whats that sticker say?

18 years ago

While I don’t think the album is a hoax, it seems strange that Tool have allowed to leak as much as it has. I think this is quite interesting:

What if this is more than just a “Japanese pressing with nothing exclusive”?

There’s a lot more to this album than there appears.

Well, whatever happens I can’t wait to hear some new Tool!

18 years ago

Anyone notice that the new logo reads “fool”?

18 years ago

ok. call me dumb if you want but are you supposed to leave the little lens thingys on the packaging? do you actually need them to look at the images? because i can’t figure out a way to use them to see the book without ripping the whole thing apart, which i’ve unfortunately already started doing.

18 years ago

ok. i get how to look THROUGH the lenses. but i can’t figure out how to physically get the book and the lenses in a spatial situation so that i can view the book with the lenses. like, the book is attached to the cover, and the lenses are attached to the cover, and there is no way i can look at the book with the lenses without severely ripping the book.

18 years ago

>ok. i get how to look THROUGH the lenses. but i can’t figure out how to physically get the book and the lenses in a spatial situation so that i can view the book with the lenses. like, the book is attached to the cover, and the lenses are attached to the cover, and there is no way i can look at the book with the lenses without severely ripping the book. Okay this is not rocket science. The victorians were using this technology 100 years ago. So I think you would be able to handle this. with the side… Read more »

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