Lachrymotion on Toolnavy claims that 10,000 Days is now “In Transit”. This suggests that the CD’s have been printed, and are on the way to various warehouses. What does this mean for the average Tool fan. Not much, but it may not be long until one of these copies finds its way onto the net…..
I don’t claim…I tell the truth
I still need to get you pics of the alien man on my Lateralus LP
i believe you, fella. it’s not an implausible statement to make… just take another pic when it comes in so we can see the artwork. if you please.
I just saw this strange bulletin from a guy who has an Alex Gray myspace who works for anti piracy company.. found it odd that he would say that about track names. I wrote him a message though. this is what the bulletin said —————– Bulletin Message —————– From: Alex Grey Fans Date: Apr 5, 2006 4:05 PM well for those of you that know me…i work for an anti piracy software company that deals with internet piracy. and just yesterday started working on the new tool album im so stoked! we have been downloading fake files after fake files… Read more »
Something tells me “josh” won’t have any impact at all on keeping the album off the internet.
Of course I buy to myself the CD at the store! This is worth every cent! 28.04 is soon
probably not.
just it contradicts what we’ve been told. which is why I posted it. why would he say he can’t tell us the names for when they’ve already told us? I’m not one of those consipracy theorists who thought these were fake all a long. It took me a week or so after announced but it sunk in that they were real. I just found this odd.
Basically, people with money are going to buy it, and the poor fans will just torrent it (josh cant stop a torrent, so screw em'”