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Blair. (bl-air) v. : 1. To say and do things that appear mysterious, but are of little consequence. ie. “Little Susan was so excited about her pet rock that she blaired all evening.” 2. To be tricked or fooled by Blair. ie. “You just got Blair’d!”

Thanks to Karf on Toolnavy for that one, and apologies to Blair, we really do love you!

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18 years ago

Does anyone actually like Blair? I havent read anything more pretentious, or more irrelevant than the post he makes. I can’t read a single line without bleeding internally. There’s just no reason to be a cryptic, self absorbed douche. If he really needs his own personal blog, he should get a myspace.

18 years ago

I have to agree with Art on that one. Plus, I have always felt Blair is just one of those “hey, I’m friends with Tool!” people. Note, that this is the only reason he gets publicity he would never get were he not that close to Tool. Tool have a full right to publish whatever they want on their website, but letting Blair do it, is taking that idea too far.

Mosy Zinc
Mosy Zinc
18 years ago

I think its ironic that the bulk of my Tool information comes from unofficial sources. The Newsletters have little information of any relevance to me and are written from Blairs perspective. I know that Blair supposedly shares some of the same obsessions as the band but they add little dimesion for me in further enjoying Tool’s music. For years all I have been doing is skimming the newletters looking for the small nuggets contained in larger slop that is his writing. Even though it has always been about the music for me it would be nice that during period of… Read more »

18 years ago

i figure that if the band were unsatisfied with the website, they’d get a new person to manage it.
and besides, how do we know that the rest of the band aren’t bigger “douches” (i haven’t used that word since grade school…) than he is? maybe he’s the better of the lot.
i just accept it as another form of toolesque antagonism. until nothing remains but me and the world. memento mori.

18 years ago

Naw, I don’t mind Blair either, but if he could just give out real information on the BAND TOOL then we’d all be set.

18 years ago

New post on Toolband. Blair rants about everyone’s acid trip. Funny stuff.

18 years ago

it ain’t exactly a new post, have a look at April 7th, 2004 post.

18 years ago

sorry April 7th, 2003 post

18 years ago

Blair, like him or not, has a terrible writing style. Toolband would be better served if it was run by someone like Kabir, someone more down to earth.

18 years ago

no. you’d be better served if someone like kabir would run the webpage. then you’ll get all the info you want. fact is, Blair is the man with the site, and he’s doing a good enough job to still be running it. i think the official site has all the info you need to have about anything tool, and anything beyond that is above the necessary. you might want to read blair’s posts for some entertainment. i sure do. i bet the band does too. i imagine half of it is total bull, but i like stories and story-tellers. that’s… Read more »

18 years ago

meme got Blaired, LOL

Blair tipped me off to get my signed copy of Lat. He’s good in my book.

“Everyone loves him. He is one riteous dude.” Feris Beulers Day Off

18 years ago

The dude hasn’t even listened to every song on Undertow yet. So yeah, I’d think other knowing the band personally he has very little insight on the actual subject matter of the music.

Jonas Lindgren
Jonas Lindgren
18 years ago

blair’s what you call a band wagon lapdog… a dog who knows too much of nothing at all. haha. i bet tool hired him cause he’s such a mysterious clown. too “esoteric” and “between the lines” for his own good or for the good of rabid fans. they really should sack him. he’s gets pretty cheesy with his posts. if i want to be confused i’ll go read emmanual kant’s “critique on pure reason”. this idiot tries to describe french fries with trite cliches and underhand references and poetic allusions that make him look like a tool. sure sure he’s… Read more »

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