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From the mouth of Blair?

everlastingpmpkn sent me an email today, saying that he had a chance to catch up with Blair at the recent Volto gig.  Here’s what he had to say:

Spoke to Blair, and he said that the whole secret listening session in 4
different locations across the globe was “complete bullshit” and that he
doesn’t know where that rumor came from.

If Blair’s own words aren’t enough…well here’s some more info: 4 band
members at each listening session across the globe? Considering Danny Carey
was playing with Volto in Hollywood tonite, that mean’s he’s the LA guy
rite? Well, I saw Adam Jones there tonite too (with Camella)…Unless Adam is
catching a flight on a Concorde jet tomorrow morning, he ain’t gonna be at
some listening session in New York, London, or Sydney. AGAIN, COMPLETE
BULLSHIT RUMOR. If you don’t believe that I saw Adam, go read Blair’s post a
couple days ago…says that Adam was editing in San Diego. So AT LEAST Danny
and Adam are in LA, likely all band members as well.

Chatted with Blair some more and he said that everything he has posted on
Toolband is the truth, and he swore on it. Said that this is Tool’s best
record they’ve ever done, by far. And that all the titles will make sense
once we have the CD in our hand. Also asked Blair if he was planning on an
April Fool’s Day joke. He said that Maynard was behind all that stuff last
year, and that he has never had anything to do with any April Fool’s Joke,
ever. Personally, he doesn’t like April Fool’s. Straight from the horse’s

Blair is a pretty cool guy, and considering he was kind’ve drunk, I
should’ve tried to get some more information out of him…

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18 years ago

Thanks for the peace of mind. I knew it was fake anyway though since 11am in Sydney was a while ago and I heard nothing of the sessions. :-p

The only thing is, it wasn’t really a rumor, but a flat out lie since it was posted on Toolshed and, well, you know that Toolshed is a respectable site.

18 years ago

Geez… It was an april fool’s joke. A good one that seemed to have worked on some poor fool out there…

18 years ago

I have not been near a computer since Thursday so am completely out of the loop. But I do pity the ‘fools’ who went to any of the 4 locations in hope of hearing something. I hope that is not all for the April Fool’s shenanigans. I have a few ‘bets’ running on what the prank would be and I think by tomorrows end I will be seriously owned.

I just want April 29th to come so I become a sane music appreciator once again and no longer the paranoid biatch I have morphed into.

18 years ago

lol,blair is a drunk fuck.

18 years ago

Coachella cannot come soon enough. . .

18 years ago

Off topic, but I am assuming that the April Fools joke over at toolnavy is that it will be down all day?

18 years ago

yeah that kinda sucks if youre an TDN addict.

5th Eye
5th Eye
18 years ago

No kidding.

18 years ago

TDN is always down on big days like this. When Vicarious plays on the radio it will go down as well as after they play Coachella, when the album comes out, if there is a webcast, and probably when the dates are announced for their US tours.

18 years ago

Check out what was posted at toolshed!! WTF is going on??!! Well, it’s almost time for the LA listening party to start, and a lot of people have written in about the first three already. I’ll get those emails up soon, but suffice it to say that everyone was pretty thrilled. Toolfan48 writes: “Hey Kabir – i saw the post yesterday night and i thought ok obviously this is just this years April fools joke, especially when i called the venue and they said nothing was happening. so i cracked up thinking about all these kids lining up outside irving… Read more »

18 years ago

i’d want the pictures that go with that post…

18 years ago

Well, I guess this is the 1st of April post from Blair:-

Here’s some amazing shit: The new Tool single, “Vicarious” will officially be heard on radio on April 17th. That’s all I’ve got… so to the Fox & Hounds I go.

locking the door…

18 years ago

someone told me blair was a chick.
i guess that makes them a liar.

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