Several people sent me some links to these images, supposedly from the 10,000 Days liner notes:
Looks good to me, and considering that would appear to be Maynard in one of the, presumably legitimate. It’s also stereoscopic if you’re eyes can cope with that.
Thanks to Grimface on Toolnavy for the info. Thanks also to Darkmoogle for some tips regarding the ordering of the photos. Check he comments below for some more details.
And one last thing, a couple of you may wonder why your comments containing links to these pics didn’t appear, that’s because all comments with URL’s are automaticlly required to be moderated. So if you happen to post while I’m away from the computer, expect a short delay. Thanks for the posts though!
These originally came from a guy on Toolnavy, who has a friend who works at a printing type of place. He got these two scans from him, but said there will be no more, since we don’t want to jeopardize the guy’s job. He doesn’t have the album, nor does he have access to the cover, so this is probably all we’re getting from that source.
Whoops, addendum to that last post – the order you have them posted in is reversed, it’s supposed to be Maynard then Skull. If you overlay the two flowers on top of each other, it looks like it’s growing, probably pointing to a flipbook type of deal.
They definitely look valid. And judging from the skull picture the booklet is pretty large. I compared it to the Salival booklet and it looks to be around the same amount of pages perhaps even more. I still wish we would have gotten an album title different than “10,000 Days” on the leaked artwork. Oh well… I’m still hopeful all of that information we received in March was false.
Tune into the JJJS …. some SPECIAL news coming up about the new album or whatever that means..
Keep me posted, I can’t tune in here at work, but I’m very interested in hearing it. It’s probably just an announcement of when they’ll be playing Vicarious though.
Got this from the Triple J Forum:
The first single “Vicarious” will get its premiere on Zan’s show right on 9am this Tuesday morning.
Presumably talking about Tuesday the 18th of April.
Yep just confirms your post Hellboy and robbie buck will have a interview soon after to play for us
adam also had a whole load of stereoscopic images on his myspace profile at one point… if further collaberation was needed
there is another leak from the same source of apperantly the ark of the covenant.
Tool should’ve added a pop-up book. That would’ve been cool.
I work for the printer, and can confirm that the images are indeed part of the actual retail package.