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March Newsletter

I haven’t read it yet, but enjoy

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kill all niggers(kkk rocks)
18 years ago

hey, is this name better? im really sorry about that last name, i really regret it because i hope i haven’t lost your respect. this is the best tool fan site.

18 years ago

wow, what a jackass

18 years ago

brands and titles do not threaten.
why don’t you come up with something a little more sophisticated and original.
remember, to truly shock, one must subtly embed the disturbing elements in a seemingly comforting and natural environment.
imagine your mother’s fridge, filled with all the finest groceries, cooked food and a dish with your father’s bleeding testicles on the right hand side of the middle shelf. disquieting. racism is passe. nobody gives a fuck about racists anymore. they’re the dinosaurs of x.

18 years ago

no, people do care about racists. ones with integrity. maybe you don’t and that’s your problem. oh, well.

18 years ago

i see your point.
but how do you spot this ‘integrity’?
are you going to jump at any shithead that writes an offensive? or are you going to aim for the top and decapitate the racism beast? and with what?
i’m being honest here. i can’t say racism doesn’t disturb me, but not at this level. not in this form. shallow imbeciles that spurt out flat clones of their parent’s hollow minds do not deserve a reply.
of course – violence is only acceptable as a last resort.

18 years ago

I’m just saying, I don’t think it’s right. And most times I’m not around them. If someone I know does it, I usually say how it’s not cool to say or just don’t talk to them. But no, I don’t think at this level they should be beheaded. Ones who act out on it and physically do racist things, like assault or murder cuz of ones color of their skin, should pay. But you’re right, they’re raised that way in a sense and maybe they shouldn’t deserve a response. I just said he was a jackass because hellboy said to… Read more »

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