Ben from Spiralysis tells me that he is hosting the recent Triple J interview with Danny and Maynard. Feel free to head to his website if you want to have a listen. He also has plenty of interesting videos of the band, and in particular Danny, so it’s well worth the visit.
I had a listen to the interview last night, and it was a good interview, though revealed nothing we haven’t already heard from the band. Readers who are holding out on listening to 10,000 Days may want to wait a while before checking out the interview, since it contains snippets of Jambi, Rosetta Stoned, Vicarious and The Pot.
can someone tell me why it’s called 10000 days? i had the leaks, i havethe album, but i still don’t get the title
As Keenan explains on commentary on aMOTION, his mother suffered a stroke that left her partially paralyzed and wheelchair-bound. The length of time between her paralysis and her death was 27 years, or approximately 10,000 days.
From Wikipedia
99.3 out of massachusetts played jambi & rosetta stoned today.
Watch the MTV video on Spiralysis, they mess with this guy so bad and he has NO idea.. just another dipshit trying to hold his wad while doing an interview.
Also from 27: *The total number of books in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. *The year Jesus was baptised (search for year 27 in wikipedia) *The current number of Amendments to the United States Constitution. *The age in years at which musicians Robert Johnson, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kristen Pfaff, Chris Bell, Brian Jones, Ron “Pigpen” McKernan, Janis Joplin and Kurt Cobain died. Occasionally, this is termed the ideal age to die, and in fact the concept is so famous that it has inspired a brand of clothing, DeadAt27. And most esoteric, hence remarkable of all: *A… Read more »