There’s plenty of bits and pieces floating around regarding the recent Coachella show. A couple of guys at Toolnavy has posted some pictures of the show (though the one’s I’ve seen aren’t of great quality) and Distortion Online seems to have a few mp3s.
Just a reminder that Tool are appearing on Rage this weekend as guest programmers. The Rage website has a little preview video of Danny and Maynard hamming it up for you to enjoy. For those people who aren’t Australian, Rage allows guest to come in and pick a selection of videos, ususally around 30 or so. Rage isn’t televised over the net, but I know that several members are planning on recording the show.
Finally, just in case you are interested, 10,000 Days was mentioned and show briefly on Sunrise this morning by Molly Meldrum. Nothing exciting was said, more that both them and Pearl Jam have been released this weekend, and that it’ll be interesting to see who claims the #1 spot on the charts. My money is still on Tool…..
My money’s on TOOL as well, Pearl Jam is washed up and shitty now
that bootleg does strange things from left to right speaker… was that happening live!? .. in the Pot
of course its going to be TOOL, there might be competition from Springsteen or whoever’s hot in the top 5 from previous weeks though.
From all reports, Tool is selling pretty fast and is in high demand, but Pearl Jam would have a fair old fan base as well.
I think it’ll be a tie.
Competition on Sony BMG website
FUCK Pearl Jam. Fucking hippies. /cartman
Ok, so how can I watch this Rage?
From anywhere outside of Australia, I don’t think you can. You’ll need to wait until some kind souls distributes a video of the show.
How long will ‘TOOL hosting rage’ go for, just so I know how many DV tapes I need. Assistance would be great, thanks…
It’ll probably go until about 4-5 in the morning. Usually they play the videos the band have selected (about 30 or so I’d guess), and then play the music videos for the band immediately after. About every 4-5 songs Maynard and Danny will come on and talk about the next video to come.
If you go to the Rage website, you should see some past playlists, which might give you an idea of what times to expect.
Pearl Jam self titled is piece of crap. Their worst record with Riot Act, even though many try to make appear it as a great record. It’s NOT.
can someone please post photos of coachella on here! Cos I tried adding myself to that flicka thing to see the ones on TDN. But it didnt work for me.
or send them to my email address,
pretty pretty please!
ps. Jambi sounds fucking unreal live on those Coachella mp3’s!!
I think i’m going to faint when I hear that intro live!
Alot of people singing along in The Pot… hows that possible!?! 😀
I just got back from Coachella. Prety fucking awesome. Maynard’s first words to us: “Hello hippies” Maynard’s into to Lateralus: “Get out your calculators” The band pretty much rocked. Maynard was pretty calm. Cowboy hat, no shirt and jeans. Justin was much very animated and was jamming out! My GF was digging on his long hair. When I say jamming, he was JAMMING. Adam was of course one cool character. His wife Camella was there taking a few up close photos of the band. I saw her afer the set thanking the stage manager for a job well done. I… Read more »
I remember reading Mike from Pearl Jam saying the new album was going to be heavy… I dunno what album he was talking about, cause their new album is deadly boring IMO. And I like all kinds of music, but it’s just not that good.
There is no comparison. Tool is a better band than Pearl Jam. They will rip the assholes out of the new Pearl Jam album. I cannot stand the way Eddie’s voice sounds. It’s almost as if he sings with a big fat mouthful of shit.
Speaking of washed up, this TOOL album is easily their worst.
Art… shut the fuck up… its a fucking masterpiece the new album! it takes genius to appreciate genius!
(do you see how stupid the average tool fan sounds now?)
10000 days is a MASTER-fucking-PIECE!
sorry guys i’m just trying to get BIG BIG FONT by using html coding. appears it doesnt work.
now don’t go thinking i’m mad alright?
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