According to Toolband (and I’m sure Toolarmy as well, though I can’t get on!):
For those of you who plan on attending the 10,000 Days listening party at CoSM (FRIDAY, MAY 5th 8 PM – MIDNIGHT), at some point during the event Alex will be giving “an illustrated talk about his work and interaction with Tool.” Admission is $10.00.
Sounds like fun to me. Wish I was in New York!
do you still want to kick me out?? you grisly thing you!
Oh Jonas! What’s going on…hä..?
Der Ãœbermensch
Anyone Hear the New OSI CD?
Yes, the new OSI cd is fucking awesome. Very industrial sounding compared to their last one, but good non the less.
shu hada OSI?
Apparently Alex Grey spilled the beans about the real story behind Rosetta Stoned. Thats what some dude at Echoingthesound said.
Anyone else go to the party and have a chance to speak with him about this song?
So what was said about Rosetta Stoned?
black babes opa indian babes eta spanish babes zdes younger babes…
Az0etDAit3dv3 …