Went down to the newsagent and as usual, picked up the latest copy of Guitarist Australia (just in case you’re wondering, the issue shown there is actually the last one, not the current one), and was pleasantly surprised to see and interview with Justin Chancellor inside. The article’s not particularly long, maybe a page and a half, with a lot of filler. After quickly skimming through it, it seemed the article was more about Justin than about 10,000 Days, which is nice for a change. A couple of nice pictures there as well, though I’m pretty sure I’ve seen both before, one with the guys in the pool, and the other wear Danny wears his “Vote Republican” Nazi shirt.
I’ll maybe post a few excerpts later on when I get a better chance to read it, but check it out, only costs $9 and come with a CD which allegedly shows you how to play the blues like Jack White! And apparently you can win a guitar signed by former APC man Troy Van Leeuwen.
For a MTV interview with Danny and Maynard on 23rd april, check:
http://www.thirdeye.nl/tool-mtv.avi (30 MB)
For 2 Dutch articles, check:
ya i think we have seen them both about 200 times.
fuk couldnt figure out how to edit my last post.
hellboy can you fill me in on the whole pusicfier thing. i kinda missed it all. they arent bad i suppose
What did you want to edit your post for? 2000 times instead of 200?
What do you mean by Puscifer? Maynard’s work with Danny Lohner? Personally I’m not a great fan of the Puscifer stuff I’ve heard so far.
I may have jumped the gun when I said you could edit your posts. Still got to look into that a bit further.
Scans of the article (hopefully) coming soon for all you non-Australian viewers.
Toolband.com has been updated. Looks like the boys are playing korea on august 15th. Australia isnt looking likely for this year.
If you scroll down a little bit theres some pics of justin in a Bass player magazine