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Living Colour, Rumours

For those of you who live in Sydney, and have nothing to do on Saturday night (the 20th) make sure you get on over to The Roxy to see one of my favorite bands – Living Colour.  These guys (as well as Tool and Faith No More) we’re probably the biggest influences on me musically when I was younger.  Sadly, they’re touring nowhere near Northern Queensland, so I won’t get to see them.

All four members of the band are at the top of their fields, and music lovers won’t be dissappointed with their skills, and musical talent.  Make sure you support them, so that they feel like coming down here again at a time when I might be able to catch them!

Finally, there’s a bit of a rumour going around about the forthcoming Vicarious DVD.  None of this seems to be based on any evidence I’ve seen, but distortiononline printed it, so I will too:

In other news, a huge rumor regarding the release date and content of the “Vicarious” DVD has surfaced. Supposedly, it will be released on June 6 (06/06/06 aka 666) and will also contain a video for “Wings for Marie/10,000 Days” (18+ mins.) And as another shocker, the rumor states that there will be 4 concert recordings (3 from 2002, 1 from 2006). If this is true, this is fantastic news. -EyeChakra

Think of it what you will……

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18 years ago

This sounds too good to be true at this point, but I would pay anything for a substancial collection of Tool footage such as this.

I don’t know which video to greater anticipate for: Vicarious or Wings for Marie/10000 Days.

18 years ago

i also heard that the dvd will be hand-delivered by one of the band members.

i thought the vicarious video wasn’t going to be released until sometime in july?

18 years ago

if this fruitates into reality
i will hand deliver my testicles to john howard and label myself sterile
not sure wether a double clip on vicarious dvd would do wings justice though..

18 years ago

This has to be false. Just the video for 10,000 Days… I think it’d be unlikely for them to furnish a second video, let alone with the first one from this album debuting for the first time, and chuck it on a DVD. Not to mention where is Adam finding time to look over two video projects? He’s seemingly sleeping 13 or 14 minutes a night, as is, between touring and working on the video. Although I certainly wouldn’t mind a DVD such as this that’s rumored. How cool would that be? I’m almost intrigued by the concept behind a… Read more »

18 years ago

The is a page about Tool in this weeks ‘Zoo weekly.’
Doesnt say anything new, but it gives the album 5 stars and says ‘right in two’ and ‘wings for marie pt 1’ are the two best tracks

18 years ago

I don’t believe it… simply

18 years ago

The Vicarious DVD single is coming out December 12, 2010.

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