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The Age speaks to Tool

Australia’s The Age newspaper spoke to Tool recently, and have posted the interview online.  Presumably it’s been printed in the paper as well.  For all you fans who’ve asked about Tool on iTunes, here’s your answer:

Keenan thinks iTunes is another chance for the industry to screw the artist.

“They’re using the same old model,” he says. “There’s no extra marketing, no package deductions, but they’re still ripping the artist off. They are selling songs for 99 cents, but the artist is only getting about eight cents. It’s way out of balance. We’re reluctant to jump in because we want to see how it pans out. The record company comes to us and pleads, ‘Please, please, please do it’ and we say, ‘Please, please, please make it worth our while’.”

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18 years ago

is it all about the music? or all about the money?


18 years ago

For them to keep making music, they need money. Selling their music is their job, so of course they want to make sure they get the money they deserve.

It’s very romantic to think of an artist making music/art for no reward other than having people experience it. But it can’t happen. If Tool didn’t care if they made any money out of their music, you would never have heard Opiate. At the end of the day, it’s their job and they should be paid for the work they do.

grimy c hole
grimy c hole
18 years ago

well put.
would you do your job for free?
fuck no.

18 years ago

I agree don’t get me wrong. But it would seem like they are getting money from other ways as well. Tickets to shows, $35-40 tool tour shirts etc.

8 cents is horrible tho I agree

18 years ago

with everything that i have read regarding tool and maynard it seems that he is in it for the art yet won’t let that art out unless he is payed. which is understandable but considering how much money they have not involving there musical careers i.e. Wine Vinyards , record stores, and such why would this matter to him as much as it does but what i do think is he just egging and pushing the record company towards colapse then the it is a artist free for all to fill the void. Basicly i think maynard is saying if… Read more »

18 years ago

I never pirate music. of al lthe industries I could steal from the music industry is porbably one of the only one I wouldn’t want to hurt. They have to make a living. The thing I don’t get is why can’t they just make songs like $1.25 or something and resolve the problem. it seems fair to say that the advertising enticement of ‘under a dollar’ isn’t as important as keeping the industry running. at minimum you should be able to buy their album digitally on the internet. Tool needs to at least work on that last part.

18 years ago

Honestly and truthfuly i would if i could make music sell it and careless for the profit i happy with the money i make now with the job i have now music is art it gets distorted when you “sell”it no matter what band you are be it Tool or britany spears it’s all art and shuld me expressed freely if i ever get a record deal id only sign so i could get it recorded in a better format and if i dont id be perfectly happy if that never happens any money i would make would just go… Read more »

18 years ago

i think there shouldnt be a music industry is there are painting industry ? i belive that selling your music is no better then selling your body on the street if they have to make a liveing then how did they make a living before they got a deal? it’s not like if they didn’t get money for there records then they would die it’s true we wouldn’t get studio albums then but you think they would stop playing shows and stop trying to let there music/art/selfs heard? no the answer is not we would still have tool just not… Read more »

Adam D.
Adam D.
18 years ago

Most bands like things such as itunes and p2p sites because of the exposure, not money. Tool doesn’t really need exposure at all. So why sell singles on itunes if they don’t need to? I think it pisses them off that somebody else will be making more money than them off of the music that they created.

18 years ago

I think you guys missed the point. The dislike iTunes and probably other download sites because they feel that it is no good for the music industry. If they would put their song on iTunes they would support it and thats exactly what they dont want to do. They feel that ALL artists that put their music on itunes could have gotten more paid because lack of distribution costs and whatever. But currently thats not the case and they dont want to support the current system by putting their music on it. I dont think its a question of money… Read more »

18 years ago

Painters have to hire someone to duplicate their artwork for sell, albeit through photographs or lithographs. Music labels are similiar in that they assist the artist in replicatoin of their art/product for distribution, then taking care of distribution. The problem that exists today is how unbalanced the wealth is in the music business compared to other forms of the art industry. If you are a painter and you sign a contract with someone to distribute copies of your artwork, you can usually make a pretty healthy % of the profit for each unit sold. Of course, there are few middle… Read more »

18 years ago

OK Lars

Jonas Lindgren
18 years ago

boring. you lot are boring. this board misses the “spice”.

18 years ago

Well after reading this post and the comments I figured I would give my 2 cents – iTunes is another way of distributing music … that’s it – The artists do not make much money off album sales, the big fat executives do – So let’s take a look at iTunes … .99 a song – .8 to the artist another amount to the label etc. – another amount for bandwidth – So who is making all the money off iTunes – EVERYONE – Sure it is not alot but I doubt that there is one person making more than… Read more »

18 years ago

Well after reading this post and the comments I figured I would give my 2 cents – iTunes is another way of distributing music … that’s it – The artists do not make much money off album sales, the big fat executives do – So let’s take a look at iTunes … .99 a song – .8 to the artist another amount to the label etc. – another amount for bandwidth – So who is making all the money off iTunes – EVERYONE – Sure it is not alot but I doubt that there is one person making more than… Read more »

18 years ago

Well fuck accountants that’s all I say.

18 years ago

teens in bikinis candid opa tiny micro bikini eta bikini girls hot zdes wicked weasel bikini…

Az0etDAit3dv3 …

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