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Jack Marx on Tool

There’s an interesting post by Jack Marx from the Sydney Morning Herald on the web at the moment, where he talks about his treatment during the Tool press tour of Australia in February 2006.  Seems like he was a little hard done by, but then again, since when is being a journalist and easy and predictable job.  I’m sure Tool aren’t the only ones out there a little funny in their press habits.

Anyway, think what you will of Jack Marx, but I’m sure any of us in his position would be a little peeved as well….

Thanks to Bullettooth on Toolnavy for the tip.

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18 years ago

That does kind of suck for that guy.

18 years ago

Does anyone else find it odd that Tool would agree to do an interview with an Aussie right now (June)? It might be a long shot but Tool’s last official tour dates at the moment are in mid-August in Japan (Aug 12-13) and Korea (Aug 15). I’d imagine they would be back touring the States in September some time, but maybe they are planning a quick tour to Australia and NZ in mid-to-late August? Seems strange that while currently in Europe the band were interested in doing an interview with an Aussie journo…? I hope I’m right – even if… Read more »

18 years ago

By the way, Tool did a very similar quick tour back in July 2001 after Lateralus came out – they only played 2 shows in Sydney and 1 in Melbourne (late July ’01) and then headed home to tour in the U.S. etc.

Who knows? Maybe something will be officially posted soon…?

18 years ago

The guy should be pissed on.

“10,000 Days sounded like Tool all right, which sounds to me like Metallica.”

Excuse me? Has this man ever heard tool? Or metallica? Anyway- if he would’ve known anything of tool, he should’ve realized these things are not uncommon, and shouldnt have taken the job if it was that horrible of an experience for him. ack.


18 years ago

Jack’s favorite band is Godsmack.

OOh wah ah ah ah!

Scott Monroe
18 years ago

Aside from the 6:30 a.m. interview that got cancelled, the played-up inconvenience to this guy is pretty ho-hum. That’s part of the biz. No, I don’t write for the illustrious Sydney Morning Herald, but I write for a weekly newspaper and I say: deal with it. Reporting is a messy business; stories don’t always happen easy-as-pie, and sometimes they just don’t happen at all. You need to be flexible with your schedule and you need to think of your sources’ time as being precious, not the other way around. That being said, I’m glad he chose to blog about it… Read more »

18 years ago

My mate just SMS’ed me, just saw tool at download festival I think, said it was awesome, but they started 20 minutes late and finished 20 minutes early!!

18 years ago

take a look at ‘thinkaboutit’ reply to the post sums it up perfectly couldnt have put it better myself

well done!!

Jack C
Jack C
18 years ago

Isn’t it great that people feel the need to share their bullshit with us in the form of a whingy blog. Get over it mate, standard industry practice, they re-scheduled your interview, big deal.

10,000 Days = Metallica? um not quite, listen again. Is there anyone else who could do this guy’s job without complaining? The Beatles broke up over 30 yrs ago asshole.

18 years ago

who the fuck is metallica?

paul bites balls
paul bites balls
18 years ago

the media deserve all they get (they feed on human misery for fuck sake)

18 years ago

has anybody here seen Kevin Smith telling about his cancelled project with Prince?
sounded a lot like this, only it was actually humourous and entertaining.

18 years ago

“the media deserve all they get (they feed on human misery for fuck sake)”

that’s a gross generalization

18 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks that having to wake up at 6:30 is not that big of a deal? Do journalists really have it that easy that 6:30 seems ungodly? Give me a break…get the message and go back to bed. Wah.

18 years ago

er, yea this didn’t really need a link did it.
, heres a brief interview with Justin about the stuff goin down in Germany at the moment.

18 years ago

“OOh wah ah ah ah!” is Disturbed, not Godsmack. Just sayin’.

18 years ago

What a fuck’n pud…..Tool=Metallica

Joe Iasso
18 years ago

Well look at it this way. You do not care about that band. You begrudgingly do your job apparently. Not too enthused by it. Everyone on the planet knows what your interview was going to be like. “Is this a new direction for Tool”? “What were the major inspirations this time around”? “This album is so much more somber then past albums…care to discuss that?” “Has working together for 15 years…blah,blah,blah” “What about the tour…blah,blah” Look how disinterested you are. This is “less convenient”…I have to relinquish my Cell-Phone for an Hour?! A confidentiality agreement!? I have to wake up… Read more »

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