of places that will being seeing Tool before we see them here in Australia. Damn you!
Thanks to the Tool Hotline for letting me know that Tool will be playing at the Point Theatre in Dublin on the 22nd of November. That certainly confirms Maynard comments about Tool coming back to Europe in November. Tickets may be purchased at Ticketmaster.
While all you us Aussies construct our voodoo dolls to exact revenge on the band members, here’s a picture of Jason with the Net of Being print that recently arrived. Nice Glasses!

Maynard is an asshat on his myspace, jesus fuck.
I’ll review a show in august, if we can still do that.
Sure thing, I welcome any submissions!
I figure I might as well post this… Maynard’s latest blog, the asshat!: had another dream. but can’t remember most of what happened, who was there, or most of what was discussed. i do know it involved not listening to shite music. i fell asleep with the radio on. i’m sure this is what triggered it. the majority of the tunes that vomit forth from this medium are tired drivel. this comes as no surprise. i’m not letting you in on some best kept inside joke/secret. it’s mostly “music” written by emotionally crippled ego soaked half-wits for borderline jock/frat/douche bags… Read more »
yeah well i have the big ass 60×40 one framed. so bah!
I too have a signed Alex Grey blockmount. Maybe on a slow newsday I’ll take a pic and post for you lads to enjoy.
I don’t really like that painting, it doesn’t inspire a lot of thought… unlike some of his other stuff. That’s me, anyway. I don’t even like the album work. Lateralus was better packaging in my opinion, but different strokes I s’pose. That’s the last copy I’d order.
mmhm thats right
thats whats right.
hey did you disable html buttboy
^now that’s what I call extreme fanboi. impressive either way though.
c-grinder — where can i buy this wall!! damn i wish that was mine!!!
for those who pay any attention to me
the new mars volta album got leaked about a week ago. not that i wont buy it — meh you know the story.
That wall looked great until I saw eMotive. Looks like the jokes on him!
And Corpsey, I don;t think HTML was ever enabled. Just type the links in a Fourtheye will automagically do what it needs to do.
hey you stop it buttboy..the inside of the cover is signed..what am i supposed to do?? the album sucked but the vinyls look sweet.
and about the html, i wanted to post the picture on here instead of linking it..but oh well.
and no one can buy my wall!
My with_teeth is slimed to pulp thanks to a teething baby. Zing! But seriously.