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Ticket Meltdown

Well, it looks like both shows have sold out, as we expected Melbourne pretty quickly, shortly followed by Sydney at around 10:00am.  1 Hour to sell out ain’t so bad.  Despite blackouts and Murphey trying to prevent me from doing so, I managed to get Sydney tickets,though they’re seated and waaaaaay up the back – but at least I’m in the building.

I know there’s plenty of people who missed out, and I feel for you all.  If anyone has any spares, and would like to help a Tool fan out (sorry, I’ll only be passing on tickets at face value + and booking fees and postage), then let me know at  If you’re looking, let me know as well and I’ll see if I can get a bit of a hookup list going.

There’s also tickets on Ebay as we speak, many hitting $300+ for two tickets.  If money is no object, get over there, but from what I’ve seen GA tickets are a little scarce.  Anyway, as my mum tells me, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all…..

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18 years ago

whoever the moron was that decided they should sell both shows at the same time on the same day needs a medal thats for sure..

18 years ago

probably took so long to sell out because nobody could get onto their website..

18 years ago

this was simply pathetic. there has to be a second show.

i had exactly the same problem when attempting to buy radiohead tickets from these idiots at ticketmaster.

no problems ever with ticketek!

18 years ago

ticketmaster sucks!!!! on the lateralus tour ticketek purchases were far easier. down with the totalitarian ticket master nazis

18 years ago

that was like 5 years ago. more people have interwebs now

18 years ago

I managed to grab a ticket- though my constant attempts to ‘go for gold’ meant that i eventually had to settle for silvers up the back, mere minutes before sell out. im feeling fairly lucky, i know plenty of people who missed out…

18 years ago

i mean from outlets. the setup for ticketmaster outlets opposed to ticketek is shithouse. I would never risk the net for tickets as was the case this morning

18 years ago

the ticket scalping at ebay is atrocious. did anyone get gold tickets other then scalpers? the melbourne tickets on ebay were up at 9:25. that is REALLY lame. no need to hide that they’re scalpers, is there? makes me angry!

18 years ago

I got 3 GOLD tickets to Melbourne and 5 GOLD tickets to Sydney…

I was first in line at Ticketmaster – I’m happy now!

18 years ago

By the way, I AM NOT scalping any of these – they are all for me and my friends and girlfriend etc. so please don’t complain….

18 years ago

I got a gold ticket for Sydney. Right behind the soundboard! Life is good 🙂

18 years ago

hahaha- check the name. diescalpertrashdie. good on you! i think they should die too- im four hours from a ticketmaster booth. spend all morning online and on the phone. finally get through at quater to 10, and there’s nothing left. shame on you scalpers!

18 years ago

That was an absolute fucking joke. I was on the site from 8:30am in the morning, and only managed to get a ticket just before 10am. So many times I hit refresh to getting a TicketMaster error. And the phone lines were jammed so I had no luck there. I was constantly hitting refresh and redial. I’m just lucky I got a ticket at all out of this. I’m very disappointed in Ticketmaster. I had no choice but to use the net (no outlet within 4 hours travel) and I just got fucked around badly. I’m just glad I can… Read more »

18 years ago

I was at the Martin Place ticketmaster from about 8.00am and got 2 gold tickets after a 3.5hr wait. I feel sorry for all the people that relied on the net.

18 years ago

gosh sounds like a nightmare, i really wanted to go to sydney (live in central qld) but my friend decided at 7.30 this morning that she wouldn’t be able to go to sydney. when i got up later this morning i checked out curiousity to see it had sold out.

i am curious if the response could possibly force a proper solo brisbane show? or is the BDO going to make that completely out of the question?

oh and hi! newbie here

18 years ago

Hey Hellboy:

What’s your email address?

(concerns extra ticket)

18 years ago

Hey just ignore the above post – I am an idiot!

18 years ago

Hey Hellboy,

Check your email – I have sent you something ‘interesting’…

18 years ago

Any ideas on “plus special guests”

18 years ago

Hey mattw, i met you at ticketmaster and decided to sign up to post my thoughts. I think it was pretty fucked how the ticket sales went about especially with the lack of TA pre-sales. even if it was 1 ticket a member… but alas that’s TA. Ticketmaster blows, i had this feeling the website was gonna burn.

18 years ago

this morning was the worst. I knew I should have listened to the guys lining outside of my workplace last night. With failed attempts to get them online/phone, rushed down and managed to score gold seating for melbourne, and silver for sydney. haha sounds like the olympics. Most stressful day ever!!

18 years ago

They probably will return to Australia… just my guess, if tickets sold that fast. That doesn’t happen in many places here.

And I don’t think the special guest will be Isis either. They’re time with Tool is supposed to end in early October.

18 years ago

quote: I was at the Martin Place ticketmaster from about 8.00am and got 2 gold tickets after a 3.5hr wait. I feel sorry for all the people that relied on the net.

How could you possibly get gold tickets at 11:30am if the show sold out at 10:00pm? that blows for all of us out here in the country. i’d have gladly waited at a ‘ticketek’ booth. freaking ticketmaster shite!

18 years ago

P.S: sorry, i didn’t mean to get angry- congratulations on the gold tickets. by the way, anyone camping on the big day out barrier with me? im prepared to wait all day (like slipknot 06, heh). im sure a few of you will be there. ill bring us some drinks!

18 years ago

I might camp out at Sydney, depends on who else is playing of course. Going to two BDOs hopefully (Syd + GC), so there is the possibility of camping out. I just hope someone drab isn’t on during the day which I would see even if I was paid to.

18 years ago

quote: With failed attempts to get them online/phone, rushed down and managed to score gold seating for melbourne, and silver for sydney

How could this possibly happen? If you weren’t first in line it seems like there was no chance for gold seating in Melbourne? Unless there were a set amount allocated for each ticketmaster booth?

18 years ago

The only reason that I managed to get gold tickets to Sydney is because unlike other ticketmaster outlets the lady that was running the outlet let us put all our names down.
This meant that she took the tickets off the market so to speak.
So the line was only really for people to collect and pay.
Great idea!. I guess I was lucky. I can understand why you are angry PsYkeR because everyone didn’t get equal opportunity. Which sucks

18 years ago

Well that is interesting Paul.
I think everyone at that particular outlet was extremely lucky!
A shame that getting good tickets to see your favourite band can come down to such things…

18 years ago

is BDO even worth it? i have never been to one but i’d imagine it be maybe half the set?

maybe my best hope is tool return towards the end of the tour.

18 years ago

BDO set should be between 90 and 105 minutes long, so it will be approximately 3/4 of a regular Tool concert. Besides, its a great festival that usually gets a half-decent lineup to occupy you until the band you came to see is on.

18 years ago

hey brown brothers thanx for the company last nite. Great floorshow from the mental hospital escapee at the SEC. Your rite about seated tix it’s like kissing your sister.

18 years ago

thanks Kel
i had read somewhere else that a BDO set is only 55 minutes long.

100 minutes wouldn’t be too bad…though i’m sure i read tool are currently only doing about 90 – 100 minutes sets anyway…or is that wrong?

18 years ago

That’s right.

18 years ago

I Cant wait for this visual feast.bring on january

18 years ago

90 minutes actually, including 5 minute break.

18 years ago

i missed out hellboy. it just wouldnt let me buy them :(. i was there right on 9.00 as well. but hey waht can you do.

18 years ago

To Reply to that guy who questioned how we got tickets. I went at 9.20? No one was at the desk of ticketmaster, quickly said give me the best for sydney and I got those Silver seats. And my sister was on the phone for Melbourne and got Gold. In all it was a team effort!
And yes I think certain areas get allocated certain seats.

18 years ago

thanks for the BDO info…should get a good set for tool there then.

it’ll be my first BDO if i go…i’m not really big on the crowd thing thats all, but i think i’m getting more daring in my old age lol…and i wnat to see tool goddamit.

my other option is try and get a single sydney tick and go down on my own. (slim)

decisions decisions

18 years ago

i think i would just stay back a fair bit and enjoy the music

and when you say last band i’m gathering that would be at night? or do they finish up before dark? i really should just ask my friend who’s been to heaps…

18 years ago

COUGH my concert’s tonight!

I had a dream that I missed it last night. Man was I devistated, I cought a little bit of it on the internet, in some like, live cast type thing. Maynard had huge hair like back in the Undertow days, except it was blonde.

Eight more hours!! EEEYEAAHHHHH!!!

18 years ago

TICKETS for US metal band Tool were on sale for nearly $400 each on eBay yesterday after the band’s Melbourne and Sydney shows sold out in less than an hour. Two tickets to Tool’s Melbourne show at the Myer Music Bowl on January 31 were advertised on eBay for $760 yesterday. Fans paid $96 to $107 from Ticketmaster. More Melbourne and Sydney shows are expected to be announced soon. The band has a huge following of diehard fans, some of whom camped overnight for tickets. In 2001 Tool sold out a Rod Laver Arena show in just 11 minutes. Their… Read more »

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