Yaz on Toolarmy posts that Japanese retail is showing that a Vicarious DVD will be release on the 6th of September. No images or further information was made available, so your guess is as good as mine as to what actually appears. For those with short memories it was rumoured a while ago that the DVD may contain a Wings For Marie/10,000 Days video and/or some live footage.
haha premiering the first video single after the album made it’s debut 4 months ago (120 days)….what a joke. I gave up on this band a long time ago, still don’t know why I’m coming here.
Neither do I.
And of course Tool care so much about getting videos out as soon as single debut. Sure wouldn’t want to miss out on MTV airplay huh?
5 years wait and they only come up with 5 songs (lolz that’s 1 song per year)…..out of the 5 only 1 decent song. Hahaha..do you see where I’m getting at?
damn fight club is a good movie
the book’s much better
a four letter abbreviation ellongated can end a conversation.
Hey–back from vacation! I wonder if this video is gonna be stereoscopic, or if that would even work? Just a quick notion I had. I hope not, I don’t see myself holding the cd case up to my face for the whole _______ thing. And yeah, Fight Club rocks ____. There are so many levels to it, I realize something almost everytime I watch it. Like in the scene where they’re getting out of the car wreck. Tyler comes out of the passenger side and pulls ‘Jack’ out of the driver’s seat. I was like holy ____. And in one… Read more »
i lent “survivor” “lullaby” and “diary” to someone, and i can’t recall who it was…
i might end up having to buy another copy of each…
regarding packaging of 10,000 DAYS not enough credit is given.
Illegal downloading can be treated in 1 of 2 ways: get ticks & leeches involved
killer packaging.
although one can look like quite the fuckwit
looking thru the lenses while walking in a mall.
…or sitting on a stage with Jones, Carrey and Chancellor, taking a rest from playing one’s songs.
Adam Jones and Justin Chancellor are both emdiocre players, they put down the quality of tool’s music to boring and uninspiring levels. Get rid of them and I say they stand in with a chance.
Adam Jones and Justin Chancellor are both mediocre players, they put down the quality of tool’s music to boring and uninspiring levels. Get rid of them and I say they stand in with a chance.
hey doors why dont you just go fuck yourself. as soon as your a badass rock star with a band that millions love, then come back. until then continue to fuck yourself
My ‘killer packaging’ tore apart at the glue seams within a few weeks. And with no non-decoy album between the cardboard. And there’s something about the cd that won’t let itself play in my crappy work stereo. And it scratches easy. And the case won’t fit conventionally into my cd racks. And the stereoscope smudges too easily. And the cardboard is too heavy.
I am so done with this band.
So what’s worse, a troll or a fanboi?
^ a troll of course.
but if it’s a tool fanboi, then that’s debateable.
Man, this video is gonna be soo good….
i somewhat agree with Panoply. it really is annoying that you can’t fit the album in a regular cd rack.
I’ll admit, I had to look it up.
2. A pathetic insult often used by fanboys themselves to try and put down people who don’t like whatever it is they like.
I still don’t understand why so many people dislike 10,000 Days…
Neither can I, personally I think it’s my favorite Tool CD. This may change over time, but at the moment I don’t even feel like listening to anything else of theirs.
that’s sad, listening to Vicarious 100 times a day is kinda sad.
Who said anything about listening to it 100 times a day?
You listen to too much tool hellboy, considering that vicarious is like the only decent song on the album.
Did you even bother to check the link to see what I’m listening to?
Clearly a made up definition.
Yes, clearly, but thanks for clearing it up even further. Festive contribution.
Your “so done with this band” yet you post on every topic, and this is why?
“…And the stereoscope smudges too easily. And the cardboard is too heavy.”
You’re an idiot if you took that shit seriously. Tie your tubes.
obviously TOOL fucked up by not including
instructions on opening for some of the more
“challenged” punters, something they may to
address next time. However Panoply I would
have thought instructions would have come
with your crappy stereo.
Instead of using the stereoscope lenses have
you ever tried tissues?
Tubes Tied, anything else a random person on the internet would like me to do.?
You two are just embarrassing yourselves at this point. I think we’re done here.
Some obvious desperation…..
I realize this is somewhat late given that this all-inspiring series of posts took place back in August…Likely meaning that this is a pointless effort on my part. But given that I just read this, it is hard to contain my cynisism with regards to one ignorant, bloviant fuck. Doors, you must not have a musical bone in your fucking body if you think the only “good” song on 10,000days is Vicarious. Granted, Vicarious is a good song. However, to ignore the rest of the album and put it off as not worth listening to is an inexcusable fuck up… Read more »