It’s been well documented that Maynard is a lover of wine, and has a special place in his heart for the Australian drop Grange Hermitage. Some of you may remember that Maynard paid $65,000 for a bottle of this stuff once. Anyway, it seems that Penfolds, the winery in question has started a VIP club for wine affectionados. To celebrate this Chief Winemaker Peter Gago will be embarking on a spoken word tour around Australia.
According to what I’m reading
For the first time, Gago will share excerpts from personal diaries of his worldwide adventures as Penfolds winemaker, from the many famous wine fans he meets such actor Leonardo DiCaprio, to sharing wine jokes with political dignitaries, and his friendship with Tool and A Perfect Circle (APC) lead singer and wine collector Maynard James Keenan.
For more details, check out this link.
If anyone goes, pray tell about it here!
A friends dad sold him the Grange. Apparently he’s bought $100, 000 of wine off of him in the last few years.
$100 000 on wine? Seriously… why doesn’t he buy himself an awesome $1 000 bottle and give the rest to me?
Because you’re a tool fan… Maynard hates you just like the rest of us
Unless you wished his dog a happy birthday. He rarely allows comments to his myspace to be posted, yet he posted like twenty happy birthdays…
When Maynard dies I will be happy man.
You’ll be a bitch with nothing to bitch about, when Maynard dies.