The other day Bennet let us know that there were some further tickets for the Tool show in Sydney available only from Martin Place. It seems that some of you were able to get tickets, but it now looks like the ones that were there are gone. Well done for those of you who managed to score.
I’m looking at doing some re-designing of Fourtheye in the coming weeks, and while I have some new colour schemes selected, I’m still looking for a Fourtheye Logo. I need people who can make the best use of Unlimited Graphic Design options. So for you artistically inclined people, I’m going to run a competition. This logo will appear on some limited Fourtheye Merchandise, and the person who submits the winning entry will a free sample of these mysterious items.
Generally I’m looking for 1 logo but in two styles:
- One maybe be as detailed and as colourful as you like. White is the colour of choice for this site, and will remain so for a while, so while I don’t want to restrict you to light colours, I’d suggest this would be a good way to go
- The second should be a derivative of the first, however it should be only black and white, and suitable for be printed on something.
I’m after no particular them at all, but since the site’s called Fourtheye, something to do with an eye or eye’s would be a good start. When you’re done, email them to me at Entries close at the end of September, at which point they’ll all be posted and voted on. Which ever gets the most votes will be used, however I will reserve the right to veto the winner should I personally not approve of it. Good luck!
Finally, congrats to my sister, who gave birth to a baby girl (Eire) this morning. Feels good to be an Uncle once more!
well done matto, congrats mate and all the best to Sis
good shit man.
is she as cute as suri?
Congrats to you, your sister and all the family…
I have absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever and therefore will not be submitting any logo designs – I will vote though!
long time hellboy. this is a second registration cause i forgot my password for the original jonas lindgren. bright aren’t i? anyway congrats to whoever had the baby that was close to you. sorry sister was it. don’t read much. just thought i’d like to offer a logo design.
coming soon.
ohh and sorry about not using capitals. i hate pretension in all areas of life. yes, that includes written words too. cheers mate.
hi hellboy. i’d like to offer a logo design. coming soon cheers.
Hi Jonas, good to see you’re not dead yet! I guess the grief over how much 10,000 Days sucked wasn’t too much after all. Anyway, I’m looking forward to your submission.
toolbands back up, for anyone who cares.
Meh, Fourtheye is more reliable anyway….
*finishes blowing own trumpet.
I plan to submit something… Not sure what it will be yet, the not so serious entry I think.
Submit whatever you like. I’ve got a warped sense of humour so it just may be a winner.
I also plan to enter once I finish learning how to use Illustrator.