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TDN Album Draft Comp

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Everyone who’s A Toolnavy reader, should head over To tHe socIalise foRum and voTe in the Album Draft. HopefullY you’ll have good taste and vote for me (I’m not telling you which one is mine). There’s some pretty good albums there, so if you haven’t heard of some of them, then please take the time to do so!

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17 years ago

So many good albums… I feel sorry for deaf people.

17 years ago

15 vs. 18 is a hard one. Good thing I’m not registered and can’t vote.

17 years ago

there is quite a variety that’s for sure. So much old stuff like bob segar and all that.

17 years ago

This is totally unrelated, but, is working? I can’t and haven’t been able to view it for a few days. Has any thing changed?

17 years ago

1 Aphex Twin – Drukqs
2 Sunn – White2
3 Melvins – Honky
4 Mr Bungle – Disco Volante
5 Tool – Lateralus
6 Meshuggah – Catch33
7 Secret Chiefs 3 – Book of Horizons
8 Isis – Oceanic
9 Bohren und der club of gore – Black Eartch
10 Pig Destroyer – Terrifyer

Picking 10 is really fucking hard.

Should i bother entering?

charred remains
17 years ago

Massive Attack – Mezzanine – Dreamweb Kraftwerk – Minimun-Maximum Pain of Salvation – The Perfect Element I NIN – Downward Spiral (5.1) Tool – Lateralus Boards of Canada – Twoism Skinny Puppy – Greater Wrong of the Right APC – Thirteenth Step Katatonia – The Great Cold Distance That was the ten that first came into my head, surely there’s three or four not used yet. And the stupid thing wouldn’t let me vote more than once, when there was 4 to vote on. I really didn’t look into it too deeply, so I’m sure theres a way. And… Read more »

17 years ago

i refuse to vote for you. first its voting on a forum then its join freepay so i can get a free ipod then its donate money to my paypal cause i deserve it then its come to my secret north queensland base and shave your head and live with all the other brainwashed hellboy voting people chanting ryhms of incontrastable praise to the creator of the universe “hellboy”. people line the streets just to get a glimpse of the mighty one but are equally glad to donate their life savings to a tool loving nirvana hating(kinda) fourtheye writer so… Read more »

17 years ago

On a somewhat unrelated topic, 1 Gold Reserve seat to Tool @ the Sydney Entertainment Centre on Jan. 24th just sold for $400 on eBay. That’s a lot of money to see a concert…

It’s kinda weird – if you are that keen to see a band why not line up or organise something when tickets first go on sale? Oh well, I’m sure they had their reasons…

Human behaviour amuses me sometimes.

17 years ago

It doesn’t let me register from The Tool Page cause I have a Hotmail E-mail account (Gmail doesnt work either)

17 years ago

Maybe those e-bay-ers are rich as fuck, and have plenty of fuck-you-money to go around. E.I. “Shut up and go get me a fucking beer, here’s 50 bucks.”

And if I still can’t register on tdn then I’m not gonna bother trying.

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