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DC Interview

Found an interesting interview with Danny today, seems to have been done recently in the lead up to the forth coming shows in the UK:

Soundtrack-like indeed, and with a flair for creating the visuals to accompany the music in house, has movie making ever surfaced on the agenda?

“We’ve had pretty intense discussions about it. I think if any band would be capable of doing a full length feature that’s worth sitting through, we could pull it off. Especially with the visual arts training that Adam (Jones – guitarist) has, he worked on movies for many years (see ‘T-2’, ‘Jurassic Park’, ‘Edward Scissorhands’) and that’s definitely helped out doing our videos. We’re pursuing it; I think there are movie companies who would have the faith in us to do it if we came up with the right script and approach. I’m hoping if not on the next album maybe the one after.”

Here’s the link

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Casi Moore
17 years ago

I think it’s safe to say Tool : The Movie, as cheesy as it sounds, would be…..indescribably interesting, to say the least. Not that it would be called something as silly as that, but still. It’s obvious they’re creative enough to pull off something quite unique. I’d sell my left nut to have sat in on those “intense discussions”. “So Justin, how would you feel about playing a pianist from the planet Krypton with a taste for good sangiovese and smelly cheese who could play incredible bass lines……..with his mind!”

17 years ago

Gotta say, a Tool film would rock pretty hard.

17 years ago

I’ve got two words for you: Vicarious DVD= scheduled release 2010.

Tool Movie…umm Yeah.

17 years ago

Where’s an emoticon when you need one?

17 years ago

Good to hear he’s keen for more TOOL even if we have to wait.

17 years ago

More Lateralus B-Sides/Editing Room Scraps/Rarities/Remixes on the way. Awesome.

17 years ago

[quote post=”525″]I’ve got two words for you: Vicarious DVD= scheduled release 2010.
Tool Movie…umm Yeah.[/quote]

[quote post=”525″]Good to hear he’s keen for more TOOL even if we have to wait.[/quote]


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