Last we I asked what Tool song has the best performance from bass player Justin Chancellor. No real surprises this time, with 10,000 Days taking first place. Here’s the full list:
- 10,000 Days 74 Votes
- 46&2 50 Votes
- Schism 46 Votes
- The Pot 41 Votes
- Jambi 39 Votes
- Reflection 26 Votes
- The Grudge 24 Votes
- Third Eye 17 Votes
- Something Else 14 Votes
- Pushit 9 Votes
- Paul>Justin 3 Votes
This weeks poll is a related the the “current” set list, and asks you, which song from the current set (taken from last nights show) should be dropped. Feel free to comment and tell us what you’d like to see it replaced with.
Finally, the Big Day Out website has taken down any reference to there being more Tool shows in Australia and NZ. As I predicted months ago, the two shows plus the BDO looks like all we’re going to get. Cross your fingers for that second tour….
If anyone can’t decide which song to omit, you should watch the recent New Jersey Tool show (October 6th, 2006) that’s on the web. It plays the exact same songs listed above. Having watched it I don’t know which one to leave out – they are all pretty good, especially The Pot, 46 & 2, Lateralus and Aenema. Anyway, it’s a decent show if you feel like checking it out…
Lots of little extra pieces in their too which only adds to the whole show.
hey i accutally recorded the above said show (october 6th 2006) and thanks that you liked it (where did you grab it from becuase i prefer the dvd quality thats on dimeadozen/zombtracker/influx/thetradersden, all the otheres are xvids people took upon themselves to make from my dvd then upload
anyways, how abuot a feature in this poll for ADDING a new song, the setlist is great, just short. New would never hurt upon the old
and for traders i have no problem doing 1:1 trades, email me for more info
What in the fuck? Why is Rosetta Stoned getting the most votes!? I’m voting Stinkfist/46&2/Vicarious (still don’t like that song…)
Rosetta Stoned is fucking deadly. Omg. What faggotry.
They should be replaced with the favourites. They should play the favourites, not the hits/singles.
Could you give us a link, mattw?
Search for “Tool” and you’ll find it… (East Rutherford 10/06 etc.)
It’s an XVid by the way.
[quote post=”530″]hey i accutally recorded the above said show (october 6th 2006)[/quote]
Is that you I can hear ‘apologising’ for the camera shaking? Is that also you asking the people in front if they could move during 46 & 2? I also liked your ‘rewards’ offered for their co-operation. Very friendly of you 🙂
Lateralus is probably my favourite but the whole show pretty much kicks arse! Cheers!
Also, as for adding a new song I’ll go with one of the following: H., The Grudge, Right In Two (to be fair I picked one from each of their last 3 albums)
It’s too hard to choose one song though… (Flood, Pushit, Eulogy, Third Eye, Parabola, the list goes on)
I definately agree with The Grudge to be added if it were my choice. It was so friggin awesome on the last tour.
The updated version of Stinkfist (whitelines) or whatever is called is sensational I reckon, be a shame not to hear that ending live again, surely they should just play longer or rock out more so MJK can rest his voice and come back when ready
it pains me to do this
a non dvd quality version of my show
but if you want the real lossless dvd quality of my show feel free to email me for trads
and yes mattw, a little insentive never hurts ^_~
oh and bare with me on first two songs, nerves were shot so stinkfist and thepot are shaky, after those the shakes stop completly
Stop your bitching! Rosetta Stoned has a few good moments, one of them is on the 8:38m mark. hence why i voted for this song. Heh…
fuck you you knob gobbling joke? ‘Heh…’
They didn’t play 46 & 2 last night
Swamp Song
The Pot
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
[quote post=”530″]They didn’t play 46 & 2 last night[/quote]
Was actually referring to the show the night before in Manchester. I didn’t see that set list.
And man, Swamp Song, my least favorite Tool song. Sure hope they don’t waste our time with it Down Under.
[quote post=”530″]And man, Swamp Song, my least favorite Tool song. Sure hope they don’t waste our time with it Down Under.[/quote]
My thoughts almost exactly… But my least favourite Tool song is probably… hmm…
[quote post=”530″]anyways, how abuot a feature in this poll for ADDING a new song, the setlist is great, just short.[/quote]
And that guy’s right.
[quote post=”530″]fuck you you knob gobbling joke? ‘Heh…’[/quote]
Did I strike a nerve? 😛
[quote comment=”31609″]
[quote post=”530″]anyways, how about a feature in this poll for ADDING a new song, the setlist is great, just short.[/quote]
And that guy’s right.[/quote]
Stay tuned. Would be a big poll though….
some people are used to big polls…
^I’m tempted to comment on the above one-liner but, to be honest, I am not intelligent enough at the moment to come up with anything even remotely entertaining… oh well On that note, today I finished uni for the year and in the process finished a degree. Pretty stoked about that and the fact that I am seeing some band named ‘Tool’ play a few gigs this summer. By the way, Schism is getting an absolute hammering in the current poll. The new version with the sped-up part in the middle kicks arse! I reckon someone is up to no… Read more »
Oh man, that show is kickass. Really quite amazing. 10,000 Days is just… spiritual.
I want Intension!
10,000 Days is an amazing bassline, but I’m disapointed at the shameful amount of votes The Grudge got, it’s not like it’s hard to play but it’s a genious riff!, that’s all I gotta say