On this day 42 years ago, Adam Jones was born. Just as we did for Justin, this weeks poll will ask what song do you feel has Adam’s best performance. This weeks poll will allow you guys to add you own answers, though I’ve already added what I feel are the best tracks. Please check the list before adding yours since duplicates will be removed. Also, don’t bother adding “humorous” Adam sucks type options. They will also be removed. If you genuinely feel Adam sucks, then feel free to let us know by commenting, and then try to pick the best of a bad bunch
Ditto with Rezro, i liked the Patient for some reason for Adam’s skills, its just something about the end of the song that gets me, when the guitar ‘connects’ with Maynards singing and they both create a high powerfull sound… i hope people arn’t just voting for their favourite song…
voted aenema. third eye is good. lateralus the song is quite average tbh.
all of the above? what a cop-out!
[quote comment=”32010″]all of the above? what a cop-out![/quote]
I agree, option deleted!
Sorry to those who voted for Parabola, you’re votes are gone. But that’s ok, Parabola sucks anyway 😉
Seriously. One of the hardest poll questions I’ve ever had to answer. I’m currently locked between Stinkfist, Pushit, Third Eye Lateralus, Eon Blue Apocolypse, Reflection, Wings For Marie/10,000 Days, Jambi, Rosetta Stoned, and Right In Two. Dead even. I thought listening to all of the finalists one after another would help, and of course it only made it worse. I don’t know if I can do it. I honestly don’t know.
I think I’ll give this one a few days. Damn fine question.
cannot answer.. will decide after I see Jambi live.. hint hint.
I just though I might comment on why I selected the songs I did for the poll that I did, leaving off some of the more popular ones that some of you guys have added: Sweat – A pretty simple song, yet contains on of my favorite Tool riffs Opiate – Some solid guitar work there, and probably the earliest sign of things to come for Tool Sober – Not technically hard, but a pretty unique guitar sound on parts of this track Bottom – Feedback mastery Undertow – Excellent riffing yet again Stinkfist – Great Riff, Good use of… Read more »
not knowing jack shit about the guitar, i voted for the added H. (i didn’t add it,) because that crazy part after maynard yells is the only time ive cried to a tool song, i think. schism too maybe, but for all the wrong reasons. plus just the sound of the song is a great window into what i love about tool.
hey oh ! greetings its difficult to separate the guitar content in the music , without having the rest , the instrumental content as we now has the other band members. Adams way of playing its very acurate and personalized .Its not very melodic(for a guitar inst.) but its amazingly creative .Thats our man and its his intuiton . I play also guitar and play tool songs as well.I choose the most rated music to vote yet . But in my mind and opinion i think H. has one of the most creative reefs ever done and in Adams way… Read more »
It’s a tough choice but I voted for H. as well. Partly for that awesome solo but also because of way he takes the riffs in the rest of the song from sadness to anger so evocatively.
The Grudge probably would have been my second choice.
After many hours of deliberation, self-torment and reminiscing, I’ve finally decided. My vote goes to Third Eye, second still being tied between Aenema and Eon Blue Apocalypse. Hellboy, you’ve made me decide which child to push off a ledge. I’ll never forgive you. But nice job. 🙂