I have two pictures for you mob to enjoy today. This first is a picture of Ryan‘s framed Signed Lateralus Vinyl. Ryan has devised some kind of clear frame so that it can be turned over when the mood suits. Nice one!

The other picture is from my Big Day Out collection. Knock yourselves out!
wow so that record is a display of how clueless i am, and what i should do with my signed disc (is that apropos?)
secondly that stage pic is boss…spanks
Hey hellboy, iv’e been lurking these pages for some time now but only just recently joined. I just wanted to post a small review of the Melbourne gig for everyone but i’m not sure where to put it. If you could point me in the right direction that would be great.namaste
melb was awesome, glad i went to sydney though!
Shitty Pictures?… if you want some shitty pictures, i took some from my Motorola v3 (the most shittiest phone to take pictures with) but to my surprise I found that in the mosh pit i took a damm good photo… feast your eye’s on these… (sydney)… maybe because we were pretty close, or i was damm lucky, these photo’s turned out ok for this phone quality
RohanD- do you remember what song was playing on that second photo(green lasers). That pic is sic.
Unrelated but I’m just wondering… who else is coming to Isis in Sydney on Saturday night?
That is an awesome picture of the BDO.
And on the previous unrelated note, I will be attending the Isis gig on Saturday night in Sydney. So damn excited about it.
Umm… i can’t quite remember, but it was when Justin had a solo part, because the other lights are focusing on him… but i can’t recall the song, sorry… But i do like that picture because its close to Justin.
Here’s some other cool (slightly blurry ones) for anyone else interested. (With a close one of Adam)
If you liked the last one, this one is really good
Um… i can’t quite remember what song that was… it must have been a solo part because all the lights are focused on Justin, man he’s mad…
anyway, here’s another cool picture you might like if you liked that other one
That’s awesome that Isis is playing Australia. You all should definitely see them. Their solo show between Tool gigs a few months back was better than Tool (though the difference between a small music venue and a massive sports venue gave them a huge advantage). I’ll be seeing them in 27 days, and Red Sparowes in 20. 🙂