Another WordPress update came out recently, and I’m about to make the upgrade to Fourtheye. There will be a state of flux for around 20 minutes or so while I do the update. It should go smoothly in theory, but if you notice and strangeness at all then let me know. I’ll make a post when the upgrade process is complete.
Update: Update complete. I can’t see any obvious problems (on the user side anyway, not everything is well in the admin section….). Let me know if you find any.
i am unsure why but when you first come to the sites front page the cloumn that usually sits on the right is underneath the first column.
when i hit ‘reply’ it moves back to where it should. go back to front page and its underneath again. *could* be the resolution but its the minimum of 1024 x 768 (i’m temp on another pc and my usual is higher res).
could be my pesky IE6 to (which by the way the reply still does that ‘gappy’ thing)
also on reply page, after first reply is posted, it doesn’t show any amount in the ‘comments’…yet on the main page you can see a reply has been added as there is a number next to the ‘comments’
ok just ignore me, i just realised my browser was stretched to fill the screen but wasn’t actually ‘full’ screen…its fine now..
site still looks like arse!
[quote comment=”32242″]site still looks like arse![/quote]
Not quite brown enough for that!! Remember you can switch themes if this is really too offensive to your tastes (or better yet, tell someone who cares)