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Poll Results: Should Tool call it a day?

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This weeks poll cause a lot of discussion (as it was designed to) though overall it comes as no surprise to me to see that the vast majority of you don’t want Tool to call it quits anytime soon.

Personally I don’t think the need to call it a day.  As every band matures they need to make decisions which influence how and what they play, and Tool certainly aren’t the young men they were when we started getting into Undertow.  Of course Tool will quit when they feel it is the right time, but I sure hope we can get another CD or two out of them.

Here’s the results:

  1. No 570 Votes
  2. Not yet, give us one more album 209 Votes
  3. Yes 25 Votes
  4. No, but without Maynard 19 Votes
  5. No, but they should stop touring 14 Votes
  6. No, but without Adam 3 Votes
  7. No, but without Danny 2 Votes
  8. No, but without Justin 1 Vote
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