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Maynard on Suicide Girls

Maynard has been interviewed by Suicide Girls’ Daniel Epstein.  A pretty interesting read, and also reveals something about the recent Big Day Out tour that may explain some alleged sub-par performances:

DRE: How was touring with the Big Day Out festival in Australia?

MK: It was good. I got a chance to taste some wines down there as well, but I had the flu which sucked because I couldn’t taste anything.

DRE: So when you’re on tour you just hit all the wineries you can?

MK: Well, if you can time it right then it works out great. But it’s not always that easy. The schedule for touring is usually grueling. You can’t just take a week off in the middle of a tour to go taste wine.

Maynard also discusses his Vineward and Puscifer.  Thanks to Blabbermouth for the tip


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