This week, another non-Tool question, but at least it’s music related. I ask what musical skills do you have? if you play more than one instrument, select the one you feel you are best at.
New Poll: Are you musical?
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This week, another non-Tool question, but at least it’s music related. I ask what musical skills do you have? if you play more than one instrument, select the one you feel you are best at.
I’ve been playing drums for seven years, and singing all my life, but, I really got into serious singing only recently. For singing, I’ve been doing it for almost four years. I’ve played in multiple bands, and have a solo music project since 2004. I’ve also been practicing guitar periodically, which I hope to teach myself sometime. I always want to teach myself, by myself, when it comes to musical instruments. I feel, there’s so many rewards to just learning yourself.
I’ve been playing the cello (coincidentally, THE single best instrument of them all) for many years now. Where’s the option for that, huh, Helly?
Well, at least it was added.
Terrible spelling aside. *rolleyes*
tool is band of the year in this months revolver… i figured that woulda been on here.
Not many guitarists….