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New Poll: Do you believe in aliens?

Just for something different, this week I ask for you opinions on alien conspiracies!

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17 years ago

I don’t think it’s fair to call them aliens, we are just as alien as them.

17 years ago

to deny the possibility of extra terrestrial lifeforms somewhere in the universe is to be naive. take this little rationalization: if each star was the size of a grain of salt, there would be a teaspoon full of stars in OUR galaxy. if every star was the size of a grain of salt you would need a sphere 3 miles (4.8km) wide to hold the salt. how could we possibily be the only lifeforms in an area that big?

17 years ago

The Shag Harbor Incident is my favorite UFO case. They recently did a program on it for UFO Files. Back to the topic, I of course believe in extra terrestrials and UFOs. I think some great proof of UFOs, is the cave paintings, so fucking long ago. And, there is a saucer shape clearly defined in the paintings. Another thing to note, is that, they only painted the most important things in their day and it’s amazing to think they put a UFO as one. And don’t think there is just one UFO painted, it’s so many that have seen… Read more »

17 years ago

wheres the ‘i couldn’t care less’ option

17 years ago

I for one would so much like to believe or know for a fact, rather, that extra terrestrials exists but imagine if we truly are alone in the universe. That means this infinite space is our playground. However, it is tragic that we are on the verge of ending prematurely during this technological adolescence. (global warming, nuclear arms) I strongly believe we need an event of such large proportions to put things back into perspective.

17 years ago

We would have to be pretty naive to think that we are the only ones in this universe I think somewhere out there is a place way more advanced as we will ever be

17 years ago

i’d settle for a “im scared as fuck of aliens” too

17 years ago

You all know why Hellboy is asking this question?… he’s actually an Alien himself, trying to find others to mate with..

Its true i’ve seen where he keeps his anal probs, and i’ve seen some strange activity coming from his house.

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