Sorry about the lack of posts the last few days. As some of you know we’ve just moved and brought a house. The house we’ve brought needs a bit of work, so that last 4 days of my live have revolved around renovating it! Anyway, it’s all going well and now I’m back at work full time, I should have more time to spending posting stuff.
In the last couple of days though there have been plenty of little bits of info floating around. Firstly, according to Meats Meier, a new video has been recorded for Maynard‘s Puscifer project. The video reportedly have a motion captured 3D render of Maynard breakdancing, amongst other things. Sounds interesting. Thanks to the Tool Hotline for the tip.
Also on the Tool Hotline is a theory that 10,000 Days synchronises with the Wizard of Oz. Personally I don’t go for that synchronisation crap, but for those of you with plenty of time on your hands, check it out and let us know.
Toolband has confirmed the second Tool show in Hamilton on the 24th of June at Copps Collesium.
Finally, Toolarmy has a series of headache inducing stereoscopic pictures taken by Adam during the recent tour. No live shots unfortunately. Toolarmy Members only!
Can i come mow your lawn for you?
stereo….*yawn* zzzzzzzzz
Interview with Meats Meier on