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The End of the Road for Tool?

Some interesting comments have surfaced on this website in the last day or so. MikeNews, who claims to be a friend of one of the members of Shapeshifter, tells us that his mate spoke with the members of Tool (or their management) regarding their planned December tour to Australia (and hopefully New Zealand). Everything seems to be in good hands, and it looks like Shapeshifter may support Tool again.

What he did mention though was that 2007 would be the last year of touring for Tool. Some suggested this may be the final leg for the 10,000 Days tour, but Mike clarified and told us it will be the last year of touring EVER.

Now this info is far from confirmed, I know nothing about MikeNews, nor his alleged connection with Shapeshifter, nor do I even think this kind of stuff would be discussed with a supporting band, but it once again raises the question, are Tool on the verge of calling it a day?

Should they? Should they at least let the fans know before their final tours? Should they have quit a long time ago? Will they stop touring but continue to record? Feel free to discuss…..

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17 years ago

From what they seemed to say in the interviews when they were out here promoting 10,000 days – e.g. on Channel V and Rage – they weren’t winding up any time soon, and seemed happy doing what they were doing… In any event, there is not a chance in hell – it is beyond any reasonable consideration – that the guys would have been discussing this with Shapeshifter. Although I didn’t find 10,000 days as a package their most enjoyable work, I feel that some of the tracks on the album represents their best work (.e.g Keys & Jambi) –… Read more »

17 years ago

The correct response is Yes– they should stop touring (AND they should stop making albums). Maynard is clearly more interested in making wine and doing the pusicfer lounge music thing than being involved with Tool–and it shows. 10K days was a complete embarassment: rehashed or totally reused riffs, puerile lyrics et cetera. They should have stopped after Lateralus.

17 years ago

sextusempiricus is right. maynard lacks complete enthusiasm and motivation with tool, because it shows on the album and the tour. failling to see this either makes you blind or stupid. i’d rather they quit any time soon rather than come out with another half arsed record like 10,000 days tbh. puscifer and vino are his passions now, if he does make another album with tool it would be purely to buy more land for his wine.

17 years ago

10k Days is far from a horrible album musically. Personally I listen to the music more than the lyrics and the music on the album is quite strong and I really enjoy the production. Sure, there are elements of ‘this riff sounds a bit like… insert other tool riff here’ etc but at least they created that sound.
Credit where credit due. Tool are still a great band regardless is Maynard enjoys making wine and god-forbid, enjoys creating other music than Tool.

17 years ago

I don’t mind Maynard making his Puscifer project as long as he really uses it to realise his crazier ideas that don’t belong to Tool. Actually that’s way better than him commiting to much more serious lyrics and music like APC, betwween touring and recording with Tool. And even when he was with APC we still got that gorgeous Lateralus album, so I’d think again before saying such side-projects take away his commitment with the band. And for 10,000 Days I agree with rdomain, that’s some great music and some great lyrics form Maynard too. Just because it’s not as… Read more »

17 years ago

the new tomahawk album is pretty terrible. no song structures just the typical fantomas bungle tripe, surprising really since their first album was more of a band rocking out. mike patton should really consider quality over quantity.

17 years ago

I firmly believe the time has come for the band to stop becoming a mirror of what they seem to or used to despise. high priced tours and artwork and cheesy money making associations have shaken my belief in the truism they used to represent. loving them since 94 and seeing them in a few different continents hasnt changed the fact that they are now rehashing albeit great music into a stock standard set list/money making venture. I used to believe they were true artists but the money making bug has hit them ( or dare i say a certain… Read more »

17 years ago

I agree with sextuse and doors.There was something missing, like a lack of enthusiasm to push the envelope.

17 years ago


17 years ago

This is a blatant attempt to increase web stats after the quiet period. I am onto you hellboy!

ps. I bet it worked!

17 years ago

Oh and if there was any truth to it I hope Shapeshifter thank Mike for losing them a support gig. Cant say I would be to upset at missing them support TOOL either.

17 years ago

Sad, but probably true.

17 years ago

I can’t confirm what he said was true, but he is a long time Tool fan and being in his position I don’t see the point in him making stuff up. Apparently this topic was discussed when Tool (minus Maynard) took the guys out for dinner.

17 years ago

Anyone care to point me towards that there Tomahawk album?..

17 years ago

I’ve pretty much given up on Patton tbh. Reuniting with FNM is his only saving grace.

17 years ago

Hi doors, Paul D’Amour ain’t coming back. Just let it go……..
Everyone’s been death-riding nard’s voice this time round and then Dany fucks up.So hellboy that SEC show, without shapeshifter, was OK right. And even tho nard was crook I’d put that show in front of most.As for this time round being a cynical money making exercise they would of played a side show in enzed, bro…..

17 years ago

i recall that during an interview with adam jones a few months ago, he was talking about a different tuning frequency he may use for the next tool album, sorry i cant find the article but i’m sure if hellboy read it he’d remember. anyway, it didnt seem that tool was done, but a new album doesnt necessarily mean a tour i guess

17 years ago

I love you hellboy, and I love Anonymous.

Trout Mask
Trout Mask
17 years ago

I completely forgot about the current North American tour. I just checked some of the reviews, and a couple of nights ago, they played PUSHIT. Im getting pumped for the Aus tour.

17 years ago

I’d prefer the Salival Version tho – but hearing the Aenema verstion of PUSHIT would be better than hearing Schism for the 10000000th time

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