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New Poll: Is it cool to wear a Tool shirt to a Tool concert?

I hear this being constantly debated on Toolarmy and Toolnavy, so let’s decide once and for all!  Is it cool to show your support for the band at their gig’s by wearing one of their shirts?

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17 years ago

I never wear a band’s shirt to their concert. Why else would you be there if you didn’t like the band?

17 years ago

Wheres the “who gives a shit” button? No offense Hellboy.

17 years ago

It’s an unwritten rule of the concert. You never wear the t-shirt of the band you’re going to see because if you didn’t like them you wouldn’t be there. However wearing a t-shirt of the opening band is acceptable.

17 years ago

agreed, where is the who gives a shit, let ppl wear what they want.

17 years ago

It’s not acceptable. You end up looking like “that guy.” I’ll spend most of the night making fun of you.

Another thing: the choices for this poll were bullshit, man. To me, they’re all geared toward: “it’s OK to wear the band’s shirt” when clearly it is not OK.

17 years ago

[quote comment=”32710″]It’s not acceptable. You end up looking like “that guy.” I’ll spend most of the night making fun of you.

Another thing: the choices for this poll were bullshit, man. To me, they’re all geared toward: “it’s OK to wear the band’s shirt” when clearly it is not OK.[/quote]
to be honest, who really cares if your making fun of them? Now your that guy and i’ll spend the next 5 minutes thinking about how big of a douche you are.

17 years ago

and no i don’t wear tool shirts to tool concerts

17 years ago

[quote comment=”32713″]So who invokes more ridicule – those who wear Tool shirts or those that wear Cowboy hats imitating Maynard?[/quote]
what about wearing a tool shirt, a cowboy hat, and the puscifer belt buckle?

see you auntie
see you auntie
17 years ago

I’m not the person to wear a band shirt to a concert but cool if that’s your thing.

I’ll throw this into the mix – what about a festival eg Big Day Out?

Yes or No?

17 years ago

It’s okay at a festival

17 years ago

The douche that I am is going to leave it at this: I went to the show in Jacksonville, Florida recently. Every, and I mean EVERY single person I bumped into wearing a Tool shirt was a complete dick. “Wasn’t that the worst show you have ever been to?” What? Were you even watching the same show I was? “Well, [brushing off their cool new Tool shirt], clearly you haven’t been to as many shows as I have [scoff scoff].” “Hey man, where’s your Tool shirt?” Oh man, I didn’t wear it here, you know? “Well, [scoff] I got this… Read more »

17 years ago

Needs an “I’m over Tool” option. I find it sad for somebody to be wearing band merch at their concerts, I find it even sadder for people to be wearing A Perfect Circle shirts at their concerts as was the case back in 2001. Do you really think Maynard gives a shit if you’re wearing your fanboi shirt?

Rock up like any civilized person and wear civilized clothes.

17 years ago

well im me ,and me … likes 4 or 5 t-shirts that are mine ! So when i want to like me, and a like where i go , even if it is very important or no.. i still like me and my tee shirts ! So.. people should wear what is confortable to them so as i do .. (p.s. summer fest rules.. shirtless dressing code ! wtf!? ) HELLBOY you are the one ! and i mean this as i said it and in none reactional way to you frase above .. so when a t shirt for… Read more »

17 years ago

[quote comment=”32717″]The douche that I am is going to leave it at this: I went to the show in Jacksonville, Florida recently. Every, and I mean EVERY single person I bumped into wearing a Tool shirt was a complete dick. “Wasn’t that the worst show you have ever been to?” What? Were you even watching the same show I was? “Well, [brushing off their cool new Tool shirt], clearly you haven’t been to as many shows as I have [scoff scoff].” “Hey man, where’s your Tool shirt?” Oh man, I didn’t wear it here, you know? “Well, [scoff] I got… Read more »

17 years ago

[quote post=”726″]No sitting on the fence though[/quote]

I really don’t care, seriously, its just clothing to cover your body. just wear clothes or not. Yes, I don’t need tips from the Fashion Police, was my choice being a American and all that was pretty tough *wipes sweat from brow*

17 years ago

[quote comment=”32713″]So who invokes more ridicule – those who wear Tool shirts or those that wear Cowboy hats imitating Maynard?[/quote]

Hahaha I’ve never seen anyone doing that but fuck, you’d have to be a massive tool.

17 years ago

You all have convinced me to wear an AK to my next Tool concert..

17 years ago

This a a funny topic to be talking about because I have always seen people at shows wearing the bands shirt and I laugh. I do find that NIN fans are much more judgmental of this than TOOL fans. Here is a funny story that is NIN related… So I wore a NIN shirt to a DMB fan and got nothing but terrible stares and one girl came up to me and said “How can you even appreciate Dave and wear a NIN shirt like that?” Talk about ignorance at its best! So to spite all the DMB fans I… Read more »

17 years ago

since when is it an unwritten rule never to wear the t-shirt of the band you’re there to see? and when since does wearing the t-shirt – be it a perfect circle, tool, puscifer or fucking devo mean you want to impress maynard? I’ve only got one tool t-shirt and I never wear because it’s shit. I’ve got several nin t-shirt and I wear them all time because they’re my favourite band and I don’t give a shit who knows. wear what you want. deliberately not wearing the t-shirt, even though you own them doesn’t get any more kudos –… Read more »

17 years ago

I mean cmon, the only reason people go on and on about that is from that stupid movie, PCU. There’s no way I am going to let that stop me from wearing my badass tool shirt in the presence of people who might actually appreciate it.

17 years ago

the risk of being uncool … im glad i have beard i hate having to do it .

17 years ago

Wear what you u want I think its worse wearing a tool shirt to the pub. I think there good for festivals no matter whos playing, just because your wearing a certain tool/apc/puscifer/PLG/peach or whatever shirt doesnt mean your trying to impress any of the band members because they wont see you anyway!!

Im not voting on this i dont like the options, no offense its a hard one to give answers for.

p.s If i see anyone at any of maynards shows wearing an AK il try to knock them out myself.

17 years ago

Seriously, who gives a fuck what other people are wearing? Just because someone wears a t-shirt doesn’t mean they support a band any more or less than the next person, or more importantly it doesn’t mean they think they are better fans than anyone else! Sure there are dicks out there that think they are bigger fans than other people but until I see a list of tool fans starting from 1 to 1,000,000 (or whatever) i’ll just categorize people as fans or not, no matter what they wear! If you wear a t-shirt fine, good on you for supporting… Read more »

17 years ago

dam.. where were you all this time ?

17 years ago

Tool fans are the biggest wankers though.

17 years ago

yes doors what against ?

We evolved human as beings like to dizimate populations just like that .

17 years ago

Out of curiosity is it ok to wear a puscifer shirt to a Tool show while drinking cadeceus?

17 years ago


17 years ago

about wearing band shirts
1) we’re there for the band, not you, so get over it if someone has a shirt supporting the band
2) you ever ask someone in the band what they like and motivates them, or is all this about you?

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