Queen B on Puscifer.comMaynard James Keenan, PusciferOctober 1, 20074 CommentsBrokenmandible reports that Queen B is now streaming on Puscifer.com. Enjoy! 0 0 votesArticle Rating previousPuscifer MedleynextButcher Show, Lustmord Interview Subscribe Notify of new follow-up commentsnew replies to my comments Please login to comment 4 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline FeedbacksView all comments vuduchild 17 years agothe backing tune to a threesome? OutlandishTeacup 17 years agoI actually quite like this. andrewobrien 17 years agoinitially wasn’t that impressed,was into it by the end of the song wellsounds damn well engineered for an internet stream too… Atmostfear 17 years agoFor me, it conveys an action without thought, instead of thought and then action feel (which isn’t as typical for Maynardia).
the backing tune to a threesome?
I actually quite like this.
initially wasn’t that impressed,
was into it by the end of the song well
sounds damn well engineered for an internet stream too…
For me, it conveys an action without thought, instead of thought and then action feel (which isn’t as typical for Maynardia).