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A response to an email received today:

>The new design on your site really sucks. ร‚ย You can not read a thing.
Thanks, maybe one day I’ll make it more readable for you.ร‚ย  Personally I don’t have a problem with it.

>This is also not a TOOL page. ร‚ย If there is no news to report on TOOL you should not post any thing.

You’re right, it’s not a Tool page, it’s a Tool related website.ร‚ย  It also happens to be my website, so I’ll post whatever the hell I want.

Anything else I should know about running my own website?

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16 years ago

nothin from me, i love this site, always quality info.

16 years ago

I love the new theme, don’t change a thing about it.

16 years ago

I’ve been a huge fan of this site since it launched, but this new design is harder to read.

Increase the div opacity and use an unfiltered, high res net of being for the sides; then you got yourself a nice looking website

16 years ago

>Anything else I should know about running my own website?

yeah the completely unrelated polls are getting a bit much. when i see a new item has appeared in the RSS feed, i get all excited about it, click on it, and its just a poll about the af grand final, or computer games or what is the best type of sandwich.

and its hard to read those useless polls too. :)~

but it is your site, so whatever.

charred remains
16 years ago

Bring gravatar back :D,

oh by the way, under my “Submit Comment” button I’m seeing the following:


WordPress not liking you, as far as I can tell nothing is amiss, and it's not even really annoying, just thought I'd let you know :)

EDIT: obviously doesn’t like me posting html codes, so I took a fireshot

16 years ago

Ignore that loser, i think the new site looks great and everything is perfectly readible.

I like the extra stuff you post ๐Ÿ˜€

16 years ago

I can read this theme, but the last one was way nicer

16 years ago

I find the new theme rather hard to read, but as longs as you keep the old ones available to use, I’m satisfied. This site has a lot of great content, and currently my #1 source for Tool related news. Keep up the good work, matey!

16 years ago

no problems there . lov this site XD

16 years ago

The only thing missing in my opinion is a link to my website. ๐Ÿ™‚

16 years ago

The reason why he is posting stuff thats not Tool realated is because theres nothing much news from Tool lately. They just got done with a 10,000 days tour and having the holidays off. So he is just adding some fun stuff to fill in and waiting for some exciting TOOL news thats down the future. Then he’ll post it.

So go to if you dont like this site fuckers!

16 years ago

Tool’s best years are truly over. That’s all I’m going to say.

16 years ago

[quote comment=”33460″]Tool’s best years are truly over. That’s all I’m going to say.[/quote]

Straight up, my nigga.

charred remains
16 years ago

[quote comment=”33458″]The only thing missing in my opinion is a link to my website. :-)[/quote]

Shinji, look at your post, and click your name…

16 years ago

Awesome website Hellboy! I don’t like the new theme so I changed to ‘fourtheye 06’ and everything’s sweet. Anyone who seriously complains about it or anything else can get stuffed in my opinion… In terms of news etc your site is the best, even better than Toolband and Toolshed/navy. Very up-to-date and informative. The polls are good too, even if they aren’t concerning Tool. As for 2008, it will be a very lean year for Tool-related news. It will be just like 2003 was. The only thing I can see coming is ‘The Pot’ on dvd, which I expect will… Read more ร‚ยป

16 years ago

[quote comment=”33463″]Fixed, but it looks like it’s been a while since you updated your website. [/quote]
Thank you ; indeed, I’m going to update my website, but I’ve been quite busy this year with the book I’m finishing about a band you know very well. ๐Ÿ˜‰

16 years ago

[quote comment=”33487″]In French or English?[/quote]
First in French ; but who knows, maybe if it’s good enough…

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