With the AFL (Australian Rules Football League for those non-Australians) starting up again soon, just wondering if any of you are interested in a special Fourtheye tipping competition. There will be no prizes apart from the honour of winning, and the shame of coming last.
Comment below to show your interest, and if enough people are up for it, then I’ll start one up.
i couldn’t be any less interested.
hope this helps.
My Cats will go back to back, I guarantee!
Very interested in a tipping comp
I’ll be in it.. Pies ’08!
I’ll be in the comp. For sure. C’mon Catters, make it back-to-back in 08.
I will be a part of it for sure
Why the fuck is a shitty aussie meathead sport relevant news to Tool?
AFL can FOAD tbh. Rugy League FTW! and I’m even not even from NSW or QLD (Victoria actually). Shows how shit this sorry excuse for a game is. It has as much appeal as NFL tbh.
[quote comment=”33752″]Why the fuck is a shitty aussie meathead sport relevant news to Tool?[/quote]
It’s not. What’s your point?
yeah…yeah, im betting on 99.99% of the tool fourtheye community not giving a flying fuck about AFL.
[quote comment=”33752″] meathead[/quote]
thats ironic coming from a what sounds like a die hard NRL fan… none the less go broncos and lions.
count me in !!!
that should leave 99.8% who dont give a fuck bout AFL
C’MON EAGLES ,we’re flying high !!! we might another drug supplier though this year
I’m not from Australia and have no clue about the AFL, but I don’t know why so many people care about talking about it here. This is your website, so you should do what you want. It’s not like every single bit of info needs to be on tool. This can just be a place for tool fans to come talk about shit not necessarily about the band. If I knew about the AFL, I’d probably be all for it.
[quote comment=”33757″]I’m not from Australia and have no clue about the AFL, but I don’t know why so many people care about talking about it here. This is your website, so you should do what you want. It’s not like every single bit of info needs to be on tool. This can just be a place for tool fans to come talk about shit not necessarily about the band. If I knew about the AFL, I’d probably be all for it.[/quote]
AFL = Ass Fuckers League