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Australian Bands You Should Listen To…

A fiar percentage of our readers are from the US and other countries around the world, and since things are relatively quiet on the Tool front (at least until the next issue of Revolver comes out), I though it might be a good idea to try and introduce some of our overseas guests to some of our best Australian bands.  I’m not talking about AC/DC, Silverchair or Wolfmother, I mean genuinely good Aussie bands.  I’m going to talk about three of my favorites, so sit back and enjoy!

The first band I want to mention are a local Adelaide band that I’m sure man of our Australian readers are quite familiar with.  The Mark of Cain have been around for over 20 years, and in my opinion are the best live band in Australia.  Their sound is described as a mix between Big Black, Joy Division and Helmet.  The Mark of Cain were at their height of popularity in the late 90s and it may surprise some readers to hear that they are still going strong, though live shows and tours are few and far between these days.  This is largely due to the fact that their drummer is ex-Helmet/Tomahawk/Battles skinsman John Stanier.

TMOC have just recently been in the recording studio working on their next album, which is expected to be released independantly later this year.  Long time fan Henry Rollins is also expected to make an appearance on this album.

For those of you who want to check them out, visit their website or Myspace page.  My favorite albums are This is This and Ill At Ease.

Cog are a band that many Fourtheye and Tool fans are familiar with, and there are probably many that consider them to be Australia’s answer to Tool.  There are undeniable similarities between the music of the two bands, though many differences as well.  I consider Cog to be much mellower than Tool, and I find the vocals a little grating at times. Having said that, i still enjoy their work, and their latest album Sharing Space (produced by Undertow producer Sylvia Massey) is probably their best to date.

Cog are currently touring around Australia, and I’m planning to see them when they hit Adelaide.  You can hear some of their music at their Myspace page.

Front End Loader are another Aussie band that have been around for a while.  This quirky hard rock outfit have been taking it easy for a while now, but have just released a live CD Laughing With Knives, and are playing live shows once more.  Their last tour missed Adelaide, which was a bit disappointing, but hopefully next time they’ll pay us a visit.  The guys are one of the best live bands around, and their drummer Pete is in my opinion Australia’s best drummer.  His talents are well and truly wasted playing in Regurgitator, and FEL’s use of rhythm is the perfect showboat for his skills.

Once again, these guys have a Myspace page with some tracks you can listen to.

There are many other Aussie bands out there worth checking out, these are just the ones I enjoy the most.  Off the top of my head other bands worth checking out are Karnivool, Dead Letter Circus and Bloodduster.  I also have a soft spot for a couple of bands that are no longer with us – Christbait and Magnacite.

There are plenty more good bands out there, if you know of any more good Australian bands our readers should know about, then let us know why in the comments below.

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16 years ago

waits for doors….
in all honestly, the insturmentals for cog are pretty amazing. Not to fond of the frontman tho, if you could change the singer for cog they would definately be a top 3 band of mine (as well as isis, i hate his constant growling/screaming)

16 years ago

TISM!!! Where To Begin? TISM are the greatest Australian Band ever. Period. They’re even better than John Farnham. To Answer the Question “What’s TISM’s Best Album”, one would need to create a new branch of mathematics, dealing with the concept of “awesomeness” in relation to “comedic genius” and “depth of philosophical insight”. Unfortunately, No TISM Fan is smart enough to create this new branch of maths, so I’ll just go ahead and say that their best album MIGHT be ‘’. But they’re all masterpieces. TISM are probably too brilliantly cynical to have a myspace page, but I’m sure that there… Read more »

16 years ago

I gave Cog a listen the other day (after hearing about them on this site) and I agree with what more than a few have said “great music/bad singer”
What a shame.

Tool might soon have the same problem! Maynard has run out of yells. Whispering Jack.

16 years ago

the presets.

16 years ago

AH, an excellent post! There are many Aussie bands the world of Tool fans should know about. Heres a few common ones i listen to…

Karnivool (recently did a US tour)
The Butterfly Effect (Im not a big fan anymore, but theyve done pretty well for themselves)
Sunk Loto (no longer together, except for random “Last Shows”, great last album)
The Meaning Of (perth band, just released 2nd album)
Mercurial (perth band, in the middle of recording very cool new album)
Gyroscope (juts released new album)
Icehouse (old school, yewww!)

16 years ago

Front End Loader! hell yeah! bring them on.

Melbourne bands that rock are –

VARLiiBA – they get compared to tool alot

Hope you get something out of them. Good thread HELLBOY!

16 years ago

I agree with Tiphareth, The Butterfly Effect is a great band from Brisbane.

16 years ago

Agree wholeheartedly with Cog (The Spine and Are You Interested? are amazing tracks), Dead Letter Circus (Saw them open with Freestate for Cog late last year in Geelong), Karnivool (2nd Favourite band, need a new album) and Mammal. I used to really be into TBE but they lost a bit a edge with the last album somehow. Gyroscope’s first album and newest are great. Van She/Presets/Cut Copy all great bands too.

16 years ago

[quote comment=”33958″]I gave Cog a listen the other day (after hearing about them on this site) and I agree with what more than a few have said “great music/bad singer”
What a shame.[/quote]

Get yourself a new pair of ears.

13 years ago

KARNIVOOL finally playing a show in Cairns !! July 2 !!

woot woot !!

easily my fave Aussie band, seen em at BDO 2010 – awesome

looking forward to their new stuff which supposedly they are going to premiere on this tour !!


13 years ago

Great idea for a thread Hellboy! And Mark Of Cain are an excellent way to start proceedings. They are originally from Adelaide I believe and they played in the basement of my brothers Uni housing back in the dark ages (80’s). Like Cog as well but agree that the vocals can be a bit too monotonous. Another couple of bands that I’m really enjoying at the moment are both from Melbourne. Sydonia have been around for a while and released an excellent first album a few years ago “Given to Destroyers”. For my money their drummer is the best we… Read more »

13 years ago
13 years ago

Black Cab. They are awesome.

13 years ago

@ 2lizbet – you should thank Jujano too… Hellboy first posted this back on April 28th, 2008! The only reason it showed up now on the forum is because Jujano replied to it from here. I’ll try to check out those links in a bit, thanks.

@ Jujano – I am also very much looking forward to hearing the new shit from Karnivool… and by the way… don’t listen to Hellboy or CarbonCapsLockBoy when they start bad-mouthing the ‘Vool. They’re just ignorant… =`p

13 years ago

@ Jujano & Kittaan – thanks to you both and I’ll get on board with the Vool cheers. See them whenever I can and they’ve yet to disappoint.

13 years ago

admin – 3 minutes ago  » 
One of the new Karnivool tracks is up on Youtube if anyones interested. It’s pretty dodgy quality though. If the singer wasn’t such a whiney douchebag I think I could like them.

Bwahahahaha. Actually, he’s a REALLY nice guy. I’ve hung out and had a beer with him. Very cool, and when he’s not singing, not even the least be whiny. But what did I expect from you, right? hehehehe.

13 years ago

Parkway Drive tops my list right now! Absolutly Kill It!

13 years ago

@ Hellboy – FYI: The Refusal, the new song they just performed live for the first time, was taken down off of YT at ‘Vool’s request, according to the OP.

13 years ago

He could be the nicest guy in the world, but his vocals are my number 1 reason for disliking the ‘Vool

His vocals would be the reason why I’d excuse him being a whiney douchebag.

13 years ago

personally i really like his voice

13 years ago

NOÛS are an experimental/sludge/metal band from Melbourne worth checking out. Only been playing live for a month or so. Due to release an EP mid 2011.
Melbourne gig (april 30)

13 years ago

JERICCO are one of the best bands I have seen lately. Melbourne based but do shows country-wide

For anyone interested in a tough sounding 3 piece rock band, my band – driveby epic – is about to drop a new EP and do cities throughout May/June and head out on east Coast tour later in the year.
Facey, Myspace, twitter etc etc

Busty McCracken
13 years ago

jujano – 1 day ago  »  KARNIVOOL finally playing a show in Cairns !! July 2 !! woot woot !! easily my fave Aussie band, seen em at BDO 2010 – awesome looking forward to their new stuff which supposedly they are going to premiere on this tour !! peace, jujano Wow, someone else from Cairns. How ya garn? Absolutely stoked they’re finally coming to cairns. Gonna be an awesome gig, thinking of road tripping the night before to Townsville as well. Chances are I probably know ya. Do you ever get out to local cairns gigs?? Oh & Marc… Read more »

13 years ago

^^ I’m from Etty bay. Just south of Innisfail. I’ve seen TBE and cog at brothers before. Nothing much else has interested me. I run my own business and am a married (12 years) father of 4 daughters so I don’t get out too much. Goin see KYUSS in bris in 2 weeks. Really Lookin forward to seein the vool at their own show I saw em at bdo 2010 but this should be way better.

Might see u there !!


Busty McCracken
13 years ago

Etty bay… Hope ya came out alright after cyclone yasi. . Am down in cardwell camping for the weekend, man the poor buggers copped it sweet down here. If ya ever get a chance, you should try get a night off & come see some local bands up in cairns. There’s some really good bands doin the rounds at the moment. There’s a new band called king Palmer who are very Marc of Cain sounding, a mad ska band, a few progressive bands, some good metal acts & my new band is just getting started. Have a listen, see what… Read more »

13 years ago

^ that link didn’t work and what happened was my dyslexia kicked in. I typed in peytonic and this is what the web came up with

13 years ago

Boner and the Stuffed Flounders rock…

Busty McCracken
13 years ago

Hahaha.. Actually enjoyed that little ditty. Cheers.

Sorry, link was typed on phone, stuffed it. Recording was from our 2nd show so we’re still a work in progress. Vocals are pretty flat on the sludge song especially.. Just got added to the essence festival which is a 3 day event in Mt Garnett in June. Gonna be playing alongside Shihad, Butterfly effect so pretty stoked!

Try that link instead..

Oh & Over Reactor (Eziekel Ox – Mammal singer side band) added to Karnivool shows nationally… Beauty.

Busty McCracken
13 years ago

Heard from a mate after we’d decided on the name & set up facebook accounts etc, that they’re used to be a band called Peyote back in Sydney in the mid 90’s. Possibly them you’re thinking of?? A google search when we first decided on the name came up with something from the UK in the 90’s & that’s all we found. To be honest, we don’t really have delusions of grandeur, so aren’t expecting to make music that develops a following big enough for us to quit our day jobs, so it really doesn’t matter if we share the… Read more »

Busty McCracken
13 years ago

Cheers bud.. And Faith No More are the tits by the way….

13 years ago

Dirty Three…

Saw them Warren Ellis perform 3 times in as many months earlier this year, this was by far the best gig of the lot, at Melbourne’s “Forum Theatre” (the best venue in town IMO) joined by none other than Mr Nick Cave.

Music so emotionally descriptive, I wont even attempt to describe it.


13 years ago

@ BMcC – have a fun time at the essence festival sounds like a great gig.
Thanks for the Ezekiel heads up I had only listened to his Fury stuff and didn’t realise he was doing a more Mammal style again. I’ve got my Karnivool tickets so I’m set. The link below is to the Over-Reactor site if anyone is interested. I’ve got it on now and am really enjoying it.

Busty McCracken
13 years ago

No drama;s mate.. I’m real keen to see em live too.. They’re apparently in a similiar vein to One day as a lion, in that it’s just Zeke & the drummer. Should be interesting.

And yeah Essence is gonna be mad.. Few other mates bands are playing to so got a big crew headed up for the weekend.. Gonna be a beauty!

13 years ago


FEL new album out..ritardando. Saw them last friday, about 50 people there, what a shame. One of the best old school aussie rock bands around!!!

13 years ago

good stuff,

I have been to heaps of there gigs and they never dissapoint, might actually go to the annandale (sydney) and see them again on the 27th!

13 years ago

This is a relatively new Melbourne Band called Redcoats. A friend emailed me the link and said to have a listen. They sound really good so I’m sharing.

13 years ago

2lizbet – 6 minutes ago  » 
This is a relatively new Melbourne Band called Redcoats. A friend emailed me the link and said to have a listen. They sound really good so I’m sharing.

worth the listen thanx… def takes a few lisens to accept his vox, but that’s typical for me.

13 years ago

2lizbet – 23 minutes ago  » 
This is a relatively new Melbourne Band called Redcoats. A friend emailed me the link and said to have a listen. They sound really good so I’m sharing.

checking them as I type…not too bad so far

13 years ago

it may not be the best AC/DC album but on of my favorite AC/DC songs is

13 years ago

12th Man, The – Wired World of Sports

now that shit right there is classic!

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