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Not about rock dudes

According to a post by Maynard on the Asylum messageboard:

Please don’t bring previously purchased bottles to this signing.
It’s illegal to bring bottles in that were not purchased at Whole Foods.
You will be required to purchase a bottle there for signing.
and PLEASE don’t bring band related items.
This event is about the birth of Arizona Stronghold Vineyards.
Not about rock dudes.

Thanks to Khadgar346 for the tip.

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16 years ago

Maynard can gladly shove those wine bottles up his arse. Ungrateful cunt. If it wasn’t for his fans (even though their wankers) he wouldn’t have any wines let alone a vineyard. He’d still be selling parakeet bird seeds and cleaning dog shit at that Pet Shop. I’m not just talking about this particular instance, he’s always been an overall cunt throughout his career. Buddy if you sell to the public you become public property. You’ve been doing this for so long now I’d have thought you’d figure that out already. Otherwise there’s always that pet shop..

16 years ago

What a dick

16 years ago

You are absolutly right if it wasn’t for TOOL he wouldn’t have his fucking vineyard.

16 years ago

I was hoping someone would go there and take a few photos of him for a reaction and then tape any questions you ask him and torrent it like a bootleg. We could call the bootleg maynards a dick. He is betting on the fact that most Tool fans arnt old ennouph to buy the mandatory bottle of wine to meet him.

16 years ago

If you sell to the public you become public property? wtf? If it wasn’t for Tool he wouldn’t have his vineyard? huh? Who knows what the hell he would have done if Tool didn’t exist. Hell, he might have gone to work on a vineyard and one day may have owned one. Who fucking knows? He likes it, so he probably would have done it in some capacity anyway. It’s got nothing to do with you. And so what if it was because of Tool that he now has a vineyard? He and the rest of Tool made Tool what… Read more »

16 years ago

Public property? What? How deluded can you be when you don’t believe someone has a right to privacy or a right to their own pursuits without a million overzealous retards mobbing you?

16 years ago

Tool fans should have their own show on the Fox News Network.

16 years ago

Oh by the way Sharing Space is by far the best album ever made.

16 years ago

well put fifthsense,

honestly, we all know how mjk is. yes he’s arrogant. yes he’s a dick @ times, but he has the right to. TOOL fans are fans because we know how good these guys are as artists, in all aspects of the word. If they guys weren’t broadcasted…if we saw these guys locally, they’d STILL be tight. And they would grow anyway.

16 years ago

If he doesn’t want “all” his fans to come out for the signing why didn’t they just advertise under the name of the wine? Therefore, people who are interested in wine would be the ones to come out. But instead they advertised come to the signing of Maynard James Keenan’s new wine. Knowing that by using his name it is going to draw a lot more people. But at the same time not necessarily more wine people!! People should be careful what they wish for because they just might get it!!

16 years ago

What about those mets ?! eh … joke

But the european football cup is just righ in june
and is cristiano ronaldo … the football jmk ?!

i guess not , who knows !

16 years ago

doors your a deadshit, show some respect or piss off. Tool own COG period & maynard can do what ever the fuck he wants he wouldnt want 2 million people showing up with merchandise

16 years ago

just look at this ! victims are everywhere

16 years ago

Tool are has beens you fucking TOOL!

16 years ago

Tool do to prog rock as what Madonna does to pop. SHIT! When they were underground 10 years ago they were relevant but not anymore. You want proof? Listen to 10,000 yawns… Cog might not have the numbers in terms of fans/sales..but they are far more superior in terms of musicianship than Tool would ever hope to aspire. Comparison: Tool are lazy (they produce 2 albums every decade.if that) Cog aren’t (2 ep’s and 2 albums in the span of 6 years) Yet cog get better at every release and tool just become more and more of a parody of… Read more »

16 years ago

doors: Why do you visit this website?

You still want to know what Tool are up to or you wouldn’t be here. It’s no wonder Maynard doesn’t want people to come down and talk about music.

Imagine the things someone like you would say:
“Why don’t you make another one like Aenima?”
“Why don’t you make albums more often?”
Whine, whine, whine….

Wine, wine, wine! It’s about wine! Not Tool, not Cog. Get over it! And get over the fact that you don’t like Tool anymore. It’s ok to stop visiting this site now. Tool won’t change for you, sorry.

16 years ago

Fair enough to Maynard. He wants his wine to get out of his tool fan base. Having a bunch of geeky tool heads cramming in for a taste of introspection from their ‘god’ and ‘idol’ doesnt help that.

I’d love to taste it because frankly every American wine i have tried has been mediocre at best. Does anyone know if it has reached Australia yet?

16 years ago

The funniest bit in doors’ post was when he stated that tool suck live, my roflcopter took off, look you can still see it if you look hard enough.. but in all seriousness, fifthsense is right, why do you still come here.. seems like every bit of news there is someone being a jerk.
Can’t we just be a happy community. <<< that’s a statement not a question.

16 years ago

I was being serious, TOol do suck live though if you think otherwise you’re in deep denial or are pretty stupid. 1. Only thing going for tool live are the pyrotechnics and screens. 2. They are the founding fathers of the ‘shoegazing’ genre when it comes to live performance. 3. Maynard doesn’t give a fuck anymore..he doesn’t mingle with the crowd like he used to 10 or so years ago.. 4. Talk to any good drummers out there and they will say Danny Carey is over rated. 5. Maynard hasn’t got the voice he once had 6. Adam=shoegazer..most boring person… Read more »

16 years ago

Get out more hellboy, talk to people. You’ve been encapsulated in this Tool shell for far too long!

16 years ago

I’ve never seen a Tool show with pyrotechnics, but I know what you mean, the lighting is pretty cool. I know shit loads of great drummers who are either directly influenced by Danny Carey or at least respect that he is a great player. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say he was over-rated, not even people who hate Tool’s music. I guess I don’t meet enough cynics? The last time I saw Adam play live he bounced up and down at one point for about two bars. Just a little bend of the knees and up and down.… Read more »

16 years ago

Flynn has a great voice you have no idea hellboy..

On Sharing Space, Flynn experiments with melodies, singing styles, lyrics more so than what Maynard has done in the past 2 tool albums…

Maynard’s voice has gone to shit too..on the latest albums and more so live as late.

16 years ago

It’s a well known fact that Danny’s drum tech said that he has a friend who plays in a small unknown band whose a better drummer than Danny Carey. There are far more better drummers out there than he is. I recall Blair mentioning something to that affect as well in one of the tool posts some years ago..

16 years ago

Tomas Haake would absolutely destroy Danny Carey on stage…Danny can cheat with as many electronic pads/samples as he wants but Thomas would kill him even with one hand and one leg.

16 years ago

You find me “the best drummer ever” and I’ll find you a better one in some dark corner. Doesn’t mean Danny Carey’s shit. Been watching Cog on youtube. Good band. Liking it. Like the vocals too. His tone isn’t very pure, but I don’t think it’s horrible at all. The bassist has David Eden rig like me, so he must be smart. Thomas Haake is a fucking monster. Completely different drumming style though. As is Cogs drummer by the way. Cogs drummer sounds jazz influenced. Cheers for the heads up Doors. Don’t know why you feel the need to keep… Read more »

16 years ago

Just caught your edit there about the samples and pads. Heh!

You realise that Thomas Haake didn’t play a single beat for Catch 33? It’s all samples! Danny Carey and Thomas Haake both love to experiment. And they both have the skill that gives them the room to be able to do that effectively.

16 years ago

FifthSense the Just Visiting EP’s and The New Normal LP is a good starting point…

You’re on the money about Lucius (looks like you know your shit), he was a session drummer in the States so he played with the greats for quite some time in the late 90’s.

16 years ago

I have to say doors that you are one of the most retarded people that I have ever heard comment on Tool. Just saying that Danny Carey is underrated is absolutly the most stupid thing I have ever heard. All of the bands and musicans you mention are most certainly influenced by Tool.

charred remains
16 years ago


A year and a half later I check the comments and doors is STILL trolling, I’ve got to give that guy credit, he’s persistent and is still reasonably entertaining, though it would be much easier if he copied+pasted all his previous comments, because the lines are still the same.

Though this thread reminds me of Cog now… I still haven’t checked out Sharing Space. *grabs it*

16 years ago


A year and a half already?!

Time flies when you’re having fun…

16 years ago

Just my 2 cents: I think both Cog and Tool are great, I think they both put on excellent live shows but I enjoyed Tool’s far more, Maynard’s voice > Flynn’s (especially from what i’ve heard off Sharing Space, it’s almost whiney and uses to much effect, it puts me to sleep, i thought he was pretty good on New Normal though) Cog’s lyrics are shite 🙁 sorry, i wish it weren’t true; on New Normal they were nonsense (entertaining and engaging nonsense though) but from the songs i’ve heard from Sharing Space they seem to be self-important crap (example:… Read more »

16 years ago

haha.. Doors is at it again..

Going to see Cog live when they come to Rockhampton, and just to piss doors off im going to wear a Tool shirt.

And guys really, its music, someone somewhere is always going to hate what you love, get over it. Don’t defend the music you like, you don’t need to sell it to others who say it sucks, let the music do the ‘talking’, and if they don’t like it its not the end of the world.

Just ignor wankers who try to ‘open’ your eyes, you know what music you like… right?

16 years ago


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